Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Proud & Foolish

When I walk in the footsteps of those that have gone before me, I like to check their prints. What have they left behind that instructs and informs me about who they are?

Bloody hell... have they lived a hellish life and drawn blood from those that have unwittingly been exposed to wickedness, via following in the path they have carved? 

A person can be innocent and inclined to kindness until they are led astray. If I keep my eyes trained on the markings left by the guy in front of me, and carefully track in the hollows he has left behind, I may become so mesmerized that I forget to look up, look around, and subsequently fail to see where we are going, neglecting to ask the question: Where is he taking me?

I think of the 80/20 rule, otherwise known as the Pareto Principle. I copied and pasted this information, and perhaps you would like to investigate this observation independently, dear reader. 

"What Is the Pareto Principle? 

The Pareto Principle, named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. This principle serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced. The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule or the 80/20 Rule."

Dominating 20%
Follow with me as I attempt to apply the Pareto Principle to our current global circumstances on a macro level and on a micro basis too, since family is a singular unit that can be positively and alternatively, negatively impacted by the dominating 20%.  

If 20% of the population rules the remainder, the 80%, this means the majority of people are subject to the whims and fancies of the few. If the few are kind, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, and generous, the 80% stand to gain and live peaceably in a loving and supportive environment (I paint a rosy picture). Now, if the opposite is true, and the 20% are malevolent, merciless, selfish, self-imposing, and avarice ridden, than one might assume the 80% are living in an anxious, hateful, and demeaning environment that stultifies and stifles learning and expansive growth (consider the global leaders that have wreaked havoc for decades and most recently, have decimated whole communities and populations... I won't be specific here, you can extrapolate as you see fit). 

Cruel parents
On a micro level, think of parents that are cruel to their children. In a family of eight offspring, these two adults make up the 20% ruling over the majority. The cruelty spills liberally on the vulnerable eight, and while some work their way out of the tarred and feathered experience to become kind, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, generous citizens of this world, others of the eight, will mirror the malevolent, merciless, selfish, self-imposing and avarice ridden mom and pop they were subjected to in their formative years. (There are other outcome possibilities that you can explore if you like: have at it, dear one!) 

Kernel moment
The defining point for each child is the one when they realize they can choose, and this is the kernel moment, the point in time where a person can become one more bad seed, producing wicked and bad fruit, or sprout and grow into a godly human that honours God and their fellow man. In my very simplistic example, I see choice as the at first resting place, to ponder next step actions, followed closely by moving forward into towing the line of conformity, or going the way of the few, the 20% that rule their own minds, their own destiny, their own life based on thinking, and then being, who they want to be as an individual surrounded by other individuals. 

Group think
Group think is a sickness, and it kills society. Thinking for oneself and assessing what is seen and heard, is the freedom that all responsible humans must harness and engage if we are to resist becoming a part of the 80% that can be easily misled down a dangerous garden path with a pit for falling into, cleverly hidden from unseeing and unsuspecting eyes. The proud & the foolish, do not know they are part of the 80%... they are inclined to "Oh well" their way to their own demise, and follow in the almost invisible bloody footsteps of the 20% that care not for those that blindly take their lead. I paint with a broad brush, the ugly circumstances we literally find ourselves in, with a vast majority choosing to follow the few that said "Go there, come here. Do this, do that. Don't do THAT, or that or that or... " Sound familiar?

Vipers and spiky plants
And hasn't it always been so, dear one? Aren't we all hoping, wanting, desirous, of having loving people to follow that say they want to take us to the promised land of milk and honey, only to discover that following in their footsteps means vipers and spiky plants have to be dodged to keep them from sinking their teeth or pin prick deadly points, into our tender flesh? Who hasn't followed a fallen leader to their shame, dismay and many a time, their own demise?

Only One
Dare I become cliche here, and tell you as a Christian, that there is only One trust worthy leader, One lover of souls that can be faithfully followed without fear of injury, abuse or mistreatment. There is only One, dear reader, and His name is Jesus: 

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: 
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 
but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)

For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls (1 Peter 2:25)

Fearlessly committed
I will be a part of the 20% that follows the Saviour. I say this with perhaps uneducated confidence, based on what I have witnessed in the past couple of years and counting. I cannot statistically prove that 80% have followed the fallen ones, but it seems the minority, those that did not engage in group think, are few and far between, and they make themselves obvious wherever they go, because they are fearlessly committed to challenging the lies, the cruelty, and the despicable ways of the ruthless. 

Does this mean that 80% of people do not follow Jesus as their King, dear reader?

You tell me. Take a poll of ten people and ask them yourself: if they belong to the anti christ crowd they will make this clear to you; if they belong to the Redeemer, they will not be able to help themselves from telling you so. Only those that are filled with the Holy Ghost, can profess Christ as Lord. We simply cannot curse Him, since that would be going against Who we know He is:

1 Corinthians 12:3

Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 

Who do you follow dear reader and do you know, where you are going?