Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Ooooooow, it feels so good to be right, doesn't it?  I mean really, I have been invested in being right for sometime now and it's great going to bed at night with the comfort of righteousness as my pillow...until a little voice whispers consider this Linda, what if you are wrong, what if your perception is skewed, what if you were, pasted tense, right on a couple of items and didn't have the whole picture making you kinda right, kinda wrong and self righteous was well, a little extreme?  My world is getting bigger and brighter and expansive as I see that being right can interfer with relationship and while I do believe in Truth and not just MY truth, there are ways of seeing myself and others with the eyes of compassion. Looking back in time is helping me see what I need to do to heal my now, the relationships that I want to honour and count as precious, the people that God Almighty placed in my life not for me to teach them something but for them to teach me a thing or two. Becoming a wise sage means I must watch listen learn and heed the lessons. My older sister is a teacher and I have always admired her work ethic, her go get em in the face of adversity attitude. Her tenacity speaks volumes about her character and vision for her future as she works diligently to master her craft and speak life and encouragement to the youth that are her students.  I usurped her in many ways when we were young, with me as pony wanting to be a big horse. She let me have my way because she never wanted to compete and has always been a dedicated sister and admirer, proud of her siblings. This week I gave up being right because I had been wrong and the whisper in my head became a scream telling me now, now tell her...I'm sorry are the words I used and while she wanted to let me off the hook, big sister style, I stayed accountable and gave her her place, the older wiser one, the one God put in front of me to lead me, to follow me, to walk beside me. Healing is a gift, it requires listening to Spirit, the corrective voice of Peace amongst brothers and sisters, family. Today, my blood sister, I commemorate you. 

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