Monday, March 3, 2025

Sheepish Wolf?


I howl at the moon and hunt by night, sniffing the air, finding my prey without sight. The scent is strong and my nostrils flare; I can taste flesh before my canines sink in. My teeth glisten in the moonlight as saliva drips from my barred fangs. I am ready to sample and next, to satisfy and satiate my ravenous hunger. 

I am wolf and I do wolfish things: it is my nature to be as wolfy as I possibly can be, and why not? It makes no sense to me to act otherwise. You can pretend to yourself that I am tameable, that you can dress me up in different clothing and make-believe I am some other breed of animal, but you only kid yourself, trick yourself. You cannot change me no matter what you want, no matter how hard you try. I am wolf. 

Misfit artist
A friend of mine artfully created the insightful picture I included in this piece of writing. She has a brilliant mind, and has always been somewhat of a misfit; she can see the ridiculous and strange, and is able to capture it in cartoon fashion. We are all pretenders, until we figure out our true nature, and stop the play acting. We must figure out who we are and what we are about, and from there, live as honestly as we possibly can.
Donald Trump is a wolf
Donald Trump is a wolf, and he doesn't pretend otherwise. Oh sure, he periodically says what he thinks little piggies and cuddly sheep want to hear, but ultimately, he is very honest about his intentions, because he knows who he is and what he is about ... it is the susceptible and naive amongst us that do not see his barred, fanged teeth. 

I suggest to you here and now, that if you adore the Don, you have put him in a sheepish outfit that clearly, is not a match for the man. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Donald Trump is a vaccine peddler, a killer that people put in disguise. He speaks violence and threat, and it behooves us to really see, to really hear, and not place him in a costume to protect his identify from our own wounded minds. 

Compare Christ, forgive me Lord, to Donald Trump, or any of the filthy mouthed politicians that hold audience with great arrogance. This must be our measure, dear reader, we must see Jesus Christ before us every moment of the day, so that the lies and liars look starkly ugly, while our Lord radiates wisdom, compassion, mercy, kindness, love, and devotion to his people; we must know him as the Sovereign. Jesus is the Author of life, while wolves in sheep's clothing want nothing less, then to devour whole, the flock of the living God. 

This day, and the days ahead, added to the days that have already pasted, accumulate, and so do the crimes and sins committed. We shall see more and more of the fanged, glistening teeth, barred for savagery as the year marches forward. Real wolves kill to eat. Human wolves kill for pleasure: it delights them to destroy, dear reader, and if you do not see this yet, you will. I pray you see it sooner than later, because it would be quite a horror for you to one day realize, that rather then glorifying Jesus as Lord, you gave your mind and heart to a mere, murderous, man. 

Ezekiel 22:27
Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain

Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves

God wants us to be aware:

Luke 10:3
Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves

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