Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wellness is No Accident

I have a joke I tell people when they ask me how it is that I am so fit:  as I gesture with a hand sweep from my neck downward toward the floor, I say "this is no accident".  Nothing done with purpose is an accident and results are a natural outcome from consciousness~from choosing.  Adults are on purpose learners, in other words, when adults want something, they investigate ways of getting the something and intentionally go in that direction.  Nothing is mission impossible and this truth is in the old saying "if I can do it, so can you". The do it part is the easy part AFTER the choosing part. What do you want?  What are you willing to do to have it, get it, be it?  Happiness, joy, faith, love, wellness, fitness, these are no accidental events, they are choices. 

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