Thursday, January 11, 2024


Well now, you have to admit, dear reader, that there is much to point to that has become obvious. 

1 People are sick, and strangely so. What once was uncommon, is now as common as dirt. Turbo cancers in twenty year olds, heart attacks and strokes in adolescents and children; sepsis and extremities turning black; brain tumours; blood clots deluxe. Odd brain fog and headaches, man alive, all the headaches...

2. Deaths, funerals, burials, cremation. I am calling 2024 the year of death. I am not "prophesying" anything, nor am I inclined to believe I have extraordinary, finely tuned abilities that have set me apart from anyone else, enabling me to predict the future. Oh no, not at all. 

What I do have is deductive reasoning working in my favour. You know, the old, cause and effect equation that follows us around and screams, This happened because of that. Now I admit, sometimes missing information can bring us to the door of duped, as in we didn't have all the facts, and based on what we saw before us, we came to the wrong conclusion. That happens, however... I am inclined to be plain here regarding cause and effect:

Ingested, injected, inhaled, absorbed POISON = vomiting, cancer, heart attack, breathing difficulties, convulsions, seizures, stroke, bad circulation, organ failure, tumours, blood clots, brain fog, headaches etc etc.  

I am not a statistician, physician, politician... I am one of many people hearing story after story, and many of them are nightmarish in the ghoulish details, of people having strange illnesses, being "treated" for said "conditions" (please forgive all the air quotes: what is happening is unnatural, and any treatment given to the sick is a desperate attempt to reclaim original design and functioning of the human body, so I approach with scepticism, all things medical that might "fix" what's broken), suffering, and dying anyway. 

Oh, and then there is sadly this: dying suddenly is now trending, a horrifying thing to state and acknowledge as a writer. 

What is obvious to me, may not be to you, unless of course you too, had a sense of foreboding, when the power plug was pulled globally, back in 2020? I recall the day, and nothing has been the same since then. As a harbinger, I squawked, squealed, shouted, practically jumped up and down, desperately trying to warn, to persuade, to dissuaded, to stop what apparently, was the inevitable. In a trance, magnetically, the masses were drawn to do what eventually, would be their own undoing. This is the double edged sword of free will. We can choose our own wellness, or our own illness and demise. Ultimately God gives and takes life, but while we have breath, we choose our poison or our medicine (eating from nature and physical activity).   

Dear reader, we are living eventually. Our now is the outcome of the choices millions, perhaps billions made, that did not serve them well, and we are seeing the repercussions, the fallout, the obvious outcomes of: ingested, injected, inhaled, absorbed POISON.

So, dear reader, you may be asking, where does this leave us? Whatever are we to do? As a one trick pony, I only have one suggestion. Go to God. God is Redeemer, Healer, Helper, Wonderful, Counsellor. I am not saying he will cure the body necessarily, although nothing is beyond him and he can undo what we have done, if he so chooses, I am more interested in suggesting that if your soul is sick, he is the balm, the cure, the hand that soothes and makes whole again. 

Death is inevitable and undeniable. You body isn't a forever thing, and will fail you no matter how strong you may feel at the moment. Your spirit though, has the substance, the essence, of eternity, and magnificently moves you in the life you lead. Without your spirit, you would not be animated! Now think of where you would like to spend your future, once the tent you reside in is no more. 

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7)

All belongs to God, dear reader. The shell we are in is his too, but we treat our bodies with such distain, despite them being on loan, as temporary housing for the soul. If you haven't come to the very same conclusion yet, dear one, I pray you do, and soon. A storm is coming, the whirlwind will whip, and the losses will accumulate.

I pray Jesus is your haven and that eventually, heaven will be your home. May God richly bless you. 


  1. We all know hearing of so many who have died and are now hearing more and more each day. And it's only by word of mouth because the media and governments will never let the real truth out.
    What I do find hilarious in all of this is the brain fog. It has become more evident when you drive around. People sitting at green lights for an extra couple of seconds until they can process the fact the light has changed. Even my 5 year old grandson notices and when someone doesn't move and just sits there when the light changes he always says "take another shot".

    1. Oh my, the little guy is very observant, and a little sarcastic too... where did THAT come from 😂 pray tell?

      I have been hearing about psychotic breaks... this is very alarming to say the least, and has me worried because people, as you point out, are driving, and we are driving right along side them. I have yet to see an unfortunate event personally, and I hope never to, but we are bound to see some shot outcomes that will mark our memories with sadness.

      Sigh, more prayer is required than ever before. CIAO Bob, and HELLO to Lynn, LGB
