Monday, June 23, 2014

Wheat & Thorns

I'm travelling back in time to free my spirit. The Road Less Travelled by author Scott Peck stands out in my memory as the book of books, the one that challenges the reader to chase down thoughts, their origins, the seeds that sprouted and grew and became perspectives, all of this while a person, you and I, are unaware. Minds are fertile ground and many seeds are planted there and just as child grows into adolescent into adult, so do the seeds grow...whether thistle and thorn, weeping willow or mighty oak, seeds become a living manifestation of whatever is planted. This makes me feel subject to, as in choiceless and reactive and in my adulthood, I recognize that I resented much of what was planted in me, the play it safe and averageness of a rote existence, the predictability of it all and the massive boredom that accompanies the mundane routines, someone else's idea of what it means to live, a survival mode that is a slow death rather than a vibrant existence. I am fortunate, I have the luxury of complaint because of the thoughtfulness of others who like routine, who appreciate a schedule, who understand that getting things and getting things done have worth and value. Along side the seed of  wheat grew up the seed of a thorny spiky plant and as I go back in time, I am able to see both and appreciate how strongly rooted each were. Yes, I was subject to others, their ways, their planting of seeds AND, I too am a planter, a gardener in my own life and the lives of others. I am conscious, aware and at choice and I choose what when and where to plant. The soul has it's only language, the road less travelled is it's winding pathway through life and along the way, we get to sprinkle seeds of love and freedom were others may follow not far behind.

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