Thursday, June 29, 2023

Adoring Eyes

Have you ever had another being look at you with pure adoration? Wouldn't it be wonderful if every time you turn in someones direction, you were met with eyes of love?

My little dog Dot looked at me that way. She was always tracking me, she was my shadow. On my left arm she sat, sometimes with right front paw balancing on my pinky, and we would move synergistically, here there and everywhere. If I got up, she sat up. If I left the room, she often followed. Before settling in for a nap, she made sure I wasn't going anyway, then she would curl into a tight ball, watch me, and then shut her eyes. 

I used to call her my attack Yorkie. She barked when someone was at the door, and nipped at heels without ever taking a bite. She was fierce, until she knew a person wasn't a threat, and then she would approach slowly, ears down, to meet and greet whoever it was that had entered her domain. I always found it fascinating that such a cute tiny thing, that looked more like a rat or cat, could and would, act just like a dog, sometimes like a big dog. 

Today I am forlorn and at a great loss. I type, I write, because it is my solace, my heart leaking into my fingertips; my heart longing to be held and comforted. My arms are empty, and have phantom limb like sentiments ... Something is missing, they say ... we look for that slight weight, that fury texture. Where has it gone?

Sometimes I would talk to Dot while she sat up on my left forearm. That is when she would turn her head slowly and we would make eye contact. We made a lot of eye contact, she was my little ever present friend and confidante. She adored me in that extraordinary way that perhaps, only an indiscriminate animal can? I mean she saw me in all my glory and in all of my failings, and loved me always, and wanted to be with me always and everywhere. 

We all have glory, we all have failings ... to be loved deeply as we are is what we all want most, isn't that so?

Yesterday a dog grabbed hold of Dot and while she was in its mouth, it shook her. I picked her up from the forest ground, and in a daze she looked me in the eyes, one last time, and I saw confusion there and a question of, What just happened, was conveyed. What just happened ... I know what happened, but I don't want it to be so. 

Today I recall yesterday, holding her on my forearms, as she snuggled into my inner elbow one last time. I felt her heart beat under my finger tips, and then that stopped. She was happy and perky, and then she was limp and lifeless. 

I hear the birds singing, they too, seem happy in their chirping. I think of all the parents that have lost a child and the heart break they must have or even do still feel. Having a life ripped away from you is a cruelty that cannot be reconciled, ever. 

I have asked God to give me wisdom and understanding. I know that I can be refined in the fire of sorrow. The fact that I could not stop the attack, could not prevent it, can not bring her back has me humbled beyond ... well, beyond.

My Saviour was spit upon, cursed at, mocked, beaten, crucified. His mother watched helplessly, and could not stop it. Jesus could have stopped it, but alas, He knew what the cross meant for mankind's future. He knew it was the only Way. God could have prevented Dot's death. He could have given her another day, or seven more years. He could have, but then again, we could have done some things differently too, not just yesterday, but perhaps every day of our lives, dear reader?

I think about adoring eyes, God's eyes of love. He watches us, as we go here there and everywhere, and wonders why He isn't invited to go along? God's creatures are replicas of Him, aren't they, dear one? I can understand why many love their dogs more than they love people ... the eyes of love are irresistibly kind, even when humans are not so kind. 

I don't really know what to do with myself, dear reader. My thoughts keep going to memories ... and I think of those that have survived tragic losses. I see how someone might die from a broken heart, my aunt did, when her toddler son went out for a walk with a cousin, and ten minutes later was returned to her, dead from drowning in the town fountain. It happened suddenly, tragically, and could not be undone.

I miss my dog and want her back: we all do, want her back. I know you, dear reader, there are people, perhaps pets too, you want back and simply cannot have ... there is only One giver and taker of life, and He does not have to consult with us regarding what happens in the world, in our lives, in our homes and relationships. He wants us to consult with Him though, dear one ... that makes all the difference, I know this to be true from experience. God is the balm for a cut and bruised soul.

Dot left a paw print on my heart. She impressed me with her steadfast loyalty and love. I have an ache that endures, because of the violence with which she was snatched away. I cannot comprehend a family member being murdered and having to reconcile with it ... how, how? God is how, He is our only how in dealing with horrifying situations. 

When the other dog had Dot by the throat ... that was so odd, and vicious. 

It occurred to me that is exactly how humans behave, just like wild animals, when they kill their own kind. How, how? Satan is how, only he can instil the blood lust required for a man to kill another person, or persons by the millions. 

I am not mad at the dog that killed my dog ... I am sad I don't have Dot with me anymore. It just isn't right, you know?

Last year Dot and I had our picture taken ... she sat on my forearm, right paw on my pinky. I would love to have that day back, I would love to have yesterday back, before she was stolen away ...

I love you Dottie, dot com ... I love you binky ... I miss you and love you ... I am sorry you were attacked, you sweet happy little thing ... 

I am sad

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Koi Coin

Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee (Matthew 17:27)

When the world went topsy turvy, so too my work, tipped this way then that, spilling my clients out of my life. I loved my clients and had worked closely with many of them for years. When one by one then backed away from our training or coaching relationship, I was left wondering who they had become, and had I known them at all?

Fear oddly snuck them off to some nether nether land. They willingly retired their lives, hung up their running shoes, closeted their need to be seen and heard for their own betterment, and "sheltered at home". Such an odd thing to type, "sheltered at home"... 

I wonder about them sometimes. A friend of mine that died young, used to use the expression, "A fig newton of my imagination". Did I imagine having THAT many clients? Did I ever really get up early enough to train people for 6:30 a.m? All that time I spent in traffic to get to a clients house, was it real? All the intimate conversations, the sharing of bits and pieces of ourselves with one another, what was all that? 

To answer my own question, I do believe I knew them, perhaps in ways they did not know themselves. They, the clients that evaporated one by one in rapid succession, were and are still, I assume, worldling's; people that prefer to preserve themselves here on earth, rather than look to eternity, with heaven as their final destination and home. The worldling's pulled back from relating, next they shamefully masked themselves from one another, followed soon after, with willingly getting needled, sometimes to death. The progression of sin was rapid fire, machine gun like execution of relationships with concomitant consequences for choosing badly, wrongfully, wickedly. 

When I was in Home Sense last week, I found a Koi fish, crafted by human hands. I really liked the fella, and brought him home. As I type, he sits on my desk, eye balling me, mouth agape, fins flexed and tail poised for swooshing. The scripture above, of Jesus' instructions to His disciple Peter, came to mind the other day, and it delighted me to place a two dollar coin in my koi's open for business mouth. 

Imagine the delight Peter experienced when he went to the sea, cast a hook, took up the first fish that presented itself, and found a piece of money there, to be used for paying taxes for both of them? God has a wonderful wooing way of letting us know that earthly things do not impede the heavenly King. For humans like you and me, the message is clear: God provides if and when and where and how HE LIKES, and while Peter didn't earn the cash, and he still had to pay his expenses, God gave him exactly what he needed when he needed it, to be a responsible citizen in the world. 

Imagine if Peter had scoffed at Jesus, mocking Him by saying, Don't be ridiculous Jesus, you sound like a fool. Fish ain't no bank account, just like money don't grow on trees! Imagine that ... I feel like I am tiptoeing on spring ice that might crack beneath my feet in a moment just by typing this suggestion. Peter, knowing Who Jesus was, wouldn't have dared to breath out these words because he knew better. He had witnessed miracles and clearly, knew nothing was impossible for God in the flesh.

Nothing, dear reader, is impossible, for God in the flesh
Nothing, dear reader, is impossible for God

You live in your fleshly garment, a here today, gone tomorrow tent that houses your soul. If nothing is impossible for God, and you have the faith of a disciple, does it not stand to reason, that you fearlessly believe every word ushered from the Saviours mouth? 

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? (Matthew 6:25)

My business is different now, with my ratio of working as a coach vs personal trainer having shifted. People are looking for help in what has become a weird and wonky world. More than ever before, the lost and lonely are experiencing existential crisis, and are turning to God and the Bible for understanding, wisdom, guidance, and a spiritual view of the circumstances they are encountering. What God's children are learning is how great, marvellous, wonderful He is as Father, provider, strength and courage when we feel unsure, unsettled and shaky. 

I could have done what many did: I typed this knowing it is a lie ... 

I could not do what many have done. I could not keep my distance, cover my face, get injected, walk away from relationship for fear of being made sick enough to actually die: I couldn't, refused to, and am glad I did none of these things. Doing any or all of them, dear reader, would have killed me bit by bit, and perhaps this is what is happening to those that complied with the orders from the evil ones? 

I could not would not do these things for money, safety, a high five, or a baritone low bit of praise, because none of it was righteous, holy, helpful, kind, worthy of dignified human conduct. So, dear one, I found me a koi, and recalled the words of my Saviour. I placed a coin in its open mouth as a reminder, that what seems miraculous to me, is just plain old fun for God as He displays His power and might over all things living and dead. 

God is fun, and He made us with wonder, we are wonderfully made! Isn't that astounding?

I will end here, with a suggestion and a challenge:

Suggestion: If you went along with any or all of the government funded (really, tax payers dollars misappropriated by hand picked puppets that seek to maim, kill and destroy when they follow the orders of the devil) and pushed propaganda, call out to God, ask for forgiveness and in your repentance, ask to be made new in the image of Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Jesus modelled obedience to His Father, and we can be just like Him. 

Challenge: The next time someone insists on how you are to conduct yourself, consider the source, consider the consequences and the costs involved. Consider the impact you will have on the people in your life, and the far reaching impact each choice you make has on our mutual future while we walk God's green earth. 

Fortunately for me, I love my work, but I count on God as my provider, not my clients, that come and go, for whatever reason. You can rely on Him too, not just for funding your life, but for your every need ... 

Ask, and ye shall receive, when you ask for His will to be done, not yours 💖

PS: Don't strain your eyes in an attempt to read the text in the picture, just below the koi ... it is the scripture quoted at the beginning of this piece of writing. For more of the same, go to the Bible, authored by God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Company

Monday, June 26, 2023

She It

Today I am on a tear ... I cannot help but wonder, WHAT THE HECK HAVE YOU DONE?

When I see a female that pretends to be a Christian, identifying herself as She/Her, my stomach does a nauseous flip. How could she turn herself into an It, a thing to be labelled when clearly, she has all the makings and markings of a woman, stamped with God's image. My initial reaction is repulsion, followed closely by a quick assessment: she fell for it ... namely, the lies that she believes she must keep company, in order to keep herself current and on course as a professional in a wicked world. She being an It, makes her out of step, out of synch with God. Her yea to the game that is being played, is contrary to God's instructions, and comes from evil:

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil (Matthew 5:37)

Bible believing Christians do not accommodate wickedness, no matter the century or decade we happen to live. Keeping with the times, the traffic, the flow, suggests a modern approach, and indeed it is, an anciently modern repetitious way of life, with each generation repeating what the last one did: going with their own natural inclinations to sin freely and frequently. But, dear reader, I am not to judge those living outside Biblical precepts and commandments, I am to love those outside the family circle unto Christ.  

For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? (1 Corinthians 5:12)

I can and must, judge them that are within, challenging a purported sister or brother in Christ Jesus, when they publicly go against God's clearly stated commands, that include all the weirdness that healthy normal people are gagging over with the gender blah blah blah idiocy. 

Now, here is the thing that I must focus on lest I lose the thread I am tugging to unravel the nonsense: all these people that spinelessly did as others have done, meaning using pronouns next to their male or female names; wearing rainbows on their heads and asses, floating on them and flagging them with all the Satan lovers that blatantly thumb their noses at God ... they have made utter fools of themselves because the tide is turning, and as in the days of Noah, believers will be safe inside the protective confines of the arc, while the colluders, pretenders, fakes and frauds, pound outside the door wanting entry when the flood of wrathful judgment comes, despite their betrayal and disobedience toward God Almighty. 

For shame, on all those that deemed it acceptable to act like fools in front of their peers, colleagues, friends, relatives, and more pointedly, family of God. I pray that hearts are pierced by this piece of writing. I pray people feel conviction for their colluding in any and all of the evil we have all been subjected to senselessly and mindlessly for the past several years. 

I pray people beg God for forgiveness for playing a small or large role, in making this world a dangerous place for our children. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Backgammon Blood Lust

When I was a child we had a backgammon set. Some of the pieces were missing, and a coin and one time, an almond in its shell, acted as replacements for the beige and black discs. Recently I resumed playing the game online, and it didn't take me long to discover that I am really bad at backgammon. 

If you haven't ever played, this may not be of interest to you, but like most games, opponents play to win. Losing isn't fun, but worse than losing, being trounced causes some irritability. What I noticed about myself when I resumed playing, was a bit of backgammon blood lust ... when rolling the dice, my hope was to get the perfect number to kill my opponent if one or more of their playing pieces were unprotected: but killing isn't the object of the game, getting all of the little men home safe, and then removing them from the board before the opponent does, makes one person a victor and one person a loser. In the online game I have been playing, opponents can chat using the limited options available: Hello!; Hurry Up!; Sorry; Well Played, Ha Ha; Thank-You ... 

What has me returning to the game again and again, is my fascination with my own reactions to my opponents. My lose/win rate is forty-seven to fifty-three, meaning I lose 53 percent of the time: and sometimes I lose my cool ... perhaps in the same ratio .. Ha Ha ...

Here is a brief list of my reactions:

Humour, irritation, delight, amazement, incensed, playful and polite

While I feel and observe my reactions, it is rarely about the roll of the dice, it is generally about the feel of the opponent. Do you believe you can sense and feel what someone is like without eye contact, without reading facial expressions, without hearing another's voice? I do ... 

There are players that have amassed large pretend fortunes in the online backgammon world. I have to rely on free coins to accumulate to get in on the game, or purchase some, which I refuse to do, since Hello!, buying into a fake reality makes me a fraud (yes yes, you can extrapolate as much as you like as I hint at humanities inclinations to fakery and feigning, pretending what isn't, really is?!). 

As I study myself, I am studying the people I briefly encounter as opponents. One fella absolutely refused to be safe, got himself killed repeated, placing himself continuously in my camp, ruthlessly killing my men along the way, and to my amazement, he won. It was a fascination, I tell you, and I could see him in my minds eye, determined, at all costs, risking life and limb, to get to where he wanted to be. Another player refused to kill my men, despite many opportunities ... I felt a sense of peace about him or her, a kindness, a desire to engage without causing injury or harm: I won the game, but just barely. The soft feeling afterward had lightly and gently touched my heart. Other players cruise across the board as though no one else is present ... the dice roll in their favour, they select the perfect landing places, and one might get the impression the game is fixed, that the dice like the opponent more somehow, and that there was a predetermination of who would be the winner, and who would feel as though they simply did not have a chance. Lastly, at least for this piece of writing, there are the obnoxious players that for some reason agree to a match but use an exorbitant amount of time to make their moves and when they do kill or trap the opponents men, they gleefully send the message, Ha Ha ... this is when the immature side of me comes out, I start killing even when it doesn't make sense, since the object of the game is to win, and then, when the tables turn, I send the Ha Ha, Hurry Up messages too.  

Sigh ... humans are interesting, aren't they, dear reader? 

Today I decided to be a pacifist, recalling how it felt to be safe when playing that one game with the kind opponent that refused to kill. I wanted to see what my win loss record would be. I played six games, managing to kill once, only because I didn't have a choice, and had to get back onto the board: my win/loss ration improved, to 50/50. Since I was being clinical about the experience, I had absolutely no feelings at all, except a strange sense of detachment and slight superiority, feeling a little clever that I had stepped out of the game, was logical and pragmatic, and prepared to win, or lose, without any attachment to the outcome. 

But dear reader, I was still, and always am, playing to win. I don't like losing, I like the satisfaction of getting to the finish line first, but I have to say, I prefer a photo finish, especially when I am playing someone that I sense is kind, someone that says Thank You and Sorry, or Well Played and Hello, during our brief board time together. In fact, when someone that is decent wins, I feel some joy on their behalf ... 

But again, dear reader, when the vicious, the mean spirited, the kill at all costs players present themselves, my hackles activate and my determination to win increases ... and this is usually, when I lose my cool, Ha Ha!

Let us round out this metaphorical convo with some sound scripture:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)

I will end with complete transparency. We are emotional beings and can sense and feel one another, including intentions. We can override our knowing, pretend wickedness does not exist and that our senses are off base, silly or nonsensical, but they aren't dear one, they aren't. Good and evil exist, we live in a wicked world, and we can choose to be aggressors, pacifists, and without exhausting the list, we can choose to be somewhere in-between. 

Checking our own intentions before engaging with others is what I am driving at. We leave an imprint on each other, a soft soul brushing or finger print indents ... soothing or savage ...

Which, dear reader are you? 

Soothing or savage? 

God wants none to be lost, each soul belongs to Him, and our ministry is one of reconciliation. We are to run the race to win, knowing we gave our all as God's Salvation Army, here on earth: to do this well, we must at all costs, do no harm as we speak Truth in Love. 

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)

Salvation is God's salve for the soul, soothing the savage in us. If you don't know this yet, perhaps today is the day, dear one, that you go down on your knees and have a heart to heart with your Creator 💖, the God of the Bible. 

I pray you are reconciled today

Friday, June 16, 2023

Doggy Down

He was an interesting kinda fella, a smaller version of us really. Within one canine, there was a microcosm of each family member reflected. Stubbornness, tenacity, irritability, intensity, maybe a little too much aggressive whining? He was affectionate, emotionally independent, and liked to just hang out and be with, no conversation required. 

When we got him, I wanted him to bond with me. I wanted him to be my dog. When my former husband left the family, my dog sat with me often, ruining my white couch, while I hugged him and cried. He used to lay his head on my lap, but would jump up at the sound or the possibility, of someone making something in the kitchen ... that guy could hear a banana peeling from two rooms away. 

My mom named him Cesar, the ruler of our family. He knew how to open the heavy sliding door, escape and get into other peoples houses, and always find food on our walks. If I took his bowl away from him mid munch, he would allow it, but getting a rib from him on garbage day, found in the grass at the end of someones lawn, meant I could lose a finger or two if I didn't leave him with his bone. He was part hound, and that side of him dominated ... the pug part of him only prevailed in his odd snorting breathing ... when tracking a scent, he sounded like a little piglet ... a Piggle he was.

Today my son and I took him to be lethally injected. He was sixteen and a half, blind, weak in the back legs, restless and wandering, but forever hungry too. When I discovered liver snacks in the room we were in to have the death shot given, I gave him lots of them, lots and lots of them ... my way of saying eat sweet boy, your last quickly swallowed snack here on earth. I told the vet when she asked me if I was familiar with euthanasia, I don't believe in euthanasia, and yet here I am, and Thank-You for doing this. 

I am not sure if dogs go to heaven. The Bible suggests they don't but i sure hope they do, not just because I want to see Cesar again, but because animals are so honest, so themselves all the time. That guy couldn't lie if you threatened never to feed him again ... it just wasn't possible, and I guess, I wish humans were that trust worthy, that easy and straightforward too. 

I pet him while sedation slowed him to a slumber. He could hear me and feel me, and I said the things I wanted to say, things like, You were a pain in the ass and I love you; You could clear a room quickly; and Thank-You for being with me when I was sad.

I do miss him, but I miss the guy he used to be, not the feeble blind fella he became. It hurts to see decline, knowing it will only get worse ... I saw this with my dad, many years ago ... it will happen to me, and to you, and my hope is that we will be treated with kindness in our frailty.

I can't imagine euthanizing humans. I could not would not ... it is immoral and wrong: is it immoral and wrong that I paid money to have a stranger slow my dog down until he breathed no more? Perhaps it is, and I am an accomplice to murder. Perhaps it was a kindness bestowed from me to him, with my son by my side. Forgive me Lord, either way these circumstances are untenable. 

I am saying goodbye to a furry pal, but with the saying goodbye, I recall the hellos, the way he came to be in our lives. I revisit memories that have me tear up for what used to be, could have should have been. 

Death is a great reminder to appreciate life, to hug the ones you love closely, because it may be the last time. 

Goodbye Cesar, I am glad you were my dog. I hope you are eating a rib with the meat on it, and that there are a lot of liver snacks, trees to sniff and mark, and fields of snow to run in and gobble up. 

PS: I hope your bark is back, and you howl to your hearts content 💖

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Compromised Integrity

What does compromised integrity mean to you dear reader?

What if I were to say, Compromised integrity are lies come to life; lies manifesting in the flesh, in real time, in actuality? Would you agree with this statement?

You and I both know what it means to compromise our integrity. Before the self-betrayal, we have that should I shouldn't I niggling feeling of doubt, knowing that if we think too long and too hard on the matter, we may say no to something or someone we really want to have in our lives. Quick like ripping off the proverbial bandaid, the decision has to be made NOW, if we really want to have what we want NOW, and once that choice has been made, a certain fate has been sealed. This is a fait accompli, with a twist: the outcomes, the consequences have to be accepted and oft times, what we have to live with can be devastating and soul sickening. 

When we lie to ourselves, in the simple small things, or alternatively monstrously large in magnitude, we can see incremental injury and again, alternatively, massive maiming as a result. Take for instance, consuming one hundred calories more than you burn each day. In one week, you have added seven hundred little extras to your body, and within five weeks, without stoppage, in five short weeks you will be carting around a supplemental pound. This may seem like a small thing, an incremental injury to your body, but dear reader, let us do the math: 

100 calories a day X 7 days = 700
1 pound = 3500 calories
5 weeks = 1 pound
10 wks   = 2 pounds
20 wks   = 4 pounds
40 wks   = 8 pounds
52 wks   = 10.4285714 pounds ... that is one year of incremental, seemingly innocent weight gain from a little bite of this, and small taste of that, or even one big sloppy fast food "meal" a week. 

Tell your pants they ought not be so unkind to you when they squeeze and bite you around the waist. Tell your chest it ought not to slouch so, when you are trying to get it to rise to the occasion of looking perky and proud. Tell your intestines and stomach not to ache, and to behave themselves, despite all the extra work they have to do from the extra calories you stuffed into them. 

🔥 Now, did you or did you not, compromise the integrity of your physical health?
🔥 Are you, or are you not, responsible for each teeny tiny extra calorie that hugs you tightly in places you wish they wouldn't be so obvious?
🔥 Were you force fed? Did someone hold a plastic gun to your head and say, EAT, EAT, or DIE?

How have you compromised your integrity, dear reader? Is it food, drink, wearing masks, being "tested", getting injected ... what did you say yes to before considering outcomes, long term consequences, injury, illness, maiming, permanent disability and possible death?

How did you interact with someone or many someones privately, sexually, socially, that compromised who you want to be, that needs to be seriously assessed, prayed about, and repented over? 

As I reflect on my own sins and the confession of them to God, and even before other imperfect humans, I realize how gracious, how merciful, how very kind and loving He is. I have sinned greatly, confessed much, and been flat on my face many a time, tearfully pleading with Him to make things better, make them right. Not long ago I wasn't sure if healing was available to me, or even if life would ever be somehow okay again ... 

There were times He peeled me off the floor, and gave me the strength to carry on. There are situations He resolved that I know I had no say or control over. People I love are healed; He healed them, dear one, and He alone has that kind of might and power. 

Now here I sit, wanting desperately for so many, to go before him and beg for His hand on their lives. People have compromised their integrity by saying yes to things they knew they ought to have said no to. They repeated this theme and now there is a price to pay, with the accumulated sins weighing heavily on their souls, their spirits unable to fly freely. That's what sin does, it presses down and in on us, until we no longer resemble the person God designed us to be ...

But where there is hope, there too, is God. When we place our faith and trust in Him and take the time to consider our integrity rather than our immediate desire, making holy and wholesome decisions, the outcomes can be glorious in countless ways. 

It is time, dear one, to consider your sins. Do a self-analysis and when your mind lands on a memory that makes you feel squirmy and has you wanting to forget, narrow your vision and take an even closer look. Chances are good you compromised your integrity and you are now living the manifestation of that choice, or the series of choices that seem to travel insidiously in packs (sin, like calories, are hard to single out: try to eat just ONE calorie ... try to sin just a LITTLE bit).

We have seen ourselves fishtail. We have seen our neighbours, friends, relatives, and strangers, compromise what it means to look and sound like the God that made us. We have sinned greatly and we must in turn, repent greatly too. 

NOW, is the time, as individuals and the collective, because God wants none to be lost. 

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9)

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Tearing Down Idols

I am an anti Luciferian. I am also an anti fakery kinda gal. I don't usually make a practice of speaking in negatives, so I am going to turn this conversation around and declare:

I am a Jesus loving, Bible reading, Christ follower. I love Truth and I also love exposing lies because it feels clean, good, right, healthy, holy, and as though I am meant to do just that. I cannot help myself, stop myself, nor do I want to. The Truth is the most marvellous and precious Way, and I cling to it like a koala to his or her eucalyptus tree. 

Here is what the Bible says we are enabled do when we are in Christ:

5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence [strong sexual desire, lust], and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6 For which things's sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: 7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. 8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth (Colossians 3:5-8)

We are to mortify (subdue), all of which are listed as idolatry (the worship of idols)

5 fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, covetousness

6 God's wrath is on those that are disobedient, committing acts that He commanded not be done

7 We too, were disobedient when we were not in Christ

And lastly, since we are new creations, delivered from the evil in this world through the saving grace of Christ our LORD, living according to God's commands, we have put off:

8 anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth

When we see the prideful, we also see all that is described above: these ways distort and disturb the spirit, scarring souls and casting darkness upon them. Men are men, women are women, and no number of lies from the reprobate can change truth, even if they try to dress it in drag. God is not a weirdo, and people acting like He is okay with their twisting of truth, just makes them look sadly silly, sick and depraved. 

We are to tear down idols dear reader, and I invite you to look up scripture for yourself, and not rely on anyone else to do this wonderful investigating for you! 

The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God (Deuteronomy 7:25) 

I am thoroughly enjoying what I am seeing with people taking back holy ground. The young and old are saying NO MORE, to the encroaching of evil, and we are living a Lord of the Rings existence, with the wicked looking more and more like the trolls that terrorize, and the righteous moving boldly forward in their quest to conquer the middle earth demons that threaten our very existence. The warriors for Truth may appear tiny compared to the giants, but with every stone thrown at the enemy, one more of the mighty fall, belittled by the brave. 

If God be for us, who, pray tell, dear one, can be against us? [cf. Romans 8:31]

If you love Truth like I do
If you cannot stand or tolerate what the wicked are doing in our midst
If you are protective of children and all that is lovely and sacred

You will, speak up, speak out, and take back holy ground, dear one. We all must: it is our duty as future citizens of heaven currently residing on earth 💖

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again

When I grow up, I want to make sure that I protect people that do harm via physcial maiming, mentally messing with people, and soulfully causing suffering. These are my kinda people, and I admire them, even if some of the things they do might be a little, you know, extreme?

Mind you, I do admire the outrageous, those that speak their mind and take the world by the tail, swinging it round and round, no matter what other people think. Sure, an occasional bystander or two is going to get taken out, but that is the price we all ought to be willing to pay, for someone else to be made Great... Again. A little self-sacrifice for others is altruistic, and I am willing to be used as a stepping stone for the ego driven mover shakers to get ahead and lead by example! Ladder stepping on a few heads, to get to the top of the heap, is to be expected from the already rich and infamous: it is only right and good to defend those that need to do what they need to do, to be at the front of the pack! All the power to 'em, I like to say!

Sometimes I wish I could be a little more bold, speak my mind, have people listen and even do what I tell them to do. I imagine sometimes what that would be like ... I suppose it would be like being a SUPER HERO, power surging through my veins with people falling at my feet in awe. They would admire me, want to be me, and perhaps I would feel important somehow, like I matter. I would have to make tough decisions, and a few people would probably get hurt, but chances are high, that most would get out of my way and let me do what needs to get done, for the greater good of everyone. Super Hero's have their own ways of doing things, and mere humans just don't get them. How can they? since most people are simpletons, aren't you, I am they?

I see people trump-eting their importance; I see people being pence-ive about their impact, I see people biden-ing the bidding of their puppeteers. I witness tru-dough praised by free-land, and marketing manipulation to the masses, and I think to myself, these com-mune-ists are just doing what they are meant to do, ya know? And they are successful for goodness sake! They captivate an audience and hold them prisoner, and that is quite the accomplishment by most worldly standards, wouldn't you say? Being negative and overly critical of those that are making a name for themselves by taking advantage of circumstances, highlights jealousy in the individuals that criticize ... anyways, that is my assessment of the chronically weak in character, those pathetic underachievers that never live in the spot light. 

And so when I grow up, I will protect those that are "perceived" as guilty. A little wrongdoing does not a criminal make, therefore, I recommend cutting these worldly leaders some slack. I admit, studying the law isn't really of any interest to me, but when I go on social media as an adult, I am going to defend tooth and nail, all the heroes I admire, no matter what they have done! Success must be celebrated, and I will take the side of the winners over the losers that no one listens to, every time!

MAmGGA ... Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again is my motto, and I will always be their champion, even when they slip up every once in a while because, dear idiot, whom amongst us doesn't? 

Champion for the underdog powerful is the role I will play publicly, when I grow up ... this feels about right to me. Sigh, I feel better being this resolved. Now I don't have to think about it anymore! 

I wish you MAmGGA too ... fan clubbing is easy and fun, and there are lots of us to hang out with, so you will never be alone when you decide to join us. I hope to meet you soon, at a rally near you 💖

Signed disingenuously and sweetly yours, 


Always A Fan 
Never The Guest Speaker
Make Amazing meGalomaniacs Great Again 4eva

PS:  Below is a copy and paste that accompanies the picture above. I have nothing against the Don specifically, and EVERYTHING against ALL those that insisted repeatedly, to people they neither knew, nor clearly cared about, to get lethally injected with poison. These people do not deserve protection, they deserve prosecution. The highlighting and print in bold, is my addition to the quote. 

Signed Sincerely, 

Linda Grace Byers
Fan of God Almighty
Follower of Jesus Christ the Saviour

PSS: We must do all within our power to speak against the red tide that threatens to drown us in communism. Each time we give an inch in the way of letting someone off of the accountability hook, we are giving way to more of our independence being stolen from us. All those that pushed the shots, the shut downs, the inhumane treatment of our selves and others, are guilty, and this truth must never be overlooked or shadowed in favour of hero worshipping the villainous. Donny is one of MANY that spewed venom on the masses, manipulating them on all fronts under the guise of caring ... liars, one and all. 

Former president Donald Trump said Tuesday that the COVID-19 "is a safe vaccine and it is something that works."

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Go No Further

Learning boudaries is important. You have yours, I have mine, and when we appreciate each others, we can navigate one another quite nicely. Take a liberty here, move a boundary marker there, and the slip sliding begins between us, with reactions, subtle and not so subtle counter moves and ultimately, attacks and self-defensive measures are taken, to protect self and property. 

Subterfuge is a fabulous methodology utilized when one wants to steal away what does not belong to them. The range of items to be stolen goes from the material, as in property, to the intangible and yet palpable, as in reputation. To steal ones property or destroy ones reputation, is to commit a crime against them, isn't that so? 

🖤 Have you had this experience, dear reader? 
🖤 Have you been stolen from? 
🖤 What has been thieved away that you long to have back, and yet it is beyond your reach and no one is available, or even willing, to help you retrieve it? 
🖤 What does it feel like when you consider your losses? 
🖤 Do you feel helpless, hopeless, angry, sad, despondent, irritable, outraged, vengeful perhaps?

My son
What if all we have, all we possess, all that we call our own, never really belonged to us? rather, it was given and could be taken back by a certain Someone at any given moment, when we haphazardly misappropriated the generous gifts bestowed that we neither deserved, nor earned in the first place? I think of my son ... God's greatest gift to me, other than my own salvation soaked life. I did not make my son, and wouldn't begin to know where to start, but there are some arrogant humans in our midst that believe they are capable of mimicry, enabled to do what only God is capable of: namely, CREATING. 

Dust to dust
Man's sin is so obvious and embarrassing, isn't it dear reader? The foolishness abounds, and yet with every passing day, we age, moving toward a grave that cares not about who we were, what we accomplished, how important our earthly endeavours ... dust to dust we are destined to be, and this ought to humble each of us to the point of prayer... forgive me Father comes to mind, followed closely by THANK YOU, Father, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Some Bible
Before we get back to the topic of boundaries and stealing, let us catch a glimpse of the poetic majesty dripped from the tongue of one that knew God intimately. This is Moses' Song, Deuteronomy 32:1-3

Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 

Moses continues to describe God as the Rock, perfect, a judge, a God of truth, without iniquity, just and right:

He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he (Deuteronomy 32:4)

He also describes our deja vu like experience, as we live amongst a perverse and crooked generation: 

They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation (Deuteronomy 32:5)

And then this rebuke to the foolish, the unwise, that repay God's kindness and mercy with wickedness: 

Do ye thus requite [return a favour, service, wrongdoing] the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath not he made thee, and established thee? (Deuteronomy 32:6)

Guilty too
Think with me dear reader, about believing you can repay God, requite His love, or worse yet, believe you can repay a just God, for HIS WRONG DOING? Man alive, the global cysts are messing with the wrong God, and have given themselves over to the demon gods of this world. They have moved boundaries, stolen property, reputations, livelihoods, but I ask you, dear reader ... the ones they stole from, were they guilty too, of ingratitude for all that God had blessed them with?

Are you, am I, are we, INGRATES?

Perverse generation
We live in a perverse and crooked generation. Some bad people with really bad ideas spoke them out loud, and it didn't take much for those that do not requite God's love, to jump on the bandwagon to hell. Deuteronomy is one of the very best books to read if we want to see, feel, and know the heart of God. God does not engage in subterfuge, play games, gaslight, cat and mouse us: He is Judge, Truth and Righteous, and when we compare our ways to His, we can see we are worlds apart.

You own nothing
As we return to the topic of boundaries and property, I will be blunt. You own nothing, and will be happy about it. The global cysts have that quite right, but not because anything belongs to them, no matter how much subterfuge they engage in, or how many laws they break, borders they violate, pretend rules they impose, imaginary creatures they manufacture. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, belongs to anyone, except of course God! GRIN, this makes me very happy to type and share, dear one!

😁 You do not own yourself
🤪 You do not own your children
😂 You do not own your house, your car, your pet, your money, your this, your that! It all, is subject to the weather, fire, flood, theft, and lastly, the will of GOD!

Ha, isn't that wonderfully scary and freeing, all at the same time?

Once you and I submit to these truths, freedom will surge in each of us and we will want to requite, we will want to honour, we will want to praise the God of heaven that drops rain and distils dew ... we are His to water, to nourish and lastly, to flourish, appreciating each gift, each blessing, and having our reputation matter ONLY as representatives of Him, the God that made us! 

I have said this so many times that I am joyfully redundant as I say it once more:

I want to be JUST LIKE JESUS 💖

How about you? Who do YOU want to be like, dear one?

Friday, June 2, 2023

F-ouchie F-ace

I saw this picture today on twitter. I post my blogs there, but then I get out as fast as I can. 

Zoom zoom, like an electric car that has just been juiced, I make tracks to skedaddle, but today, my eyes were assaulted with this picture of a demented woman that brandished on her face, a photo of a man that takes her breath away with every inhalation, and exhalation. Apparently in August of 2020, Mandy Cohen thought her mask was "fun" as she attempted to encourage everyone to wear a hideous, smothering clothe over their faces too. My oh my, how the mousy fools have fallen. 

I wonder about Mandy's hindsight, and her current opinion about the role she played in this made for public consumption Cruella type wicked witch fairy tale. Does she recognize that she was used like a puppy in a mill, and the devil known as Fauci would sooner skin her alive, and have someone dispose of her innards, than save her life from a pretend virus?

It is people like Mandy that cannot be trusted, because they really believe that they are going to save others from themselves, and that by modelling ridiculous, fans of fakery will follow: God help us all, many actually did. The "decorative" masks persist in my area, and when I see someone wearing one of these torture devices, I have to restrain myself from saying, You are killing yourself. I don't know Mandy, but unfortunately we have all met us some Mandy's along the way: the do gooders that self-righteously condemned all that had the audacity to question what was happening and appropriately chose differently from the majority. 

Can you feel the tide turning though, dear reader? I could go on about Mandy, but the poor puppet, the soulfully wounded sod, isn't my focus: her picture and attached commentary were simply catalysts for me. People like Mandy had their day in the darkened sun, and we can leave them to lick their injuries in private ... while we turn to gayness, and I don't mean a happy disposition. 

A good friend of mine made a writing request recently. He wanted me to address the absurdity of removing plastic bags and straws from our go to market lives. There are a lot of absurdities to speak of, so please know you can add liberally to this list: which brings me to the first item to be enumerated!

🤪 Liberalism is so gay, don't cha think?
🥸 Paper straws are so gay, isn't that right?
😂 Salad in plastic bags is so gay, if I can't take it home in a plastic bag from the check out, ain't it?
🔥 Men in tights and makeup are so gay, and disturbing too, wouldn't you agree?
😁 Gay is just so, you know, gay ... 

I can't help but think of the word travesty, which means a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something ... as in travesty of justice. Is that not EXACTLY what we are eye witnessing daily, dear reader? Like lambs to the slaughter, our children have been subjected to raunchy wickedness, and the evil ones are forever ravenous, wanting to devour to the point of death, their own deaths and that of the innocent. 

Innocence is becoming the shortest lived state of being in our children's existence, and they need rescuing. They need to be told the unadulterated truth, and they need to see the adults they trust, speaking against all the absurdities and injustices. They need to be told without apology, that gay is not acceptable, firstly in the eyes of God, and secondly in a normal person's eyes. They need to be untaught all the sickness they have been slathered with ad nauseam whilst attending school, church, watching television, reading books, being read to.

Our children need us, dear reader, to speak up and against all that is unholy, unsavoury, and despicable to God. 

When I go to stores and see the pretend I am proud of being gay flags, I often make a comment to the cashiers (they are usually young women), that I object to the ideological representations. I am kind when I do this, AND, I am giving the young person an experience of hearing dissension from the "norm". They may or may not hear similar things at home, but I think it my duty to challenge the status quo trance that has resulted from a massive spell being cast over the populace. Jolting consciousness one comment at a time will perhaps, embolden young ones to speak up too. Just because people are silent, it doesn't necessarily mean they agree ... or disagree for that matter. 

We must speak life to counter the death wishes from the devil and his earthly minions. We must be bold and brave, and do all we can within our circle of influence, to be a force to be reckon with as God's salvation army. 

Now, it is your turn: Go forth and speak truth in love, for the sake of souls, dear one! Be unabashed, unashamed and fearless, knowing God is on your side, because He loves righteous men and women. Trust that He will give you strength when you are weak. 

For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37)

We can be tide turners. 
As long as there is breath, there are souls to be saved. 

Cursed Be He

Deuteronomy 27:14-26

14  And the Levites shall speak, and say unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice:

15  Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, A-men

16  Cursed be he that setteth light [dishonours] his father or mother. And all the people shall say, A-men

17  Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmark. And all the people shall say, A-men

18 Cursed be he that maketh the blind to wander out of the way [leading the blind astray]. And all the people shall say, A-men

19 Cursed be he that pervereth the judgment [withholds justice] of the stranger, fatherless, and widow. And all the people shall say, A-men

20 Cursed be he that lieth with his father's wife; because he uncovereth his father's skirt [dishonours his father's bed]. And all the people shall say, A-men

21 Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the people shall say, A-men

22  Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, A-men

23  Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in law. And all the people shall say, A-men

24  Cursed be he that smitheth [kills] his neighbour secretly. And all the people shall say, A-men

25  Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, A-men

26  Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, A-men

Well now, dear reader, how much more plain can the law of God possibly be? Men or women that go against the dictates of the Creator, don't have a lot of explaining to do, they are actually cursed. Imagine that, damning yourself by doing the following:

15 Crafting a molten image and secretly worshipping it: we don't need to use our imagination with this one, just think of a Satan worship ceremony
16 Dishonouring your father or mother
17 Stealing property from your neighbour by moving borders, or landmarks
18 Leading the blind astray
19 Unjust treatment of aliens or immigrants, orphans and widows
20 Dishonouring your father by having sex with his wife
21 Sex with animals
22 Sex with a sister
23 Sex with a mother in law
24 Killing your neighbour secretly
25 Being rewarded for killing the innocent: payment for murder
26 Denying all of these God given laws by not living accordingly, or in other words, committing the crimes listed

Do note, these are God's laws, and we can measure a man by his willingness to abide or alternatively, commit heinous crimes against Him, as so many are want to do these days, bringing upon themselves a curse. 

Think now, about God and His curses: 

🔥 While we witness brazen arrogant worship of people places and things that are not God
🔥 While we watch the elderly live lonely and desolate lives, forgotten and alone, euthanized to ease adult children's existence (I could add on to this one but so can you, dear reader)
🔥 While rulers and kings encroach and thieve away property and savings via immoral and reprehensible means
🔥 While the blind are continually led astray to their own detriment
🔥 While vulnerable immigrants, orphans and widows are maltreated
🔥 While men have sex with animals, commit incest with their father's wife, their own sister(s), their mother in law
🔥 While men kill their neighbour secretly and are rewarded for killing the innocent 


Now that we have covered all of the above, allow your eyes to travel upward, to the start of this piece of writing, verse 14

Do you see what I see, dear reader? It is the Levites, the priests of Israel, the representatives of God on earth, that were required to speak, and say unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice ... 

For shame, for shame on the pastors that have done according to the will of their earthly father (Lucifer), rather than living scripture as clearly spelled out for any fool to read and understand without exception. 

You know who they are: they are the ones that did the bidding of global governments, taking payment for sacrificing God's children on the not so secret altar they erected to themselves and their demon gods of avarice and murder, sadly misleading those they were entrusted to lead, to certain destruction.

Matthew 23:15
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves 

Dear reader ... hypocrites look for followers, those that will blindly be led, and once they have accomplished this abominable goal, those newly converted lackeys or acolytes, become more devilish than their teachers ... ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves

We must, as responsible thinking adults, take heed of all that God has spoken and given to us in His written Word, confirming his law verbally and in deed: living the Bible! 

If only these laws were read in churches, in homes, in offices and schools, in board and court rooms. Imagine hearing everyone speaking A-men in agreement, and the power of God that would surge in this world amongst His saints, all for the sake of saving souls in Christ's name?


I will leave you in a few sentences. I want to encourage you to remember that God is God, that you are not, and that His Sovereign plan is purefect, and we need not fret, fuss or fight. We need only read the Bible, pray, be like Jesus, and trust that if people decide to damn themselves and be cursed, that is their choice, and God will deal with them in His purrfect timing. We get to be a blessing in our families, in our friendships, as neighbours and co-workers, as entrepreneurs and citizens of the world, that will eventually be relocated to heaven 💖

Be the godly person you were designed to be, and God will take care of the cosmic business He manages masterfully on the daily.

NOTE: I know how to spell perfect ... any other "miss" spelling you trip over with your tongue as you read, is purrefectly by accident 🥸