Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Romans 8:31

I wrote this January 5th, 2016... it is ever so slightly revised, formatted for easier reading. I could not have predicted what is happening, but just as scripture states, and Simon Peter spoke, Lord, thou knows all things

Romans 8:31
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 

It is like this: the world is an interestingly strange place, and we are continually sorting, aren't we? Making sense of what is going on all around us, in us, in others~this makes for much work and confusion. 

We are NOT
I am about to clarify what the stand is for those who believe in God, the One and Only God. This is what we are NOT: wishful thinkers; hopefully naive; deceived with misplaced trust. We know we are mortal, human, and live in a world that can be vicious and cruel. 

AND, we are fearless in Christ. Christians are willing to give their lives for Christ on the mission fields; as priests and pastors; as servants of justice missions; as food providers to the hungry, homeless, poor and lastly; with a gun to the head and the question, Are you a Christian?. We are not subject to the same fear, attachment, or human clinging to a life, and world, that will one day pass away, just as we do, since we all die. 

Denying knowing Jesus
The disciples lived in close communion with Jesus for the three years of His ministry. They scattered when His time of crucifixion drew near. One of Jesus' closest companions, Simon Peter, denied knowing Christ when asked if he knew Him, three times before the rooster crowed the day that marked the end of what was, and the beginning of what is, the day Jesus was nailed to a cross. 

His own safety
Shame, remorse, stricken with his cowardice, and the fear that had him deny his friend, Simon Peter was broken hearted. His own safety had taken precedence over his loyalty and love for his friend. Alas, second, third and sometimes hundreds of chances are given to us, to choose or choose differently. Simon Peter got his, when Christ was crucified, rose again, and appeared to His disciple on the beach: 

He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, loves thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Loves thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knows all things; thou knows that I love thee. Jesus sayeth unto him, Feed my sheep (John 21:17)

He said to him the third time, he said unto him the third time, Loves thou me? 

Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, Loves thou me? 

His response was, Lord, thou knows all things; thou knows that I love thee After this exchange, during which Simon Peter got to be in the presence of the one he had denied publicly, Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep

God gives us many opportunities to privately worship Him. That is wonderful and rich, but it serves no one, if we do not honour Him in our public life, in front of others that may be affronted by the God we serve. Simon Peter had the uniquely astounding experience of meeting the living God before, and after His crucifixion,  in the flesh! The risen Lord gave Peter a mission too, Feed my sheep

We believe
Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to many. We believe in the crucified Christ, that He died and rose again, that He is the living God, everywhere all the time. The disciples learned this, and and bore witness to what I am reiterating, and they willingly died for Him, knowing the undeniable Truth. 

When I have Him, when you have Him, all else pales in comparison, all else falls away, and is foolishness, and chasing after the wind. 

The mark of a Christian is joy, unspeakable, incomparable, abundant, overflowing joy. Jesus is the bread of life and our Manna from Heaven. Life is our greatest God given gift: mine is devoted to His glory. 

What have you dedicated your life to?

January 5th, 2022
Addendum: It pains me to say that those espousing to believing in the living God, those that had purportedly, dedicated their lives to feeding His sheep, have turn coated, revealing their cowardice, revealing the inner workings of their heart. 

Like Simon Peter, prior to the crucification, many professing Christians, have considered their own safely more precious and valuable, than living the Great Commission. In fact, they have not tended the Lords sheep, they have willingly become accomplices to their demise, displaying their status of hirelings. 

For shame: they will answer to God for their compliance with wickedness 


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