Wednesday, April 9, 2014

God Isn't Mean

The result of the first rebellion against Gods will is that evil was implanted in human hearts. Genesis explains that the worlds evil does not come from some defect in Gods creation, it comes from mans rejection of Gods plan for his created beings. If God were an umbrella and his children wanted to stay dry, it would behoove them to stay under the protective covering~instead, Adam and Eve decided to go against Gods advisement and in so doing, they and we as direct descendants, have had to brave the storm so to speak, ever since. Consequence is a natural law, cause and effect exists and we have all experienced the "if I do this, that will happen" in life and this law holds true in relationship with God. His offering was parental, protective, a covering and a supplying of all good things for human pleasure and liveliness.  Man and woman chose, using freedom of will, to reject Gods offer in favour of something else...would you and I have done the same?  Results and effects?  Humans no longer recognize Gods presence, his authority; there is shame, fractured relationships with God and other humans; estrangement from the rest of creation and death.  The gifts were rescinded, not because God is mean, but because man didn't recognize a good thing when he saw it, felt it, had it already...Until next time in the Bible.

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