Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Throbbing Thumb

● Are you the sensitive type, dear reader? 
● Do you weep over the suffering of others? 

The shortest verse in the Bible is Jesus wept. In human form, the God of the universe, wept over the hurting hearts of those that grieved the death of a loved one. 

If only everyone knew the living God. If only everyone wept.

Today I grieve, feeling as though the whole world is a throbbing thumb that has been hammered. My hands are useless, utterly imbecilic in their ineptitude. I am all hammered thumbs... too much suffering, too many in pain. What is a person to do, but groan and weep?

Even my dear diary does not want to absorb what rattles around in my brain. As birds fall from poisoned skies, dropping dead to the ground below, so do my thoughts... thudding without life in them. Sharing the thoughts would be a burden to any listener: sharing them would be passing on the pain, giving the one that hears the very same dose of sadness, inadequacy, uneasiness, and soul suffering. 

We humans can be grossly inhumane. If I dared to sin as Darwin had, I would liken us to animals too, but for the fact that God tells us we are created in His image. This makes us damnable, since we are more inclined to be demonic, thoughtfully so, than anything at all like Christ. Humans think then do, the most heinous things with and to one another. I don't have to share for instances with you, dear reader. You know what you have done, and you know what others have done too...

A friend of mine that has faith told a story today that epitomizes what we humans can be like. I quote Chris directed here, adding quotation marks only: 

A guy was leaving mass one Sunday and found that his hat was not on the hat rack at the door of the church. He told the priest and said someone stole his hat. The priest suggested that he will recite the 10 commandments during next week's sermon and perhaps the thief might feel guilty and return the hat. After the mass ended the man approached the priest and said he got his hat back. "Ah", the priest said, "my plan worked. When I said the commandment about thou shall not steal the thief brought the hat back." The guy said, "No father, when you said thou shalt not commit adultery, I remembered where I had left my hat."

When I consider the weeping of Jesus, I see it was death that He grieved: humans going to the grave. Lazarus He would raise, but for those that know Him not, the grave becomes a hellish nightmare from which the person never escapes. The man in the story above retrieved his hat, but did he change his ways? Was pointing out adultery as a sin enough to have him beg his wife for forgiveness? or did he revisit his mistress, have intercourse and upon leaving, retrieve his hat only to "forget" it there once again, to repeat the cycle the next time he chose to cheat on his spouse? Guilt is not repentance. We are all guilty, but are we sorry enough to admit we have sinned against God and man/woman, to swear we will never again, disobey the Holy Father?

It is a sin soaked world, and it is grievous. The Bible states there is: 

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

Today I weep. Today I mourn. With my imbecilic hands, I pray to God, Who is mighty to save, mighty to redeem, and holds the whole world in His hands. My prayer is for the salvation of souls, the easing of existential, emotional, physical, and spiritual pain that can only come from a saving grace knowledge of the living God through Jesus Christ as Lord. 

I hope you too, are praying, dear reader.

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