Saturday, February 11, 2023

Co-v-id the Global Grifter

🥸 In the land of make believe, we hear things like "During co-v-id." 
🥸 If we had a phantom of imagination haunting us, it would be called co-v-id.
🥸 Believing fabrication takes us to the well oiled lie machine of CV.

Erased and replaced
A time, a place, a space, a people, an individual, being defined this way, is a travesty. Just like the f word, the c word must not be used. Have you observed that it is being erased and replaced, with other concepts, other profanities, to keep the vulgar lies firmly affixed to humans as a threat? 

The profanities, the vulgarities, are illnesses, numerous as the sands of the seas and stars in the skies, they grate in the ears and rub a soul raw when whispered. She/He died of a stroke, a heart attack, cancer, auto immune depleted something or other; or some rare unheard of before disease that somehow is now commonly caught and diagnosed as deadly: this is what we are hearing and observing happening. "They are dropping like flies" is an oft used expression by those of us that understand what the cause of sudden and frequent death is in what should be healthy and strong humans. 

Aftermath blood bath
The truth is "co-v-id" did it, not "during", but in its aftermath blood bath. Co-v-id the grifter sold the world swamp land in Florida at a bargain basement price, cashed in as quickly as it could on the easy prey it sold the lies to, and quietly got up in the middle of the night, after bedding itself comfortably, free of room and board in many a welcoming home, and then slipped away as though it never were. The vile lie has managed to blaster itself onto every soul surface in sight, and we see remnants, the carnage as it remains attached to humans that say things like "During co-v-id", even as it morphs into next. 

Real threat
Next, dear reader, is the suddenness of here today, gone today, or tomorrow, as fear of death soaks into consciousness as a real threat, a real outcome for believing in make believe, for allowing a phantom to dictate and decide, and for accepting fabrication as fact. Our trajectory is tragic as a human race, dear one. We are pathetically inclined to self-delusion and the evidence of this truth is verifiable, as the predictable outcomes of "co-v-id" acceptance, are now on full and ugly, heart wrenching display. The injected are becoming dejected, loosing the strength of their convictions as they suffer after-shot-shock from being poisoned. For some, the suffering is in witnessing others around them taking ill in strange and never before heard of ways. Nature is not taking its course in killing people, since people have always "died" and always will. No no, that is not what is happening... 

C  stands for Con men and women
O  represents a standing Ovation; well done you global grifter
V  is for Victory; you have managed to kill many
I   stands for Intentional; all those well plotted and planned goals worked out
D  is for Dead; the death toll rises, and many a soul has been damned

Quacks like a duck
Last night I had an amazing dinner with a sweet, kind, affectionate friend. She has almost countless relatives, with lots of cousins. They are one by one being pronounced unwell with various ailments and deadly conditions. In a large family it becomes obvious that the previously healthy and thriving, have done something they never have before: to suddenly become ill en masse is strange and surprising, and if it were say, a pan-dem-ic, then wouldn't they all die with the exact same symptoms? I am no epidemiologist, but if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, and actually is a duck, wouldn't it make sense to come to the conclusion that a duck acts like a duck, and a co-v-id acts like a co-v-id, no matter the "host" body? 

Anyways... and dear one, I never use this dismissive word but in my frustration I do so now, my jaw drops and I stare ever so briefly when someone says "During co-v-id." I would much rather hear them say "During the illegal grotesque imposition on humanity that we have suffered at the hands of murderous grifters that want to steal kill and destroy... " Is that too much to ask? Is it too far a stretch, to have people call what has happened, by its real name? Murder

Since we are here together, I ask you to consider how you use language and what messages you want to convey to listeners. If you see what I see, hear what I hear, know what I know, then you will not refer to the last couple of years and counting in any way other than as a travesty, a wicked oppressive and cruel theft of time and life from an unsuspecting, lonely, vulnerable, and naive populace, that wanted to believe they were doing the right thing because liars told them they were. They were duped, and language has changed in hideous ways as a result; I for one am guarding my tongue and ensuring that I do not double speak, or aid and abet the enemy by using their fabricated soul wounding profanities. 

Deception described
The Bible is known as the book of wisdom. Within its pages deception is described in detail. We have all been deceived in our lives, but the Truth is always and forever available. We can avail ourselves of the Truth, dispelling make-believe, evaporating imaginary phantoms, and busting to pieces fabricated lie machines so that they do not have appealing products for people to buy that will eventually, kill them. We have a role to play day to day, in how language is used and how it shapes our thinking. We must choose wisely, because we, just like the global grifters, have impact:

 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof

 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers

Global grifters be damned


  1. I certainly do not disagree. There are many lies at play that are intertwined towards one evil objective. This is but one.
