Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Heaven Bound

I have been playing with the idea that urges are a divine prompting, that the world is awash in cosmic breadcrumbs and that following Spirit is the quintessential way to ones own life purpose. During Natures Horse, a coaching workshop with horses, I observed my pony Taffy in his herd. He followed closely behind a horse named Spirit and I could not take my eyes from him. My thought was why is Taffy following Spirit and this became an echo in my head until the why part of the question dropped off and the refrain became following Spirit, following Spirit...oh, I get it, folllllowwwwing Spirit. I am learning what is my own, what is outside of me and when I am still, I hear Spirit whisper, urge and quietly drop breadcrumbs for me to see as they sparkle and shimmer and bid me to come follow.  My energy, unchecked, can be a wild pony, drawing my attention this way and that, throwing me off course and far away from the path my God has cleared for me. I am free to take the path, which ever one I want and when I choose to follow Spirit, it is in obedience to the Wisdom that I know leads me home, Heaven bound.

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