Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vulnerable Student

You can only be a teacher once you have been a student. This statement may seem rudimentary and yet, I find I am in the position of reminding myself of how much I have yet to learn.  As an adult learner, I resist this vulnerable feeling that goes with the old system of being subject (read student) to another (read teacher) teaching model and as I write, I recognize that being a student at my age is a choice, not a societal imposition.  There is no forcing or cajoling to my education, it is of my own choosing and resisting the lessons means I fail me.  I had lunch today with two people who shine the light and love of God from their eyes and who speak kindness and compassion with purity as the well spring of their words. I listened and in a moment of clarity realized that if I'm as smart as I think I am, I would choose to continue to listen and learn from theses very wise people who have experienced life with all of its upheavals and challenges with faithful tenacity.  The weak part of me wants to fane strength, to show the world that I have all the answers and I am a resource for many, a teacher in my own right. The strong part of me admits that I am weak, strong, learning, a teacher, a listener and a speaker, a student of life and an open vessel for God to work through with or without my human frailty, temptation, and ego driven words, attitudes and actions.  The more I believe in Thee, the less I believe in me~these words come from a Proclaimers song and they are my reminder to get out of my own way and follow God where he would lead.  Behind the scenes, love is working overtime, unnoticed and unpaid. Today I listened and heard and I'm a little wiser for it. This is dedicated to my new and delightful friends, Melanie and Glen Wade~You have inspired me and grown my faith. May the Light of Christ continue to shine on you and through you, much love to you both, Linda.

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