Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Voting for Hitler

I have some extreme thoughts and feelings that make my heart race and my stomach flip. I have images of young men raising their arms in unison, saluting, if that is what I must call it, a man that made a deal with the devil, agreeing to kill; to kill, dear reader. This takes my breath away, makes my nose tingle, and my eyes fill with tears of terror and sorrow, mixed into a chemical mess running down my face. My soul cannot comprehend killing, and that is what I must address with you, because murder is afoot, killers have agreed to commit the crime, and just like the Fuhrer, men and woman have sold their souls in contract with Lucifer, binding themselves to his conditions, which includes exterminating humans. 

The darkness has been brought to light, over and over again. In the extremities of this existence, we see humans behaving like demons. People are demonically animated, and that is what makes them inhumane and capable of cruelty. 

Hitler demanded what he commanded, and his foot soldiers did his bidding. He killed Jews, but before this he targeted the disabled and vulnerable. Satan, and his helpers, are equal opportunity killers; they don't discriminate. When Hitler smelled treason, he didn't hesitate to kill the men that worked by his side. When the devil was done with Hitler, because do recall, he is an equal opportunity killer, Hitler reportedly shot himself, preferring not to face the discordant music that awaited him if he were to survive. Back then, he would have been executed for his crimes against humanity, but not so today ... Hitler, like the current "world leaders" that pushed lethal poison on the populace, would walk freely among us, as though he were an untouchable; never held accountable for his wicked murderous ways. Hitler had his time to do his dastardly deeds, and so did all those that had murder in their hearts. If it takes a village to raise it child, it takes an army to destroy whole communities. Bloody hands and consciences are numerous, isn't that so, dear one?

I am beating a drum I cannot take my hands from. I see people saluting killers, colluding with them, praising and lauding and applauding as though they haven't done a thing wrong? How can this be, my mind asks. If death has visited your family and stolen away one of your relatives, as a result of them having been injected, I ask, What kind of traitor are you, when you consider voting for an obvious poison pusher? It took many a loyal to the devil soldier to kill millions of people in Germany, and in Albania, where my father was born, and perhaps in the country where your ancestors resided. Call it fascism, socialism, communism, or the new spin from students of Marxism, the indoctrinated graduates from university, capitalism (my goodness, "educators" have done a marvellous job of reworking words to make them opposites of their originals - a sign, dear reader, of demonic infiltration into the school systems), but what it really is, is Satanism. 

I shake, I tremble, and my stomach flips once more, as I type. I am nervous for souls, truly frightened for them, because blindness has become a contagion. Saluting any of the current world governors is an act of treason against God Almighty. If I sound dramatic, then perhaps you are not taking seriously, your own contribution to the current and future demise of the human race. Anyone and everyone that wore a mask and told people to get injected, repeatedly, is doing the devils bidding; and they sold their souls collectively as mercenaries. There is an indisputable fact that I hope you consider immediately: out of the mouths of these killers, come the words, vaccine, over and over again. They are onto something, and like dogs that find a bone on the street, and grip it tightly in their teeth, they will snarl if someone tries to take it from them. They like that injections are so well received by the masses, and they like that people do their deadly bidding without thinking, without resistance, without an ounce of self-awareness or control. 

The word, the name, Hitler, is nails on the chalkboard awful. There are other names that belong to world leaders that are being added to this one, that will go down in history as those that filled the cup of iniquity to the brim, bringing us closer to the end of humanity on this plane of existence. I pray yours will not be added to the growing list, as a comrade-in-wicked-arms. There are only two options for each of us, dear reader, and we must decide, using godly discernment, who we stand-by, defend, and fight for. 

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

NOTE: The poison pushers have never said anything close to, I am sorry, I was wrong, Please forgive me. Make of this what you will, while I point out to you that regret, remorse, and sorrow, belong to those that know they have wounded others. When someone does not feel regret and remorse, they are clearly, incapable of empathy: an inability to feel and express empathy, is a sign that a person belongs to the devil. 

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