Friday, June 2, 2023

F-ouchie F-ace

I saw this picture today on twitter. I post my blogs there, but then I get out as fast as I can. 

Zoom zoom, like an electric car that has just been juiced, I make tracks to skedaddle, but today, my eyes were assaulted with this picture of a demented woman that brandished on her face, a photo of a man that takes her breath away with every inhalation, and exhalation. Apparently in August of 2020, Mandy Cohen thought her mask was "fun" as she attempted to encourage everyone to wear a hideous, smothering clothe over their faces too. My oh my, how the mousy fools have fallen. 

I wonder about Mandy's hindsight, and her current opinion about the role she played in this made for public consumption Cruella type wicked witch fairy tale. Does she recognize that she was used like a puppy in a mill, and the devil known as Fauci would sooner skin her alive, and have someone dispose of her innards, than save her life from a pretend virus?

It is people like Mandy that cannot be trusted, because they really believe that they are going to save others from themselves, and that by modelling ridiculous, fans of fakery will follow: God help us all, many actually did. The "decorative" masks persist in my area, and when I see someone wearing one of these torture devices, I have to restrain myself from saying, You are killing yourself. I don't know Mandy, but unfortunately we have all met us some Mandy's along the way: the do gooders that self-righteously condemned all that had the audacity to question what was happening and appropriately chose differently from the majority. 

Can you feel the tide turning though, dear reader? I could go on about Mandy, but the poor puppet, the soulfully wounded sod, isn't my focus: her picture and attached commentary were simply catalysts for me. People like Mandy had their day in the darkened sun, and we can leave them to lick their injuries in private ... while we turn to gayness, and I don't mean a happy disposition. 

A good friend of mine made a writing request recently. He wanted me to address the absurdity of removing plastic bags and straws from our go to market lives. There are a lot of absurdities to speak of, so please know you can add liberally to this list: which brings me to the first item to be enumerated!

🤪 Liberalism is so gay, don't cha think?
🥸 Paper straws are so gay, isn't that right?
😂 Salad in plastic bags is so gay, if I can't take it home in a plastic bag from the check out, ain't it?
🔥 Men in tights and makeup are so gay, and disturbing too, wouldn't you agree?
😁 Gay is just so, you know, gay ... 

I can't help but think of the word travesty, which means a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something ... as in travesty of justice. Is that not EXACTLY what we are eye witnessing daily, dear reader? Like lambs to the slaughter, our children have been subjected to raunchy wickedness, and the evil ones are forever ravenous, wanting to devour to the point of death, their own deaths and that of the innocent. 

Innocence is becoming the shortest lived state of being in our children's existence, and they need rescuing. They need to be told the unadulterated truth, and they need to see the adults they trust, speaking against all the absurdities and injustices. They need to be told without apology, that gay is not acceptable, firstly in the eyes of God, and secondly in a normal person's eyes. They need to be untaught all the sickness they have been slathered with ad nauseam whilst attending school, church, watching television, reading books, being read to.

Our children need us, dear reader, to speak up and against all that is unholy, unsavoury, and despicable to God. 

When I go to stores and see the pretend I am proud of being gay flags, I often make a comment to the cashiers (they are usually young women), that I object to the ideological representations. I am kind when I do this, AND, I am giving the young person an experience of hearing dissension from the "norm". They may or may not hear similar things at home, but I think it my duty to challenge the status quo trance that has resulted from a massive spell being cast over the populace. Jolting consciousness one comment at a time will perhaps, embolden young ones to speak up too. Just because people are silent, it doesn't necessarily mean they agree ... or disagree for that matter. 

We must speak life to counter the death wishes from the devil and his earthly minions. We must be bold and brave, and do all we can within our circle of influence, to be a force to be reckon with as God's salvation army. 

Now, it is your turn: Go forth and speak truth in love, for the sake of souls, dear one! Be unabashed, unashamed and fearless, knowing God is on your side, because He loves righteous men and women. Trust that He will give you strength when you are weak. 

For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37)

We can be tide turners. 
As long as there is breath, there are souls to be saved. 

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