- A stitch in time saves nine
- A penny saved is a penny earned
- Your worry doesn't mean I hurry (I think this is mine?)
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
- Your as soon as possible (asap) is not my emergency
- Waste not, want not
- Act in haste, repent at leisure
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Act In Haste... Fools Rush In
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Some @sshole Part Two
Wouldn't cha know it, dear reader, @ssholes abound, in fact, you are probably related to a bunch of them, or have them as supposed friends: maybe a neighbour or two qualify for this A rating?
After the writing piece I posted yesterday, my friend and I had a mini-conference via a telephone call. My pal was vastly entertained that I had captured our previous conversation in the blog entitled: Some A**hole. This is a sequel of sorts, about boundaries, the kind that God labelled COMMANDMENTS, that promptly got broken by some of our more famous ancestors, namely, Adam and Eve, followed by their man children, Cain and Abel. Their first sins of disobedience got the proverbial rotten apple rolling, and it has been down hill for humanity ever since.
NOTE: The scenario I present below is my version of the fiasco that occurred in Eden. A cavalier approach to applying God's will to our lives may be learned behaviour, that needs to be kiboshed. God does not suffer fools, and we ought to keep this in mind when we consider going against his commands.
Apples and Trees
Heavenly Voice: Hey lady, HEY LADY! What the heck are you doing? Do NOT take a bite, I am warning you, drop that fruit! I forbid you! Are you listening to me?
Female Fruit Biter: What is the big deal HV (Heavenly Voice)? I wanna know what you know, and besides, I have tried everything else around here. I want a little variety, a taste of something different. Hubby, try this!
Male Accomplice: Ok... tasty... no wait, um, was there a worm in there? Something doesn't seem quite right. Oh my gosh, I am NAKED... holy molly, Hon, put some CLOTHES on for goodness sakes!
Dear reader, if life was a comedy, the scenario above might prove to be entertaining, but alas, the apple does not fall far from the father and mother tree, and after the first sin, the first disobedience, the first turning away from God's commands occurred, it didn't take long for a certain son named Cain, to murder his innocent brother.
Cain: Abel, shall we go for a little walk? I want show you the field I have been working in
Abel: Sure thing bro, let me just get my staff, and off we go
Cain: I hate you, you goody goody god pleaser
Abel: What are you doing, Cain, get away from me! Seriously CAIN, STOP
This isn't the end of the story, of course, it is only the beginning. Innocent to willfully guilty, is a transition we humans make readily, and often times with very little hesitation. Eating forbidden fruit (adultery, fornication, homosexuality), and or wanting to kill or somehow hurt someone you hate, envy, are jealous of, resent: these are sins of the most common variety. The battle to refrain from indulging starts when our emotions try to convince us that certain behaviours or activities, aren't really bad, in and of themselves, especially if they hurt no one, or are done because the other person deserves the retaliation we want to unleash... and yet, the things that are the most hurtful to others, are the very things God has forbidden us to do!
It is a lie to say secret sin is harmless. Each time you and I disobey God, we open the door to our own injury, and potential collateral damage to those around us. Just look at the mess, the carnage caused, from all the lies bought and sold wholesale, that endorsed devils to dose an unsuspecting populace. Abel did NOT anticipate being the first murder victim. Abel could NOT have foreseen that his brother hated him with such passion that he would take his life. What kind of monster kills an innocent person, let alone their own blood relative?
Hey reader, HEY READER, you are my blood relative! And so is that fella over there, and that babe in arms across the pond, and the sweet little old man eating his chocolate dipped donut at Tim's. What you do, what I do, has the potential to cause injury to another... there are some @ssholes that revel in causing mischief and harm, and they are currently on the loose.
Last night a close friend of mine and I went out for a little shopping fun. While at the till, we witnessed a customer one cash register over, that appeared to be attempting to get a refund from the staff, for items she could not prove she had purchased at the store. The tension was thick, and the staff managed to maintain their cool, professional demeanour ~ the fraudster was mumbling to herself, looking around, fidgeting ~ but it was very clear that they were dealing with a scam artist, a liar that wanted to defraud the store of money. Now think with me, how they must have felt... knowing someone is lying and attempting to steal, how would it be for them, if they gave in, acquiescing by giving the woman the amount, as a refund, designated by the sticker still affixed on the product bag?
Monday, January 22, 2024
Some A**hole
Some a**hole came along and f%cked up my life...
Our subject matter was not in the least bit entertaining or funny, in fact, my friend is suffering extreme bouts of grief, with tidal waves of sorrow that threaten to drown her. Both her parents died within one year, and I believe it was a mere six months between deaths. In one fell swoop (six months is such a short span of time), she was orphaned.
Who to blame, who to blame? Some a**hole, I suppose...
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Tearing Down Idols
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Reformation or Revival
The above brings us soundly to my topic, of reformation or revival?
Reformation is a reforming of our minds in accordance with the Word of God and his Holy Spirit through Christ our Lord. A person can believe in God, show signs of faith, but lack that certain something that demonstrates complete commitment to the cause of Christianity. There is a semblance without substance. Perhaps this is you, or someone you know? The idea of Jesus is appealing, but really getting to know him requires Biblical study, applying what you learn, and living a life beyond reproach, RE FORMED in HIS image! Are you willing to do this, dear reader?
Revival is something many a Christian hopes and prays for. Those that belong to the Saviour have the same desires, they want none to be lost. Revival is still preached, but for me, the concept has a staleness, like old moldy bread, that harkens to the glory days before 2020... before nearly the whole world turned their backs on God's Providence and provision, in favour of taking into their own hands, their health, wealth, and spiritual well-being. As I pointed out above, there is 1 self-indulgent disobedience, 2 the turning to God as our king and living according to his will, and 3 the murky in between.
The point I am desirous of making, is that if you have an inclination toward loving Jesus, and perhaps you regret not knowing him better, before the world tilted sideways in 2020, dropping many a human to their eternal demise, then maybe you are ready to be reformed. Maybe, just maybe, you trusted yourself and your own strength to muscle through the last couple of years, and you have become weakened as a result... maybe you need to reconcile yourself NOW, to God and his will for you.
Since a good friend of mine and I see revival differently, I thought I would look up what the Bible has to say on the matter, and whether or not revival or even reformation were words used in the ancient book of wisdom. I landed on a Scripture verse that had me seeing a little more clearly...
Friday, January 12, 2024
Unconditional Love & Unicorns
Thursday, January 11, 2024
1 People are sick, and strangely so. What once was uncommon, is now as common as dirt. Turbo cancers in twenty year olds, heart attacks and strokes in adolescents and children; sepsis and extremities turning black; brain tumours; blood clots deluxe. Odd brain fog and headaches, man alive, all the headaches...
2. Deaths, funerals, burials, cremation. I am calling 2024 the year of death. I am not "prophesying" anything, nor am I inclined to believe I have extraordinary, finely tuned abilities that have set me apart from anyone else, enabling me to predict the future. Oh no, not at all.
What I do have is deductive reasoning working in my favour. You know, the old, cause and effect equation that follows us around and screams, This happened because of that. Now I admit, sometimes missing information can bring us to the door of duped, as in we didn't have all the facts, and based on what we saw before us, we came to the wrong conclusion. That happens, however... I am inclined to be plain here regarding cause and effect:
Ingested, injected, inhaled, absorbed POISON = vomiting, cancer, heart attack, breathing difficulties, convulsions, seizures, stroke, bad circulation, organ failure, tumours, blood clots, brain fog, headaches etc etc.
I am not a statistician, physician, politician... I am one of many people hearing story after story, and many of them are nightmarish in the ghoulish details, of people having strange illnesses, being "treated" for said "conditions" (please forgive all the air quotes: what is happening is unnatural, and any treatment given to the sick is a desperate attempt to reclaim original design and functioning of the human body, so I approach with scepticism, all things medical that might "fix" what's broken), suffering, and dying anyway.
Oh, and then there is sadly this: dying suddenly is now trending, a horrifying thing to state and acknowledge as a writer.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Emotional Responsiveness
How emotionally responsive are you, dear reader?
Care to take a quiz?
Are you:
1. High voltage: quick to react, emotionally charged and motivated to respond... one of those escalated types that gets hyped and ramped up easily and quickly, when you feel strongly about a subject or situation
2. Slightly moved: you feel something, but aren't compelled to get up right away and do anything about what you see or hear. You are inclined to have a reaction, minus a driving force motivating you to show your feelings
3. Dead pan: what, something just happened? Why is everyone freaking out? Is this really a big deal, or can I go back to my crossword and pretzels? I don't get the commotion. Emotional FREAKS are everywhere
4. Back it up: I can't believe he/she said that, that really hurts. I gotta get outta here. These people don't care about me. I would rather be alone, keep myself from their attacks. I knew I couldn't trust them; everyone's the same
While you are figuring yourself out over there, I am going to work through this quiz in front of you.
I think I used to be rather high voltage and emotionally charged. I was, and still am in many ways, motivated to respond to situations I see happening all around me. Now, the question is, am I naturally high voltage, or was this learned behaviour, something I can blame on nurture, rather than nature?
My parents both had explosive emotional reactions that in hindsight, didn't have a pattern I could discern: a child's perspective is a difficult one since they don't have the emotional maturity to understand what is happening, nor the words to explain what they are seeing and hearing. The why of situational emotions is rarely answered.
My parents didn't explain their intensity, I had to interpret it. This was stupefying to me as a little person. Other people's big expressions sometimes dumb down our own capability to emote: plus, children are often taught to be silent in the face of a parent that gives themselves permission to express anger... their is a size and strength imbalance, to say the least. As I aged, and developed the ability to separate myself from other, I had more time to think and figure out, what charges me up, if anything at all? What do I feel deeply or strongly about, enough to react, speak my piece/peace, state a case, have an opinion, step into the fray...
The high voltage part of me is always connected to injustice; the maiming, injuring or hurting the vulnerable, the unsuspecting, the sweet and kind amongst us, that deserve to be treated gently. My nostrils flare and my heart races, the upper lip begins to lift on the left, and I could, if in the right situation, go after a would be perpetrator... someone that preys on others for fun or personal gain.
As a mature adult, I can see that what I learned (nurture) growing up, was to have an opinion. I am so grateful for this! Now, this being said, I reiterate that while I am a mature adult, I know that high voltage reactions of the emotional variety, do not serve me, or necessarily anyone else, very well. Emotions colour thinking, and a cool head is more trustworthy than a hot one!
So... I am a 1-2... I feel, but I am not always driven or motivated to act. I choose my battles, and when I experience a super charge, I give myself time to cool my jets. This is known as self-control, discipline, conservatism, temperance. Time alone to think, to pray, to check in with someone trustworthy, to read God's Word, all help me sort what my feelings mean, and what I am to do with them. Here is the formula I offer you:
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Satan loves to homogenize, meaning: he wants to make us similar or uniform to him. And I have to tell you, he is doing one hell of a job! He recruited far and wide for his crew of criminals, and they appeared in droves to find out what the pay was, and then what dastardly deeds they had to commit to collect that paycheque. I could list a few of them here, but I am confident you already have a list of wayward men and women formulating in your thoughts.
It isn't the mercenaries that I am considering as I type, it is the brave. Bravery requires a certain resolve that comes from conviction. We all live on a slippery slope, and the wicked have slicked it up with lots of slime... for instance:
When I heard that there was a "mandate" to wear masks, I was convinced no one would do it! No one would wear a thing on strings over their nose and mouth... it was so foreign a concept to me, that I thought it utterly ridiculous that anyone would do such a silly nonsensical thing! The masks appeared en masse, and to my shock and horror, I was in a position of having to decide... do I go along with this, to keep myself from standing out in a see of clothed faces, or do I stick with my initial opinion of the whole idea being beyond absurd, and remain fresh and open faced?
Fresh and opened face was my stand, or should I say, public statement. This garnered me verbal attacks from strangers, with vulgar words loudly shot my way as bystanders witnessed, muted by their masks. Yup... and I wasn't the only one: some people were assaulted, and I thank God I was kept from that kind of abuse.
Next, the ludicrous misleading of the masses into social distancing... God Lord, this made me irate. I do not like to be bossed around, but worse then this, people were so willing to do as they were told... lambs to the slaughter comes to mind. I walked as I chose, in the direction I wanted, when arrows would have me go this way, rather than that; when humans were told to stand on a spot and wait until they were waved ahead, NEXT, to be served by other humans, I made sure I went when it was my turn, not when someone told me to go... and I wasn't Johnny, or Jane! waiting on his/her spot either... nope! And dear reader, while I lost almost all of my clients because they did as they were commanded and removed themselves from society to hide in their homes, I kept my business and home open, to those that were brave and refused to comply with propagated lies. I lost many a friend to their own fear, but gained so much more in the way of associating with faithful followers of Jesus Christ, that decided fellowship was more important than fear of being reprimanded by the reprobate.
The ladies that attend my Bible study have reconciled themselves to the Saviour, and cling to him as their strength and light in a darkening world. I admire them greatly, and realize it truly is faith that makes us boldly brave. We are weaklings without God's might for what is right.
Next stop on my history tour... those damn shots, dear reader. How is it that some people had this information, and others had conflicting other information? Satan loves him some chaos, and while he is the father of lies, we humans suffered the ramifications via global deception. The Truth cannot be buried, it is known to Resurrect, and that is exactly what is happening, and has been for quite some time. People are discovering who had the correct information, and who had the faulty, misleading information: the consequences are currently dire for those that did those shots, and for those of us that love them and are concerned for their present and future well-being.
One more bone of contention, now that I have your attention. I may be poking a soft spot in your psyche here, but I have a reason, so please bear with me. If you were like me and knew what was happening, was a disturbing assault on the human race, and you decided to get fake passports or paperwork to allow you entrance into forbidden places without those dreaded shots, then you were part of the problem: you colluded with the enemy. I had to say this, dear reader, because you and I are still here, and bravery is a full time job, as I stated above.
If you were a weak link in the faith chain, and gave in to ungodly demands, you must confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness... you chose wrongly and it worked against all of us. You helped the cause, aiding and abetting the enemy. Your work around was dishonest, and cowardly... and you can be like the apostles, AFTER Jesus appeared to them. You can see your sins, and profess that you will sin no more, when the next round of attack comes our way, and of course, it will.
When people spoke out against the shots, the distancing, the masks, I ask you, were they brave? I think so, and I say this knowing you may think me self-congratulatory since i was always one to speak and stand out... but I have to say that bravery starts long before we are publicly tested. It starts with conviction... being certain of something, or Someone, before we get caught up in the whirlwind.
What are you certain of now, dear reader? So much time has passed, and reflection upon what we all have said and done, rightly or wrongly, can give us insights into how we move forward.
Will we link arms, bravery leading the way, and wall off the enemy from entering in? If you and I are the strong ones, will we protect the weak, the vulnerable, the currently innocent, and give them a chance for a future with freedom as their right?
Will you cave in as a coward, or will you put on your battle armour, the armour of God, and fight the good fight, with Truth and the Word as your weapons?
What's it going to be, dear one?
Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Deuteronomy 31:6)