Monday, November 27, 2023

B. S MadsWorth

I met a man recently that goes by the name B. S MadsWorth.

He was a curious kind of fellow. His smile had the effect of chilling my blood and flash freezing it, to the extent of icing my feet to the ground on which I stood. Immobilized, B. S held me captive with his frigid and unrelenting stare, and a sense of stupefaction settled into my being. 

When Mr. MadsWorth spoke he spit his words, and since I could not move, the spray splattered me from head to toe. Breaking eye contact, I discovered, gave my arms and hands mobility, and with this freedom, I managed to right forearm swipe my face with my sleeve, disgusted with the spittle that soaked into the material.

What manner of man was this, and what was he saying? His muddled words made no sense to me, and I could not follow his logic, if indeed, it was logic to be followed? We stood at a distance at first, but I noticed his daring, as he inched forward, edging his way into my intimate imagined do not enter space. How close is too close, and how far too far... I suppose this is determined based on whom it is we are speaking with, wouldn't you agree? B. S MadsWorth knew not lines of demarcation, surmised or established; encroachment seemed a natural indulgence for him, and an alarming invasion it was, for me. 

B. S had the gift of the gab, and my ears filled with an endless stream of jumbled thoughts and stories of this person and that, tall and short tales of adventures that were out of this world, and rather disconcerting in their strangeness. I listened, my eyebrows furrowing and drawing together in consternation, and began to consider how I might make my escape. He didn't seem to notice, nor care, that I was shifting my weight from leg to leg, fidgeting, and beginning to fret about how to depart. He did not read me, but I was getting the gist of who he was, and my tolerance was departing at breakneck speed. I had to go, now, before I was completely coated in B.Sery, to the point of drowning in his nonsensical sputum.  

He was mad, crazy, cuckoo, over the edge nuts, and he wanted to bring me to the brink too; wearing me down with worthless, meaningless lies, that were abhorrent to my being. 

Liar. B. S MadsWorth, I realized, was, is, a liar. I could not follow his logic, because none was to be had. I could not tolerate his spewed words, because they coated me in icky sick. I felt frozen in place because I could not comprehend the grotesque quality of fabrication meant to dishearten and disturb anyone that was held captive within earshot. He violated space, my time, and worse than this, my sense of peace.

Liars are like that, aren't they? They sneak into lives without invitation, taking up space that does not belong to them, and causing vexation to the souls they attempt to infect with their noxious-to-the-senses deceptions. 

Interestingly enough, I know a god/man that can only speak Truth. The contrast between him and B.S MadsWorth, is startling. In fact, while one melts my heart and moves me to tears of joy, the other jolts my being and roots me in place, wondering what in the world is happening, when someone like B. S has free range to roam and impose, interfere and obtrude? Liars take liberties, the godly in stark evident comparison, are meek in their asking, and wait to be invited in...

Have you encountered B. S MadsWorth? 
Have you met Godly Truth?

Which one appeals to you as a companion? 

And how far into the reading of this piece of writing, did you figure out I made up the character B. S MadsWorth as a kindred to the devil, doing his bidding in human form?

Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight

If the infamous B. S MadsWorth dared to rewrite scripture, and I tell you, dear reader, his kind most certainly has done such a reprehensible thing, he would bastardize Proverbs 12:22 to read:

Honest lips enrage the devil to deadly distraction: but they that deal in deception are his demonic delight

Lies are the undoing of souls. Lies wreak havoc in relationship. Guilty men, according to Matthew Henry, are cowards... and I boldly state deception is always at the root of deadly downfalls that lead to eternal destruction. 

This is why The Truth Makes Us Free! Praise God, isn't this wonderful news?

Gospel ground breaking
Now, if you have yet to embrace the Truth as a way of life, I have gospel ground breaking heart and blood warming information for you! You can stop lying to self, to other, to him over there and her right here. You can stop lying to God and start to hear him speak wisdom to your very soul. 

If you want your words to have weight, and you want them to land in such a way, as to keep good company that does not want to escape you at their earliest convenience, you must become an honest person that cares about your impact. Savvy? Do you comprende what I parlez, or am I speaking a foreign tongue to you?

ANYWAYS, dear reader, I had to get that off my chest today. I have been disheartened with all the tolerance I am witnessing for lies and deception. The spell cast over the populace has them fixated and focused on fraud, and they are freeze tag frozen in place, needing a good blazing fire to thaw them out! 

In closing, I advise avoiding anyone remotely like Mr. B. S MadsWorth. His type offers much in the way of distraction, and takes away loads of irreplaceable time and substance in exchange. 

Don't let this kind of character, or his relatives, Ms. Nosey Parker, and Mrs. Gladys Gossip, near you or your loved ones; they will be your undoing!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

None Of My Business

I have two questions for you, dear reader:

Question #1
Have you heard the phrase: It's none of my business what people say of me and think of me?

According to, Anthony Hopkins spoke these words

Question #2
Are you an agreeable, or disagreeable type?

● An agreeable person likes to go along with others, to get along with others

● A disagreeable person is willing to take social risks, be disapproved of, to affect change:

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man (Playwright George Bernard Shaw).

Let us return to Question #2 

Which one are you, agreeable or disagreeable?

🎯 How accommodating are you to the opinions, perspectives, and way of life of those you relate to? 

🎯 How does that show up in your verbal responses and behaviours?

🎯 Have you ever regretted being a little too agreeable, alternatively;

🎯 Have you ever regretted being a little too disagreeable?

Look with me at what scripture recommends:

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18)

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26-27)

There is something marvellous about agreeableness. Some of my very best friends are delightfully blessed with this kind, merciful, and gentle trait... and yet, they aren't pushovers ~ I cannot be friends with a pushover, I find them distasteful company indeed!

While agreeableness makes for pleasant relating, sometimes it does the most horrendous type of Godzilla on rampage damage: look at all the agree to this and agree to that stuff that has been going on for so long, that traditional family has been decimated, the memory of which has taken on folklorish qualities.  

Morals are a foreign concept: agreeing to disagree is the wishy-washy contract that sellouts make to smooth over potentially turbulent waters, and pandering to pathetic insipid sentiments, is the sugar that makes tainted medicine go down. 

If possible, be at peace
Be angry, and sin not

Neither give a place to the devil...

As writer, I put my thoughts onto a screen and press publish. You would think this a daring move if you are a cautious kind of person, that prefers anonymity: Are you cautious, private, and perhaps agreeable, dear one?

I recall when I first started writing and publishing on Blogger and someone said to me, You should be more careful about what you write... astounded I answered with a question, You read my writing? I laugh at the memory, because I have no idea who will read my writing, if anyone at all! 

So thank you for reading my writing. Thank you for subscribing if you do. Thanks for giving me feedback, having opinions about my take on the world. Thanks for unsubscribing when your view and mine become incompatible, and you are no longer agreeable! That makes two of us, dear reader, because I am not an agreeable sort. I disagree with the majority of people, and that naturally inclines me to speak up in an attempt to have the world "adapt to" myself.

If possible, be at peace
Be angry, and sin not

Neither give a place to the devil...

I am at peace
I am not angry
When I am angry, I control my responses and do my best to "sin not"

And by God, I sure don't want to give a place to the devil in my life!

I like the concept of: It is none of my business what other people think of me, or what I do and write. It would be crippling to consider how many people have differing opinions, and to not express mine out of fear of disapproval or rejection. 

I leave you with a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet, followed by a challenge to be a little more disagreeable, in a world that wants you and I to agree to wickedness without question: 

This above all: to thine own self be true (Polonius, Hamlet)

Agreeableness is lovely when deciding on a sandwich, or a place to go on vacation, but agreeableness can be hazardous to humanity. When souls are in peril, a dissenting voice is often required to embolden the frightened, who tremble at the thought of countering a bullish dictatorship. Status quo leaves us no place to go, and that isn't good enough for any of us, given our current circumstances. 

Shakespeare was bestowed with brilliance, highlighting the foils and foibles of human nature... but the Bible, dear one, The Good Book Authored by God and penned by his faithful servants, would have us commit to being true to him, and him alone!

Find out how Jesus responded to those that would lead others down a garden path where hidden snakes slither and scorpions scurry in the shadows... Jesus was no pushover, and neither, ought we be, when the time comes to be disagreeable with the devil or those that represent him here on earth. 

Is it none of your business, what others think of you, too?

Friday, November 24, 2023

Remedy Rejected

High treason has been committed against the King of kings, Lord of lords. The remedy for sick souls has been rejected, and what was commanded by God, has been profaned by man, and dear reader, I suggest here that you are a culprit, and in my lifetime, I too, have been one.

If you have the intestinal fortitude, you will stay with me me as we walk through the ten commands side by side. Let us see and confess privately, since we are not physically within vicinity of one another, which of the Godly rules we have broken through disobedience, or temptation via a loved one. 

And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 

1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 

2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

3 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain

4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it

5 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee

6 Thou shalt not kill

7 Thou shalt not commit adultery

8 Thou shalt not steal

9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

10 Thou shalt not cover thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet they neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's

Have you:

1 Put something or someone before God, idolizing them, putting them on a pedestal, or turning to it/them as your number one source of convenient comfort, rather than worshipping the God of creation? 

CV19 has been the god of the masses... did you venerate it, by;

2 Bowing down to it, serving it, speaking about it with reverence as though it were not a manmade thing to be abhorred, but something to be feared and fondled with great attention and care. Did the "pandemic" take over your life to the point of testing, testing, one two three, to see if you were graced with its presence? If you continue to speak of it as though it was/is real, I suggest you have made it your dictator god, and have turned away from the One true and living God that made you.

3 Do you toss out harsh words in reference to God or Jesus? Do you damn yourself by taking the LORD's name in vain? He hears us, and let us be very clear, he does not take kindly to one of his creatures attempting to pull him from his throne (an impossible task) by wickedly mocking or belittling him as Sovereign. Think now with me, if you were to speak this way about someone that has authority over you, say your boss, or when you were a child, your mother or father... what, pray tell, would they do to you for such insubordination? Now consider Almighty God, and how he has yet to send the proverbial lightning bold to incinerate you, once and for all, for your filthy mouth! 

4 Do you work twenty-four seven? Are you the breadwinner, bread baker, bread eater, in your own little castle? Do you thank yourself for all you have? What if you could not, for reason of illness or change in circumstance, make and knead and eat that dough? Then what?

God is our provider. God gives us strength to rise and work, eat and drink each day. Think now with me, how vulnerable you are while sleeping... Who is providing for you and watching over you while you slumber, while you are in the most danger of being mishandled by marauders... even in your nightmares, you have the capacity to awaken in your own safe and secure abode. 

The Sabbath is for giving thanks to God, that never rests, sleeps, or takes his eye off of his creatures. But for him, you would have nothing, and giving him praise for his blessings ought to be our constant refrain.

5 Honouring our parents is a duty... dare I say what has been committed against the elderly in our midst? Dare I accuse you of putting them away to be cared for, or alternatively neglected and abused, by perfect strangers? I point my finger in the eye of the guilty here, who out of convenience, have forsaken the command to honour their mother and father, by misplacing them, removing them from their family of origin to be put out of sight and mind, institutionalizing them.

Is this what your fate will be, dear reader? Have you gone into one of those places recently? They are a den of decay and death, because the residents are poked and prodded, and more recently, injected with poison without their consent or understanding. The vulnerable have been misused beyond comprehension, and it ought to sicken us to see our loved ones treated in this manner.

6 Have you killed anyone lately, dear one? I am going to be harsh here, so get thee ready, if by chance you are guilty of what I am going to imply. 

If you suggested to others that they ought to get poison injections; if you suggested they follow the rules; wear a thing on strings over their breathing holes; keep their distance, follow the directional arrows; do as they were told, then you had murder in your heart.

Those that know God, honour God, cannot, will not, disobey him. We will not worship idol gods, nor will we bow down to them, and anything CV19 was a wickedness that the masses fell for, because they rejected the Remedy, which is to forsake sin, forsake the secular world, and answer to the Living God, seeing Jesus as our healer and Saviour. Anyone wanting to lead another away from God as Sovereign, suggests we commit high treason against the King... wrap your head around that before you move on.

7 Committing adultery wounds the souls of the violators, instills fear and insecurity collaterally in innocent related parties, and exposes all to spiritual, socio-economic, and psychological attack. 

Cheating on a spouse is bad enough, cheating on God is the ultimate sin. Loyalty is not a must, since we clearly have freedom of will and can chose infidelity, but without it, trust is broken and so is responsibility in relationship. When we betray ourselves by walking away from relationship, especially with God, we leave ourselves wide open to the wolves that roam, looking for an easy and free lunch. 

The stiff-necked Israelites were foolish enough to disobey God in their midst and were compared to a harlot or whore, going after other gods that were hand crafted by men. Anyone that went after CV19 with all their heart, with all their soul, and all their mind, committed a heinous act of adultery against God, betraying themselves, their family, friends, and co-workers.

This verse pins down in sharp contrast, the point I am making:

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind (Matthew 23:37) 

8 Have you stolen anything lately, dear reader? What if I suggest to you that you have stolen peace and serenity from others in some fashion or another? What if you have said or done some things that have been a vexation to the spirit of those you interact with? 

Theft is not always material. Sometimes we steal via cruelty causing a loss to another. Think now, when this last happened to you... think again, when you have done the same sort of thing to others. 

Are you guilty?

9 This commandment, of not bearing false witness, ties in nicely with the one above regarding theft, because the thief in this case, wants to take away the good reputation of another, out of malice and malignant intent. A persons reputation might be all they have, that benefits or hinders their serviceability, publicly speaking. It is a cruelty to speak lies about someone with the intention of taking them down to a place of less than, in order to sabotage their well-being. 

If this is you, you must look for that root of bitterness that has sprouted branches and buds of bad fruit. If you lie about another and cause trouble amongst brethren, be sure to know that it is your reputation at stake, not theirs. 

10 Now coveting is deep, deep jealousy, isn't it dear reader? There is a distinction that must be made between admiration for some one else's accomplishments and procured items, to wanting to take from them what they have earned or secured as their own. 

God is called jealous, because he owns all, and he would not have any be lost, stolen, or taken from him. Imagine your mom or dad, standing in front of you to stop you from going out unprotected into the big, bad, dangerous world, and you circumventing, going around them, sneaking out to do what you want without hinderance. While you may very well manage your secret escape, your good parents can tell, our God can see... He allows us to walk or run away, but it is grievous to him and it ought to be grievious to us too, to give ourselves over to worldly lusts, when God is our portion and we are his possession. 

What more could we possibly want then his blessed presence and abundant love?

To covet what another has that clearly does not belong to us, is a sign of soul sickness, green envy being a symptom of something sinister. 

I conclude
The wicked ones that worship their father the devil invented a go around, inviting those that disobey God to indulge in their mischievous malevolent malfeasance. That was and is the pandemic of sin we have witnessed, and continue to suffer as the fallout atomically sends toxins in all directions. 

Jesus is the remedy rejected, and it is an ancient occurrence, repeated generationally, to have the masses fall by the wayside, enthralled by the magician known as Satan, wooing them to their destruction.

I heard Derek Prince state:

I don't believe that we can have good government in any nation where people are obsessed with the love of money, because anybody can be bribed

This explains our current circumstances does it not, dear reader? When people pledge allegiance to self, what does it matter when they hurt another to get what they want? 

Not one among us is innocent, and it does the soul good to look in the cracks and crevices to see what lurks there, almost hidden from self, but in clear view of the Father of heavenly lights. 

The ten commandments are for God's people, as guide posts and reminders that when we obey out of love for the King, all will go well with our soul, even while the body is subject to earthly decay. 

I hope you came out of this character exploration slightly singed? The word of God has the power to transform, and when we courageously compare who we are to who the Father wants us to be, we recognize there is some work to do! 

Onward and upward, Christian soldier. 

2 Timothy 4:18
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Life Goes On

Whatever is it that you do with your abundant time, dear reader?

If you were instructed to, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33) would you be discovered thusly involved, if someone where to happen upon you when you least expect company?

I am considering this as a serious challenge for the majority of us, while appreciating how inclined we are to earthly endeavours...

I purchased a Franklin Covey planner recently, and along with it came a link to a training course on how to use the planner to full advantage. When the world went wonky and my comings and goings became less frequent, I found I had more time on my hands, and that I whittled away the hours, sometimes going to bed grateful that I could slumber, rather then think about not doing. We are beings of thinking and then doing, aren't we? 

Our physicality suggests that sitting around doing nothing, eating and drinking in comfortable shelter, makes us less than valuable, and kind of gross too. So many gained so much, and not in the way of wisdom, while they were kept at bay from interacting with other human beings. When my businesses took a hit, when my relationships were bombarded by malicious interloping lies that instilled fear in other, I had to face a shocking reality: rather than loving our neighbours as ourselves, many decided to live the opposite. Many decided that eating and drinking, and living solo, was preferable to interacting with what they were told where potentially plague infested critters (read here other humans) that could infect them to the point of death... yikes, what a sad state of affairs we recently lived in unison, dear reader. 

One of the things my son said to me in the midst of the madness, that I hear echoing in my memory when the need arises, is, Life goes on. And it does, and has, and therefore, we have work to do. 

My work is different from what it used to be, and rightly so. Changes in circumstances force us, whether we want them to or not, to adapt, if we are to remain resilient and useful. I read about the Israelites and see God in their midst:

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Psalm 23:4) 


We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. We hear about sickness, suffering, illness that tortures and contorts, and death that steals the fire of life from the living

2 We can choose to fear no evil. We can decide not to be absorbed into the plots and plans of the wicked, by fearing not what they might do to us when we do not go along with their wiley ways

3 We can recognize God is with us, when we are with him. It is very important to give him all glory, all praise, and all thanks for our very existence. But for God, go not I, or you for that matter

4 God's rod is his instrument of authority over the flock; for counting, guiding, rescuing, and protecting his sheep. His staff is an instrument of support to comfort us. We can count on the Good Shepherd to lead us in his holy ways

After the shock of violence committed against humanity wore off
After accepting that wickedness was wantonly taking over the masses
After acknowledging how far the church had fallen from grace
After recognizing that God freed up time, while continuing to provide

After seeing that life does indeed, go on...

We get to be about the business at hand; and that is making disciples of men!

The tricky part dear reader, is ensuring we individually seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, so that the promise of all else being added unto us is fulfilled.  

There are things I want to accomplish in the year 2024. I need not list them here: suffice it to say, that God has given abundant time to complete what he has put in our minds and hearts to work on and finish. I will plan, goal set, track and check off my lists, what gets inserted into my planner as important items to be accomplished. My hope is time is not whittled away, but well appreciated and utilized, for the glory of God. 

Your turn, dear one. 

● What has God placed in front of you as the work he wants you to focus on that is of a heavenly, godly, righteous nature? 
● How will you spend your time? and if someone happens upon you, what will they hear you saying, see you doing? 
● What, pray tell, will the fruits of your labour speak, to those that see you idle, or in action?

As long as there is breath there is hope, and it is by hearing the word of God that souls are saved. Let us use our breath, our time, our energy, to preach Christ as King, and Saviour of the world!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Yet Another

Today I attended yet another commemorative funeral service. When I glance at the days in my calendar that march ahead of me, yet to be filled with events, I see invisible ink soaking up pigment; plans made for me that I have no interest, nor inclination to take part in, that I will nonetheless, find myself at. 

I take solace in the words, Jesus wept. I weep too when someone dies, and in particular, when foul play is apparent; and there's a whole mess of foul play going on all around us, isn't there, dear one? 

Death is a thief, and has undeniably been very busy in his undertaking. The funeral homes are making a killing and believe me when I tell you, I am not being facetious or making a joke, of an incredibly serious matter. Funeral parlours are raking in cash spent on preparing human bodies for burial or urn: money is changing hands for the disposal of said humans, many of which have died unnaturally. Gone are the days of a life well lived, a body wonderfully worn out from godly work. Aging gracefully is an old fashioned concept, and what we are facing, straight ahead, is an unrelenting parade of death on display in all its horrors and nightmarishness. 

I dare to attribute the outrageous number of deaths we are witnessing to murder, or unwitting, unconscious suicide. The masses took into their bodies what ought never to be mixed with wonderful, rich, oxygenated, organic blood. God formed man, and the devils minions aim to undo holy handiwork by influencing humans to do what must not be done. 

Poison is maiming
Poison is killing
Death is either slow and painful, or sudden and seemingly unexpected

Alas, we must pray, and pray some more, because when we are counted as righteous, our prayers availeth much. Since nature has a way of holding us accountable for our choices, we must lean on the understanding that only God can override his divinely guided system of order. 

What is happening is happening to all of us. Death hits the heart because of its gravity and the seriousness of its permanency. Death is not to be trifled with or treated lightly, and yet, when we have hope and faith that we will spend eternity with our Maker, the sting is lessened, and we can dream of a day of reunion with those that went before us that knew the living God whilst they walked the earth. 

Do I want to reconcile, and become accustomed, to putting on funeral clothes? Will I callous my own heart to the concept of humans being wiped from the face of the earth in droves, as though they were insects to be sprayed, zapped, annihilated, and swept into a hole in the ground and covered over to be forgotten? Will I see the day when a siren doesn't have me imagining the worst, or a raucous cough doesn't start my heart beating faster with concern? Will I feel less and less as more and more death becomes commonplace... will you, dear one?

I share because I experience, and for no other reason I suppose, then to let you know that if you are seeing, hearing, feeling what I have expressed here, you are not alone. We are not alone... 

Jesus conquered death. He rose from the grave but before he did this, he died willingly on a cross, giving up his spirit. You and I do not have the option of giving up our spirit because it does not belong to us, and never has. Your life, my life, is not our own and when the end comes, we will not be consulted and given a choice. Going, when called to the cash out counter, is not optional. When our "number is up", we will without choice, relinquish what God owns. 

If you have read what I have written, you have a choice, and it has always been there. You can praise God for your existence, thank him for his mercy and loving kindness. You can appreciate the life you have lived and accept the fact that but for God, you would not be. If it weren't for him, dear one, I wouldn't have the pleasure of your acquaintance, here and now as we share thoughts and feelings. 

Death beds are the most honest places in the world. Dying is the most vulnerable state of being. You cannot save yourself, and you cannot save another from death, but who you are when you breathe your last, speaks into your forever.

The funeral today has a sweet savour of life after death. A soul left its earthly tent, and translated into a new existence in the presence of God. This is a hope, this is a prayer, this is an expectation, for those that love and live for the Lord.

Is this, you?

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Uninformed Relinquishing

Warning: Mental meandering ahead

Promise: Arrival at a logical conclusion if you stay with me

Do you know what an easement is, dear reader? Here is a definition:

Easement: a right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose

This past summer I saw a lot of men driving trucks marked Ledcor. Crews of guys dotted the streets of my city, and they busily buried cable wherever they went. Government money, read here tax payer dollars, were spent to dig up dirt in order to drop down and cover-up, fibre optics cable. My city is telling citizens that we will only have garbage pickup twice a month now, and suffer a huge tax hike without added services... hmmm, how come? My guess is technology that tracks and traces, numbs and dumbs humans with radiation and noise pollution, is more important and valuable than trash removal and responsible municipal spending. Yes yes, we must expect the government to have priorities, isn't that right, dear reader? (written with thick sarcasm). 

Just so you know that I am not only being a barer of bad news, I am going to share a bright light insight I had when Rodgers (the ever so sneaky cable company I like to refer to as Dodgy Rodgy) wanted to use my property as an easement, by burying cable in my front lawn for a service ordered by the neighbours. 

In the trees
As the story goes, or starts, I was asked if I would agree to cable running over my property, high overhead, through my front yard tree, on a temporary basis: not understanding that ultimately the idea was for a cable to go into the ground, meaning into my property, I agreed. 

Not long after this, I saw paint with little red flags marking my grass, indicating where the digging would take place: I removed the flags, and it just so happened, that the contracted cable locator guy, was still near by. I shared how I had misunderstood, and how the situation had not been explained to me in any detail, and he kindly gave me some phone numbers, with names, to call.

This is where my glee comes in and I get a tiny bit excited. I called the first number out of the two, and the man that answered the phone was initially very condescending when I explained the situation. He arrogantly suggested that I ought to have known the line would be buried in my property, not understanding that what was common knowledge to him in his profession, did not even register in my world as something to know or consider. Dear reader, these contractors, these companies, are well used to you and I and the guy and gal next door having no opinion or comprehension regarding certain things, and thus by way of uninformed relinquishing, giving them permission to use our property for their profits. Hand in hand, the government and the corporations, skip across our rights with nary a care: easements are everywhere, dear one. 

My question to you is, Do you know how much ground you and I have given up without a fight, or even, sadly, as I am now learning, without even recognizing it when it happens?

Take me seriously
The man on the phone started taking me a little more seriously when I told him I would not permit, agree to, allow, the cable to be buried on my property. He started be polite too, realizing I wasn't a pushover, and that he was actually talking to a consumer: it would not serve him to continue being rude to me. He was not keen on taking my no for an answer, and told me he would send someone to my house to discuss the issue. I told him it wouldn't change a thing, but alas, the petulant are persistent, and money was on the line for this fella. Stay with me now, we are getting closer to my point...

A guy arrived within a day or two, and I informed him that the line was not to be buried on my property. He tried to convince me otherwise, but finally told me when I would not give him the go ahead, We will get a permit from the city to bury the line. I responded, Go ahead. 

Lo and behold, dear one, they simply could not get that permit, and I know now that this man, when he uttered this veiled threat, suggesting I had no say in the matter, knew a permit would not be granted: this is why they cross personal property to get the job done. He didn't have a leg, or a buried cable, to stand on. 

Lesson: Question others when sensing they are taking undo liberties; challenge the status quo and subtle suggestions of loss of autonomy

We must keep in mind these people are paid to get a job done, and instructed to insist when we resist. If I say no, and you say no, they have to go to the original purchaser of the product and admit, they have to come up with another solution... 

I had men at my door again yesterday, and they were polite but wanted to confirm one more time, where I stood. I confess, a part of me thought, am I being difficult; should I give in? Why am I resisting so?

You tell me, dear reader... why am I resisting so? What do you think?

Upon reflection...
This is what I know, dear one. When people take liberties from those that are unaware, the unaware are in danger of losing all that belongs to them. This is what we have seen happen over the past couple of years, and it is still happening. 

It absolutely breaks my heart knowing that so many have been preyed upon without any cognizance. It hurts my spirit that people are dying because they didn't see they were handing over their autonomy, their freedom, their physical property, including the skin they are in, to mercenaries. Are the cable companies, the workers, the contractors, responsible for theft? Yes, yes they are, because they are trained to cross boundaries, to move markers, and blend peoples paid for properties, into one big slice of profit pie to line their pockets. 

I could blame the government, and in particular the Prime Minister, but he is one man... and it takes many men to rob a country of their belongings, one front lawn, one piece of well-being, and one soul at a time. One of the worst excuses I have ever heard, is: I was just doing my job. Accountability doesn't disappear on payday.

My point
Now, after all that reading, here is my point. WE, you and I and all our like minded friends, have physical remedies when we are imposed upon. Our lives are not a fait accompli, choice less and broken, waiting for the next thing to happen without our say in the matter. We can stop the imposing by speaking a resolute no when we sense someone is creepy at our front door wanting in, uninvited. 

We are human beings created in the image of God Almighty, and we are a clever lot, more than capable of handling those that connive and attempt to steal away what God has provided. I for one will stand my ground, no matter how many men try to dissuade me from KNOWING that I have a say with rights attached. Anyone working hard to convince someone to go against their own will, have a vested interest in the matter, and cannot be counted as trustworthy. 

How about you, dear one? Where will you draw the line in the sand, or your front lawn, and stand your ground?

If you haven't thought about this yet, perhaps now is the time.

Remove not the ancient landmark, which they fathers have set (Proverbs 22:28)

Monday, November 6, 2023

White Devil

By God, I see the white devil everywhere, and he comes as an angel of light, or in the form of a bounty bar...

And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)

What is the white devil I see everywhere, dear reader? Sugar! That is right, shuuuuuuugar!

I like me some sugar but alas, my body absolutely abhors it, and no wonder: sugar from the cane plant has been bastardized to the point of being almost unrecognizable. I am 100% organic, and each time one of my senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, or touch, gets violated, alarm bells go off with headaches, stomach upset, and even nausea.

Ever pass one of those stinky stores in the mall that sell soap and body lotion? What did that do to or for you? nothing at all, or did you feel a wave of offence go up your nostrils straight to your brain?

How about in the gym when they are misting the air with "fresheners" to mask the possible stink of sweaty people. I recall using cardio equipment and getting a whiff of the stuff and gagging; I was inhaling and exhaling at a rapid rate, doing what is good for my heart and lungs, only to be affronted by the unnatural, hitting my system like a sledge hammer. In all my years as a gym rat, I rarely if ever caught a sour smell from other exercise partakers: periodically someone would wear a little too much perfume, but this was an infrequent observation. 

Another story
I recall being at a Chinese buffet and while I ate, my vision blurred and the room felt spiny: I could not think or see straight. A headache began and I could barely make my way home. Driving was a dangerous endeavour at that point because of the muddled feeling in my brain. I had no idea what MSG was at the time... 

One more story, just for fun. I was in a conference room somewhere in Toronto. I like to be a contributor when meeting with people but I could not find words (aphasia), and the speech of others was garbled in my mind. Before too long, it felt as though my brain would explode with accumulated pressure... come to think of it, this has happened many a time, without warning. The end result is usually an entire day of vomiting with severe headache. Sick building syndrome, or something more sinister?

I am seeing a theme and parsing it together, dear reader. It is exposure, to toxins, either in food consumed, or in the environment we find ourselves in. My body seems to soak things up and then to detox, vomit them or push them out. The only way for me to do this is to remove myself from what harms, to a place that will heal what hurts. 

Not done story telling
Spiritually speaking, during the nonsensical everyone-is-doing-it-baby masking extravaganza ~I would NOT wear the damn things, if you are wondering~ I experienced some unpleasantness that can only be attributed to demonic exposure. When I entered a Home Sense to buy a day-timer, my spirit was vexed seeing a sea of masked faces. People Christmas shopping for goodness sakes! My eyes felt crossed, I had to work extra hard to focus, and I paid for my item while feeling dizzy. Upon leaving the store, my vision cleared and the dizzy sensation left me. When I spoke about this with my son ~ he was waiting in the car ~ he said, It's a spell mum. Huh, it's a spell... 

It's a spell. Think on this with me. While satanic worship is blatant and common place, and uncleanness in the form of sexual deviancy is repugnantly obvious, we are seeing witchcraft high and low, here and there, under this and over that. Since we have spirits residing in our sensitive bodies, does it not make sense to know, we are negatively impacted when we have come into contact with contagions? 

I called sugar my white devil, and I meant this. I have consumed copious amounts of it over the years, and it has served me ill. What goes in whether via the eyes, ears, mouth, or pores, can soak and soil a soul, or cause enough physical turmoil and tumult, to cause sickness. I am responsible for many things, and one of them is to do as much good as I possibly can, no matter the circumstances, or in spite of them? while I walk God's green, yellow, and currently autumn red and orange earth. If I don't take care of the temple of the living God, my body, with a due sense of responsibility, and accountability too, then I will be rendered useless and fruitless. 

The enemy that grips
I recognize the wickedness. I see souls lost in the throws of being tossed about; they appear unaware of the enemy that grips, and wants to strangle them. 

We are a disobedient lot, aren't we dear reader? Doing what we ought not do, and having to pay extravagantly when the bill comes due, in the form of lost wages, wellness, and worst of all, spiritual wholeness. 

If I am accountable, that makes you accountable too. If you are accountable, that makes him, and her, and them, and all, accountable, and responsible, for what we put out in the world and how it impacts and influences others. We are not islands and we leave a mark, whether gentle and kind, or harsh and cruel, everywhere we go, and even when we stay put. 

I read just this morning, the wise words of Matthew Henry in his Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 138:

"Those that are in league with the devil have in effect made a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, and so shall their doom be."

Whatever we do based on what we believe, think, and next act upon, is not lost on God. We haven't any excuses for choosing badly over and over again, but we sure can ask for strength to stop that pattern and then break it once and for all, and God will always come through for those that are persistently penitent. 

Here is a little exercise you can do if wholeness is what you want:

1 Be honest with yourself. If there is an area in your life that is for your eyes only, that you would be ashamed of others knowing about, then there may be some sinful indulges that are making you sick, lurking in the shadows. They need to go.

2 Be willing. You got yourself into a mess, and you are capable of getting yourself out too. You may be able to rectify the situation solo, or you may need help. Chances are good, you need assistance, so go to the One that is always willing to care for you, God is ever present and available. 

3 Be Biblical. You and I both know, in our conscience, when we are about to sin, have sinned, will agree to sinning, long before we pull the sin trigger. One of the best ways to curtail the wrong doing, is to read scripture, first thing in the morning. You can never say, I didn't know any better, when the word of God has filled your mind and heart, impacting your soul, before you go out into the wicked world.

I could find 4, 5, 6 things more for you to do, but you know dear reader, it is all up to you what you choose to do with your mind, your heart, your body, your soul... 

Sugar is my white devil, what is yours?

P.S: I am on day three of refraining from eating processed sugar. I will take this one day at a time... and you can too.