Monday, June 26, 2023

She It

Today I am on a tear ... I cannot help but wonder, WHAT THE HECK HAVE YOU DONE?

When I see a female that pretends to be a Christian, identifying herself as She/Her, my stomach does a nauseous flip. How could she turn herself into an It, a thing to be labelled when clearly, she has all the makings and markings of a woman, stamped with God's image. My initial reaction is repulsion, followed closely by a quick assessment: she fell for it ... namely, the lies that she believes she must keep company, in order to keep herself current and on course as a professional in a wicked world. She being an It, makes her out of step, out of synch with God. Her yea to the game that is being played, is contrary to God's instructions, and comes from evil:

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil (Matthew 5:37)

Bible believing Christians do not accommodate wickedness, no matter the century or decade we happen to live. Keeping with the times, the traffic, the flow, suggests a modern approach, and indeed it is, an anciently modern repetitious way of life, with each generation repeating what the last one did: going with their own natural inclinations to sin freely and frequently. But, dear reader, I am not to judge those living outside Biblical precepts and commandments, I am to love those outside the family circle unto Christ.  

For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? (1 Corinthians 5:12)

I can and must, judge them that are within, challenging a purported sister or brother in Christ Jesus, when they publicly go against God's clearly stated commands, that include all the weirdness that healthy normal people are gagging over with the gender blah blah blah idiocy. 

Now, here is the thing that I must focus on lest I lose the thread I am tugging to unravel the nonsense: all these people that spinelessly did as others have done, meaning using pronouns next to their male or female names; wearing rainbows on their heads and asses, floating on them and flagging them with all the Satan lovers that blatantly thumb their noses at God ... they have made utter fools of themselves because the tide is turning, and as in the days of Noah, believers will be safe inside the protective confines of the arc, while the colluders, pretenders, fakes and frauds, pound outside the door wanting entry when the flood of wrathful judgment comes, despite their betrayal and disobedience toward God Almighty. 

For shame, on all those that deemed it acceptable to act like fools in front of their peers, colleagues, friends, relatives, and more pointedly, family of God. I pray that hearts are pierced by this piece of writing. I pray people feel conviction for their colluding in any and all of the evil we have all been subjected to senselessly and mindlessly for the past several years. 

I pray people beg God for forgiveness for playing a small or large role, in making this world a dangerous place for our children. 

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