Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Politicians, Poison, & Prayer

The phone has been ringing and when I answer, some poor sap on the other end is calling to inquire whether or not I can be counted on, to vote for the wretched person they are campaigning on behalf of. Well, since you asked ... I will tell you exactly what I think of the person you are calling about, and you may not like it, in fact, you might choose, in your exhaustion, to hang-up on me (this happened just last night). 

My memory isn't short, in fact it runs all the way back to 2020. Do you recall the events of 2020, dear reader? That was the designated year to pull the gigantic plug on the entire world. One might think that wicked conniving human beings accomplished this grand feat, but I have to give credit where credit is due, and tell you that God Almighty yanked the cord that had us plugged into our devices, our bank accounts, our pain avoidant pleasure seeking ways. Full stop, we all rushed into a massive grinding halt, a halt that felt rudely abrupt. I praise God Almighty now, for what I could not understand five years ago. 

Think with me, how valuable it is to have God sort for us, have God impose a time-out, when and wherein, we are made to choose, to access, to evaluate what matters most to us, and more importantly, to drop to our knees in urgent prayer, pleading for mercy from the God whose mercy endures forever. 

I begged God to keep my people, the people I love, from falling for the fraud being perpetrated. I have begged for healing for my people, the people I love, that are suffering, and one that was dying and has since left terra firma. In deep sorrow, envisioning what is now occurring world wide, I have wept; and I have not forgotten. 

I have not forgotten what the politicians did, the players that discharged their dastardly worst, to impose their influence in order to cajole the masses into doing their bidding, by following their feigned measures: wearing masks and getting pretend injections - all this with the desire to trick people into lining up for the real version of the shots, that injure, maim, and cause death. The divide and conquer plan was expertly implemented, and the poor lambs that were unaware and mesmerized, were deftly led to the slaughter, so to speak. And a slaughter it has been, isn't that right, dear reader? Do you go a day without hearing of someone you know, or used to know, having died suddenly or unexpectedly? 

The politicians pushed poison on the populace. I haven't forgotten, and when I get a phone call asking me to vote for this guy or that gal, I recall images of them in their ugly masks, masquerading as servants of their constituents; alas, they played a role in mass murder, and should I, vote for someone, like that? 

What do you think? Should you, vote for someone, like that?

People have asked me, So what is your solution then, if you aren't voting for anyone? My answer is prayer. You read that correctly. When the ancient Israelites had dug themselves a deep and filthy hole by whoring themselves shamelessly, worshipping idols and man made deities, they forsook their covenant relationship with God. There is always a remnant, a very small, count on your fingers number of faithfuls, that cling to God as their Sovereign, as their Saviour, and their Deliverer. They, dear reader, are the ones that beseech and plead and constantly request mercy, and relief from oppression. 

Wicked governments are as common as dirt, and there have always been consequences for the people that follow their leaders into dark and dank places. In my city, occult images are popular and prominently displayed, and there is nothing new to see here, since the very same things were displayed proudly, and openly, in the civilizations of old. Except, the Israelites were supposed to be uniquely different from their neighbours, and Christians are supposed to be uniquely different too, from false religion proponents. Alas, we are living to see full blown apostasy, but dear reader, I refuse to join the growing crowd of Christ haters. If you do not live for, and love, Jesus, as your Saviour, then your are one of the other guys, on team Satan, whether you think you are or not: it is that plain. 

I am praying for repentance and redemption, not ruin, for those that do not know that their lives belong to God Almighty. I won't be voting for any masked men or women, but I will hope for them, to suddenly get struck by a lighting bolt of blinding truth, that will turn them into Christ followers. That's the very best I can offer anyone. 

No to politics, no to poison, yes to prayer. That is my formula, and I encourage you to take up arms of the spiritual variety to combat the times we are in, so that perhaps you can play a very small role in someone's salvation story. 

1 Timothy 2:1-4
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 

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