Saturday, January 13, 2024

Reformation or Revival

We are under God's judgment, dear reader. What was is no more, as far as the eye can see and the soul can discern. Studying the Bible affords us great insights into the minds and hearts of our human forerunners, and all the things they were inclined toward, we are too, namely: 

1 rejecting the living God in favour of self-indulgent disobedience; or
turning to him as King of our lives, and living according to his will; and
3 the murky in between: we have all visited there for a time, and perhaps a time and a half too? The Bible calls this being lukewarm...

The above brings us soundly to my topic, of reformation or revival? 

Reformation is a reforming of our minds in accordance with the Word of God and his Holy Spirit through Christ our Lord. A person can believe in God, show signs of faith, but lack that certain something that demonstrates complete commitment to the cause of Christianity. There is a semblance without substance. Perhaps this is you, or someone you know? The idea of Jesus is appealing, but really getting to know him requires Biblical study, applying what you learn, and living a life beyond reproach, RE FORMED in HIS image! Are you willing to do this, dear reader?

Revival is something many a Christian hopes and prays for. Those that belong to the Saviour have the same desires, they want none to be lost. Revival is still preached, but for me, the concept has a staleness, like old moldy bread, that harkens to the glory days before 2020... before nearly the whole world turned their backs on God's Providence and provision, in favour of taking into their own hands, their health, wealth, and spiritual well-being. As I pointed out above, there is 1 self-indulgent disobedience, 2 the turning to God as our king and living according to his will, and 3 the murky in between.

The point I am desirous of making, is that if you have an inclination toward loving Jesus, and perhaps you regret not knowing him better, before the world tilted sideways in 2020, dropping many a human to their eternal demise, then maybe you are ready to be reformed. Maybe, just maybe, you trusted yourself and your own strength to muscle through the last couple of years, and you have become weakened as a result... maybe you need to reconcile yourself NOW, to God and his will for you.

Since a good friend of mine and I see revival differently, I thought I would look up what the Bible has to say on the matter, and whether or not revival or even reformation were words used in the ancient book of wisdom. I landed on a Scripture verse that had me seeing a little more clearly...

Isaiah 57:15
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones

I love so much about the verse above! 


God is the high and lofty One, that inhabits eternity
● His name is Holy
● He dwells in the high and holy place
● With him also that is of contrite and humble spirit (a reference to God's saints)
● To REVIVE the spirit of the humble
● To REVIVE the heart of the contrite ones

God inhabits eternity, is high and lofty, the Only God, is Holy and wants to revive the spirits of the humble and contrite, because dang, dear reader, we have been shocked, stupefied, stunned, and all but silenced into stupor over what we have seen and heard. The faithful remain stedfast no matter the circumstances, but man alive, we sometimes wonder what soul shrinking event will happen next and; can we take much more of the abominations we keep witnessing? 

I am willing to throw away the concepts of reformation and or revival in favour of looking daily to scripture, and discovering there the heart of God for his people. My sweet friend and I, we know to whom we turn when our spirit is troubled: worldly wisdom doesn't hold a candle to The Word of Truth. I have been revived many a time, and I know God wants to revive those that are humble in spirit and contrite of heart... if this is you, go to the One God of the Bible, and learn who he is, and who you can be too.

You can look up scripture solo, dear reader! Start your own study with inquiries that need to be satisfied with answers. I do believe you will travel many a marvellous path on the road to Damascus, and into the Promised Land that is described as our heavenly Canaan. 

I bid you happy reading, and hardy learning. 

1 Thessalonians 2:13 
For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.


  1. I like a third "R". Rapture. I can't see God putting up with this insanity much longer. I believe we will be meeting up with Him in the clouds very soon. Like I've told many, better get your eternal affairs in order. The opportunities are fading fast. Now is the time for salvation.

    1. It can be heart rending to witness all the meanness of spirit and the destruction of the innocent. I have never been one to wish for Jesus to come any time soon, or for the end to occur, but lately, I am thinking differently. I am not a rapture believer, as you know Bob, but I will be more than content to meet my maker and spend eternity with him in paradise. His timing, as always, is perfect... and so we wait and anticipate all he will do between now and then!

      Ciao for now friend, LGB
