Friday, April 25, 2014

Peace Transcends Understanding

Eminent threat, warning, attack may occur so get those hackles up~you are now entering a danger zone of unsure origins and secret pathways with scary monsters standing at the ready to grab at you, claw away what isn't theirs, it is something that belongs to you and you must hold on for dear life because if they get their grabby grubby hands on it, they will treat it roughly, with disregard, destroy it...and you won't be able to get it back again.  What is the it that must be protected from others?  I'm not sure what your "it" is but I know mine is autonomy, I don't like being told what to do.  Lately I have been noticing my own immediate reactions and those of others in my life and what I have observed is that it would appear humans are a threat, to other humans.  With my attachment to autonomy, my fight or flight radar goes into red alert at the strangest times and while I believe intuition is a powerful tool, I don't appreciate the somatic reactions that go with this natural protective mechanism. That had me wondering, how long have these automatic responses been in place?  I must have needed them at one point in time, and do I still?  Is there an eminent threat, or is this a twisted perception, a defensive mechanism gone rogue?  Here was the biggest question for me: Do I WANT to view the words, actions, reactions of others as an eminent threat to my well being?  Is fight or flight the boss of me and what can I do, what new way of seeing the world and it's super cool humans can I take with me everywhere I go?  I have read more than once recently, be hard on issues, soft on people~I like this, it sounds and feels right and it means that when intimate relationship goes sideways, when strangers misunderstand and miscommunicated, when intentions are checked and clarity is sought after rather than each person going to their corner to come out fighting to protect themselves, the door opens to a peaceful harmony, first in me AND than it shows up in how I interact with the world.  I am not a threat, I come in Peace~May the Peace that transcends all understanding, also be with you. 

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