Sunday, June 4, 2023

Go No Further

Learning boudaries is important. You have yours, I have mine, and when we appreciate each others, we can navigate one another quite nicely. Take a liberty here, move a boundary marker there, and the slip sliding begins between us, with reactions, subtle and not so subtle counter moves and ultimately, attacks and self-defensive measures are taken, to protect self and property. 

Subterfuge is a fabulous methodology utilized when one wants to steal away what does not belong to them. The range of items to be stolen goes from the material, as in property, to the intangible and yet palpable, as in reputation. To steal ones property or destroy ones reputation, is to commit a crime against them, isn't that so? 

ðŸ–Ī Have you had this experience, dear reader? 
ðŸ–Ī Have you been stolen from? 
ðŸ–Ī What has been thieved away that you long to have back, and yet it is beyond your reach and no one is available, or even willing, to help you retrieve it? 
ðŸ–Ī What does it feel like when you consider your losses? 
ðŸ–Ī Do you feel helpless, hopeless, angry, sad, despondent, irritable, outraged, vengeful perhaps?

My son
What if all we have, all we possess, all that we call our own, never really belonged to us? rather, it was given and could be taken back by a certain Someone at any given moment, when we haphazardly misappropriated the generous gifts bestowed that we neither deserved, nor earned in the first place? I think of my son ... God's greatest gift to me, other than my own salvation soaked life. I did not make my son, and wouldn't begin to know where to start, but there are some arrogant humans in our midst that believe they are capable of mimicry, enabled to do what only God is capable of: namely, CREATING. 

Dust to dust
Man's sin is so obvious and embarrassing, isn't it dear reader? The foolishness abounds, and yet with every passing day, we age, moving toward a grave that cares not about who we were, what we accomplished, how important our earthly endeavours ... dust to dust we are destined to be, and this ought to humble each of us to the point of prayer... forgive me Father comes to mind, followed closely by THANK YOU, Father, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Some Bible
Before we get back to the topic of boundaries and stealing, let us catch a glimpse of the poetic majesty dripped from the tongue of one that knew God intimately. This is Moses' Song, Deuteronomy 32:1-3

Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 

Moses continues to describe God as the Rock, perfect, a judge, a God of truth, without iniquity, just and right:

He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he (Deuteronomy 32:4)

He also describes our deja vu like experience, as we live amongst a perverse and crooked generation: 

They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation (Deuteronomy 32:5)

And then this rebuke to the foolish, the unwise, that repay God's kindness and mercy with wickedness: 

Do ye thus requite [return a favour, service, wrongdoing] the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath not he made thee, and established thee? (Deuteronomy 32:6)

Guilty too
Think with me dear reader, about believing you can repay God, requite His love, or worse yet, believe you can repay a just God, for HIS WRONG DOING? Man alive, the global cysts are messing with the wrong God, and have given themselves over to the demon gods of this world. They have moved boundaries, stolen property, reputations, livelihoods, but I ask you, dear reader ... the ones they stole from, were they guilty too, of ingratitude for all that God had blessed them with?

Are you, am I, are we, INGRATES?

Perverse generation
We live in a perverse and crooked generation. Some bad people with really bad ideas spoke them out loud, and it didn't take much for those that do not requite God's love, to jump on the bandwagon to hell. Deuteronomy is one of the very best books to read if we want to see, feel, and know the heart of God. God does not engage in subterfuge, play games, gaslight, cat and mouse us: He is Judge, Truth and Righteous, and when we compare our ways to His, we can see we are worlds apart.

You own nothing
As we return to the topic of boundaries and property, I will be blunt. You own nothing, and will be happy about it. The global cysts have that quite right, but not because anything belongs to them, no matter how much subterfuge they engage in, or how many laws they break, borders they violate, pretend rules they impose, imaginary creatures they manufacture. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, belongs to anyone, except of course God! GRIN, this makes me very happy to type and share, dear one!

😁 You do not own yourself
ðŸĪŠ You do not own your children
😂 You do not own your house, your car, your pet, your money, your this, your that! It all, is subject to the weather, fire, flood, theft, and lastly, the will of GOD!

Ha, isn't that wonderfully scary and freeing, all at the same time?

Once you and I submit to these truths, freedom will surge in each of us and we will want to requite, we will want to honour, we will want to praise the God of heaven that drops rain and distils dew ... we are His to water, to nourish and lastly, to flourish, appreciating each gift, each blessing, and having our reputation matter ONLY as representatives of Him, the God that made us! 

I have said this so many times that I am joyfully redundant as I say it once more:

I want to be JUST LIKE JESUS 💖

How about you? Who do YOU want to be like, dear one?

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