Saturday, June 14, 2014

Leadership an Acid Bath & Soul Exfoliant

I am enrolled in a Leadership Program hosted by The Coaches Training Institute. It consists of four retreats spaced out over a span of ten months and without going into detail, it is a mighty powerful vehicle for learning about self, others and so much more. I received some outstanding coaching this week from two CTI trained coaches, Suzanne Gavin and Julie Veitch and the FREEDOM that comes from having been coached is invaluable. During my session today, many saboteurs were uncovered and named for me and my intuitive coach, Julie, saw an umbrella saboteur that I named "if I just" covering a whole tribe (we laughed when she labelled the hord of saboteurs a tribe). You know how the if I just statements go, don't you?  If I just try harder...if I just say/do the right thing...if I just shut up/tone it down/play nice...if I just is never ending. Coaching is an amazing event when received and one of the awareness' coaches are trained in is spotting and catching as it were, would be saboteurs, the voices in our heads that warn of danger and subsequently recommend status quo. Coaches want more than status quo for clients and as a client takes bold steps toward self actualization and dream fulfillment, the saboteurs become emboldened too, and many come out to wreak havoc in the life of the hero of the story, that is me, or you~we are the heros in our own life stories, wanting to live full and free lives of adventure, fun and on purpose.  Now, to return to tribe of saboteurs, they came out in full force today, tag teaming their attack~they are The Rescuer, Hairy Bastard, Pounce, Accomodating and The Offender~their presence is a great indicator that I am moving forward and they will not hold sway in keeping me back or still. Leadership is like an acid bath & soul exfoliate. It is designed to slowly wash, than scrub away the build up of dirt and layers of mud slung at us over the span of a lifetime.  It is slow and steady and if it were not, it would be a violation of the spirit, stripping us bare of our immunities (our defence mechanisms) far to rapidly for survival.  The Gap, the inbetween retreat time, that is when the exfoliation occurs and the cleansing and purging allow for bright new growth.  Light Shining Brilliance is the reward of being dipped periodically and than removed, from the acid.

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