Saturday, April 5, 2014


Spin, spin...I'm a spin doctor, and so are you.  I can set the mood, kill the mood, elevate the mood, depress it, escape from it, move into it, separate myself from it, yeah, I am THAT powerful and everyone in my life knows this because I have so much energy that I am IMPACTFUL.  Does this sound like an ego trip?  You take this trip with me, let's see if you too, are impactful. Have you ever joined a group of people that clearly were bored and within minutes of you entering the space, they became happier?  How about the opposite, the joy was tangible and after your grand entrance, the group became quiet, reserved, tentative? Oh come on, it's not just me, you have the power too, to shift and shape and move wave like, the energy in a space and of course, the energy in others. Too much evidence points in the direction of this as truth for it to be deniable. It is only and always insecurity that keeps us from our powerful impactful selves.  Try this as an experiment~disassociate  yourself from you by deciding what your impact will be on others before joining a group, by picking your mood (you CAN pick your mood, it is a choice we all have) and than observer like, see how others respond to you. If you are happy, are they receptive by smiling and sharing, sad, do they become melancholy, hyper, do they get energized?  Here's my point:  YOU can shape your world, you DON'T have to react to it, you can call the shots!  Try it, maybe you will be surprised and the people in your life delighted and perhaps they too will learn to take bold steps in shaping their own lives and the world around them.  Go on, you have good intentions, be a change agent and have crazy fun creating the life you want to live, RIGHT more waiting.

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