Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Some @sshole Part Two

Thou shalt not...

Wouldn't cha know it, dear reader, @ssholes abound, in fact, you are probably related to a bunch of them, or have them as supposed friends: maybe a neighbour or two qualify for this A rating? 

After the writing piece I posted yesterday, my friend and I had a mini-conference via a telephone call. My pal was vastly entertained that I had captured our previous conversation in the blog entitled: Some A**hole. This is a sequel of sorts, about boundaries, the kind that God labelled COMMANDMENTS, that promptly got broken by some of our more famous ancestors, namely, Adam and Eve, followed by their man children, Cain and Abel. Their first sins of disobedience got the proverbial rotten apple rolling, and it has been down hill for humanity ever since. 

NOTE: The scenario I present below is my version of the fiasco that occurred in Eden. A cavalier approach to applying God's will to our lives may be learned behaviour, that needs to be kiboshed. God does not suffer fools, and we ought to keep this in mind when we consider going against his commands. 

Apples and Trees

Heavenly Voice: Hey lady, HEY LADY! What the heck are you doing? Do NOT take a bite, I am warning you, drop that fruit! I forbid you! Are you listening to me?

Female Fruit Biter: What is the big deal HV (Heavenly Voice)? I wanna know what you know, and besides, I have tried everything else around here. I want a little variety, a taste of something different. Hubby, try this!

Male Accomplice: Ok... tasty... no wait, um, was there a worm in there? Something doesn't seem quite right. Oh my gosh, I am NAKED... holy molly, Hon, put some CLOTHES on for goodness sakes! 

Dear reader, if life was a comedy, the scenario above might prove to be entertaining, but alas, the apple does not fall far from the father and mother tree, and after the first sin, the first disobedience, the first turning away from God's commands occurred, it didn't take long for a certain son named Cain, to murder his innocent brother. 

Cain: Abel, shall we go for a little walk? I want show you the field I have been working in

Abel: Sure thing bro, let me just get my staff, and off we go

Cain: I hate you, you goody goody god pleaser

Abel: What are you doing, Cain, get away from me! Seriously CAIN, STOP


This isn't the end of the story, of course, it is only the beginning. Innocent to willfully guilty, is a transition we humans make readily, and often times with very little hesitation. Eating forbidden fruit (adultery, fornication, homosexuality), and or wanting to kill or somehow hurt someone you hate, envy, are jealous of, resent: these are sins of the most common variety. The battle to refrain from indulging starts when our emotions try to convince us that certain behaviours or activities, aren't really bad, in and of themselves, especially if they hurt no one, or are done because the other person deserves the retaliation we want to unleash... and yet, the things that are the most hurtful to others, are the very things God has forbidden us to do! 

It is a lie to say secret sin is harmless. Each time you and I disobey God, we open the door to our own injury, and potential collateral damage to those around us. Just look at the mess, the carnage caused, from all the lies bought and sold wholesale, that endorsed devils to dose an unsuspecting populace. Abel did NOT anticipate being the first murder victim. Abel could NOT have foreseen that his brother hated him with such passion that he would take his life. What kind of monster kills an innocent person, let alone their own blood relative?

Hey reader, HEY READER, you are my blood relative! And so is that fella over there, and that babe in arms across the pond, and the sweet little old man eating his chocolate dipped donut at Tim's. What you do, what I do, has the potential to cause injury to another... there are some @ssholes that revel in causing mischief and harm, and they are currently on the loose. 

Last night a close friend of mine and I went out for a little shopping fun. While at the till, we witnessed a customer one cash register over, that appeared to be attempting to get a refund from the staff, for items she could not prove she had purchased at the store. The tension was thick, and the staff managed to maintain their cool, professional demeanour ~ the fraudster was mumbling to herself, looking around, fidgeting ~ but it was very clear that they were dealing with a scam artist, a liar that wanted to defraud the store of money. Now think with me, how they must have felt... knowing someone is lying and attempting to steal, how would it be for them, if they gave in, acquiescing by giving the woman the amount, as a refund, designated by the sticker still affixed on the product bag?

🔥 How would you feel, giving money away, that does not belong to you?
🔥 How would you feel, letting someone get away with lying to your face, tricking you up front, and giving in to their demands?

🔥🔥 Isn't that what has happened, all over the world, dear reader? Many someone's (read hand picked, selected based on wickedness factors, and placed government persons) have given away our money, our property, our personal investments, our holy heritage, without any shame or regret: just like Cain, thieves and killers feel no pain and suffering for their victims.

🔥🔥 I will answer this second question, dear one. There are people that like Abel, (who did not have the slightest clue that evil was afoot, when his brother designed to take his life) that are so kind, so sweet, and so disinclined to hurt anyone, that they would never in a million millennium, consider that malice exists. They simply don't understand that some people really are keen on being froward (this is NOT a misspelling: froward means a person that is difficult to deal with, contrary). This is why Jesus spoke about lambs so often, and the term lambs to slaughter is used to describe a creature that cannot comprehend cruelty, even when threatened or just before knife meets jugular. 

Last night, I asked our cashier about the woman that tried to get away with stealing. One of the things she stated was, When prices go up, it affects everyone... she was pointing out that someone has to pay for the someones's that commit crime, and I will be darned if I haven't made my point, here, at the end of our time together, that sin is never kept a secret for singles to benefit from, it impacts not only you or me as individuals, but hurts humanity as a whole. This is why we must BRING MORALS, Biblically sound ten commandment principles for living, back into fashion, dear one! 

We can complain, belly-ache and moan, about what isn't right in the world, and that is reasonable, considering all that truly is rancid and wrong currently, but then I would ask you to cut that out. Stop that right now, and look at the fruit you are eating that is is forbidden and bad for you. 

🍎 Are you contributing to the corruption?
🍏 Are you a bad apple with a worm in it?
🍎 Are you wanting others to collude with you when you sin?

What are you doing over there, mister/misses? 

I think we are done here. There probably won't be a part three to this mini series. Until next time, dear reader:

May the fruit you eat be from the tree of life, when next you meet your Maker. 


  1. None of this evil should surprise us. Satan is the father of lies and deceit and also of death. The thing that surprises me is that so many "intelligent" people fell for the insanity. And then to top it off way too many so called Christians fell for it too. Those who should have known better and know how Satan deceives and uses his accomplices here on earth were used by Satan just as much if not more. It's nauseating to me. And they're lining up for the next round already.

    1. Death by flu shot is now happening... I don't know about you Bob, but the circling in is getting closer... meaning, closer to home, as I hear stories from friends that have relatives that are in a bad way health wise... I guess real Christians need to stand up, and then quickly dropped to their knees pleading with the Father for souls. Tick tock goes the eternal clock, and many will die without knowing Jesus as their Saviour. Intercessors need not apply for the prayer work required.

      God help us all, LGB

  2. I fortunately don't know of anyone in my extended family that has taken any of the gene altering bio injections and same with the flu shots. I guess we all have a base of distrust in governments and "medical professionals" almost to the point where we do the opposite to be safe. Now in family by marriage it's a slightly different story but still do not know of any serious effects, YET. I'm so thankful for you and your exposing the lies and sending out the truth.
