Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fundamentals & Crystal Clear

Today I had coffee with a recent attendee of the first of five core curriculum courses that CTI (Coaches Training Institute) offers. The course is called Fundamentals and it is a taste of coaching with the lingering flavour of more after the experience as the participants see the world in a brand new way with possibilities helping to keep eyes, ears and hearts wide open. My hot beverage partner is aptly named Crystal...her vision is Crystal clear and her understanding of what she experienced and the benefits from the experiential learning took me back in time as I absorbed the details and her discoveries, remembering my first coaching course and the nervous excitement I felt when I first fell in love with the profession.  Mastery is the just out of reach goal for the novice and continues to be for the initiated. The delight with the profession is that perfect is never the goal for coach or client and the relief that comes with this knowledge is quite simply, freeing. Hierarchy does not exist either, with the view that each individual is brilliant and knowing in their own unique and wonderful ways and the gift herein is that a partnership can develop, not just between coach and client but EVERYWHERE there happens to be people. Power imbalance does not lend well to safety in relationship and the CTI coaching model adheres to the principal of speaking to the leader within each person we encounter, honouring them where they are NOW in their lives and remembering that we are all naturally creative resourceful and whole.  It takes time to shake old patterns, to remember that it is I, it is you, that is at choice at any given moment in time in our adult experience. Equality is claimed, offered, encouraged by coaches that believe in their clients vast abilities to self actualize and live on purpose, after clarifying what they want and often times, what they really DON'T want in their lives.  Coaching has changed my life, enriched it and continues to daily. I have my own powerful life affirming coach and I am blessed. Crystal McLachlen I am thrilled for you and I look forward to witnessing as you naturally, intelligently and intuitively move through core curriculum, certification, Leadership and beyond, helping people claim their lives one coaching session, one workshop one audience packed speech at a time~Crystal, this one is clearly dedicated to you, with admiration and affection. 

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