Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again

When I grow up, I want to make sure that I protect people that do harm via physcial maiming, mentally messing with people, and soulfully causing suffering. These are my kinda people, and I admire them, even if some of the things they do might be a little, you know, extreme?

Mind you, I do admire the outrageous, those that speak their mind and take the world by the tail, swinging it round and round, no matter what other people think. Sure, an occasional bystander or two is going to get taken out, but that is the price we all ought to be willing to pay, for someone else to be made Great... Again. A little self-sacrifice for others is altruistic, and I am willing to be used as a stepping stone for the ego driven mover shakers to get ahead and lead by example! Ladder stepping on a few heads, to get to the top of the heap, is to be expected from the already rich and infamous: it is only right and good to defend those that need to do what they need to do, to be at the front of the pack! All the power to 'em, I like to say!

Sometimes I wish I could be a little more bold, speak my mind, have people listen and even do what I tell them to do. I imagine sometimes what that would be like ... I suppose it would be like being a SUPER HERO, power surging through my veins with people falling at my feet in awe. They would admire me, want to be me, and perhaps I would feel important somehow, like I matter. I would have to make tough decisions, and a few people would probably get hurt, but chances are high, that most would get out of my way and let me do what needs to get done, for the greater good of everyone. Super Hero's have their own ways of doing things, and mere humans just don't get them. How can they? since most people are simpletons, aren't you, I am they?

I see people trump-eting their importance; I see people being pence-ive about their impact, I see people biden-ing the bidding of their puppeteers. I witness tru-dough praised by free-land, and marketing manipulation to the masses, and I think to myself, these com-mune-ists are just doing what they are meant to do, ya know? And they are successful for goodness sake! They captivate an audience and hold them prisoner, and that is quite the accomplishment by most worldly standards, wouldn't you say? Being negative and overly critical of those that are making a name for themselves by taking advantage of circumstances, highlights jealousy in the individuals that criticize ... anyways, that is my assessment of the chronically weak in character, those pathetic underachievers that never live in the spot light. 

And so when I grow up, I will protect those that are "perceived" as guilty. A little wrongdoing does not a criminal make, therefore, I recommend cutting these worldly leaders some slack. I admit, studying the law isn't really of any interest to me, but when I go on social media as an adult, I am going to defend tooth and nail, all the heroes I admire, no matter what they have done! Success must be celebrated, and I will take the side of the winners over the losers that no one listens to, every time!

MAmGGA ... Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again is my motto, and I will always be their champion, even when they slip up every once in a while because, dear idiot, whom amongst us doesn't? 

Champion for the underdog powerful is the role I will play publicly, when I grow up ... this feels about right to me. Sigh, I feel better being this resolved. Now I don't have to think about it anymore! 

I wish you MAmGGA too ... fan clubbing is easy and fun, and there are lots of us to hang out with, so you will never be alone when you decide to join us. I hope to meet you soon, at a rally near you 💖

Signed disingenuously and sweetly yours, 


Always A Fan 
Never The Guest Speaker
Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again 4eva

PS:  Below is a copy and paste that accompanies the picture above. I have nothing against the Don specifically, and EVERYTHING against ALL those that insisted repeatedly, to people they neither knew, nor clearly cared about, to get lethally injected with poison. These people do not deserve protection, they deserve prosecution. The highlighting and print in bold, is my addition to the quote. 

Signed Sincerely, 

Linda Grace Byers
Fan of God Almighty
Follower of Jesus Christ the Saviour

PSS: We must do all within our power to speak against the red tide that threatens to drown us in communism. Each time we give an inch in the way of letting someone off of the accountability hook, we are giving way to more of our independence being stolen from us. All those that pushed the shots, the shut downs, the inhumane treatment of our selves and others, are guilty, and this truth must never be overlooked or shadowed in favour of hero worshipping the villainous. Donny is one of MANY that spewed venom on the masses, manipulating them on all fronts under the guise of caring ... liars, one and all. 

Former president Donald Trump said Tuesday that the COVID-19 "is a safe vaccine and it is something that works."

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