Friday, July 18, 2014


I see lies in the eyes of a stranger, you'll be living in danger~these words come from an old Ace of Base song, Living in Danger.  I was raised to suspect others, to be fearful of them, to lock my car doors while driving and check, check constantly, surveillance like for predators, rapists, murderers. That is the extreme and the more "subtle" part of my education was that "no one can be trusted". That's not me, that's NOT ME my soul has cried out. I like people, I believe in them, I want to be with them and share, love,  I have always looked for points of connection, how is that person over there similar to me, so that we can bond and I can feel connected with them, safe in their company and visa versa?  Safe, there is the word~I was taught fear, to feel unsafe, at risk. This fear has been a trap and contrasts sharply with my natural inclination to be wild and free, untethered and a rebel who sees truth, speaks truth, living with arms wide open for whatever and whomever comes my way. Built in is instinct and intuition, we all have this, natural safety alarm systems that say nay or yea to people, places, activities and things and I am learning to trust mine by listening, sensing, feeling.  Not everyone can be trusted and clearly, others are worthy of trust and so much more. This is the power of coaching, the self awareness becomes a heightened 6th sense of knowing me, knowing you.  One of the beautiful gifts in all of this is the differences, the knowing that I can be connected to others AND be so different from them, without fear of, of...REJECTION, which ultimately hurts and jeopardizes my sense of well being and safety.  There, I have said it now, it is out there and phew, that feels really great! I am losing my fear of rejection and along with this, the self protective mechanisms, the saboteurs, that would have me see other humans as threats, rather than beautiful beings created in Gods own image.  I accept the challenge of embracing differences and staying in relationship with others in a loving way, including with myself.

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