Sunday, August 31, 2014


If it's not interesting, I'm not interested. Boring sucks up time, it is an abuse of an essential life element, the brain. I recall driving my grade school aged son to class one morning and while I drove, he gave me many a detail about a video game he liked to play. At first I did the polite thing, the mindless compulsory thing of feigning interest by saying ah huh, oh yes and then it hit me, he wasn't about to stop any time soon and the details kept coming incessantly and I was drowning in a sea of endless nothingness and I couldn't take it anymore! Than I said it, the unthinkable, I told him I was bored. I shared with my son that if he wanted to be in relationship with others, he had to take into consideration how the other person felt, if they were interested and if not, what would interest them in continuing the conversation? In coaching, there is something called bottom lining, a way to say what you mean without the story telling and rambling details that threaten to put others to sleep. If you are nodding off right now, it's time for you to stop reading this, I wouldn't want you to get bored!

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