Comeuppance is defined as: a punishment or a fate that someone deserves
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)
Let's break this scriptural declaration into bite sized thoughts, shall we?
Firstly, you read that correctly: the LORD hates, and there are seven things that are an abomination to him:
- a proud look: arrogantly superior and disdainful
- lying tongue: speaking deceptively
- hands that shed innocent blood: murder
- a heart that wicked imaginations: invent by careful thought, evil or morally wrong plans
- feet that be swift in running to mischief: excessive speed or urgency of movement or action to cause trouble
- a false witness that speaketh lies: a person who deliberately gives false testimony
- one who soweth discord among brethren: someone that deliberately plants seeds of disagreement, namely, amongst family; those that belong to Christ
What say you dear reader? After reading the above, is it clear to you that what the LORD hates, is exactly what we are currently being maliciously subjected to, by power drunk self-delighting and delegated demigods? It is a sickening thing to witness the corrosiveness of:
Prideful lying tongues that willingly shed innocent blood; their hearts inventing evil plans; then they swiftly run to cause trouble, deliberately giving false witness, and sowing discord among brothers
Abhorrent capability
Let me call your attention to something before we go too far in this piece of writing. We have to want to be lied to, in order to buy someone else's falsehoods. We are born truth detectors, with the capacity to lie almost shamelessly. It is an abhorrent capability that should cause us disgust and self loathing, but alas, so many prefer lies over truth, because to face reality is far more painful than the vast majority of people are willing to bare. The weakness of their character and the self-indulgence of an easy life, without friction or standing up for a cause, outweighs their desire to speak truth, first to self, and next, to others.
Flaccid faith
This, dear reader, is the reason you and I are in mortal moral danger: The Road Less Travelled is the one that few want to take, and it is Truth that they are avoiding at all costs. Even Christians, the ones that have had it good, with ease all of their comfortable lives, have forgotten the price Jesus Christ paid in blood, on the cross for their sins. A flaccid faith of Christian Convenience is marking many as weak and ineffectual, for the Great Commission.
How, I ask you, can we the faithful, be seen as fearless in Christ, who can do all things through us, and strengthens us, when we are succumbing to the repeated, mentally debilitating messages, to stay safe?
What happened to For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)?
The Way
I will tell you what happened dear reader: it is far easier to go along with the crowd, then it is to stay committed to Christ. It is far easier to be a lap dog and eat the crumbs off of a human masters table, than live with the knowing that to reject the worlds ways, to live in The Way, means certain rejection from the very people you just want to get along with. The price for the safe selling of your soul to the lowest bidder is exorbitant, because Jesus shed His blood for our freedom, not for us to bow down to earthly Baals.
Compare Christ
Why not be the spear of truth that breaks the chains of bondage, setting people free from captivity, in Christ? Why not? Jesus is Truth. Compare, I dare you to dear reader, compare Christ and the Truth of His Word, to what you are being force fed daily in media, driven by pretend utopia pushing blood thirsty sickos that don't give a wit about you, or your family. It is your compliance they crave, that is what feeds their ravenous never enough egos.
Psychopaths that propagate
I can blame them, for their wicked ways, but I am pointing the finger at every human being that has access to history, and can research brainwashing techniques and double speak messaging, designed to confuse and conform thoughts to a pseudo reality that benefits the few psychopaths that propagate, and catastrophically decimates the many. Oh dear, dear reader, the Kool aid has been laced with mind bending acid, and I fear that so many have drunk it, they are wearing masks to prove they have done the right thing.
Now hear this
If this is you, I will comfort you here for a moment and tell you we have all been lied to and we have all lied: there is a point in time where we get to decide that that isn't okay anymore, and that we are willing to acknowledge the err of our ways, and turn our lives around, starting with facing reality as it is, and not as we want it presented to us. That was your comforting moment. Now hear this:
Snap out of it, snap out of it before it is too late. This is my request, my prayer, my hope.
I end with this bit of scripture and warn, that those that are not in Christ, those that refuse to take the less travelled road of Truth, will have their comeuppance:
Be not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he will also reap (Galatians 6:7)
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