Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ego Be Damned

Humility as a strength is what I am investigating, the essence of which may not be captured in the written word and yet, I have witnessed its soft glow and it's radiant warmth from many and my Saviour epitomizes this seemingly vulnerable strength.  Not my will, thine my need to be valuable, useful, have my existence be meaningful I have endeavoured to learn and than teach what I have learned, at times forcing my hand with the idea that I have the answers and I can rescue others from pain by guiding them to MY solution for THEIR problem.  Haha, I laugh at the imagine of me chasing people and me yelling "hey, hey you, I know I can help you, hey, slow down, why you running so fast for goodness sakes, I have something HUGE to teach you!"  Thankfully, I can laugh about this and I am so grateful for the knowledge, the Truth, that everyone is naturally created as whole, imbued with a blueprint for solutions and problem solving and Gods accessible wisdom if only they chose to seek, find, ask. Jesus didn't chase down people to teach, He was followed. Jesus never gave advise, He answered questions and spoke Truth, even when He knew that wasn't what people wanted to hear.  Jesus wasn't in a popularity contest, He had a message, a clearly defined life purpose statement, a mandate from His Father in Heaven and He modelled humility each time He bowed His head, God Himself, bowed His head in reverence and prayed Thy will not mine. With the forces of good and evil at His finger tips, He chose to humble himself for the sake of others, no claim to fame, pure love in action. Ego be damned...

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