Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Devil or Daddy?

Devil or Daddy?

Not hype at all
I'm not sure about you, but I have these thoughts sometimes, they aren't always  kind. The thoughts may relate to someone else, an experience I just had or me, as in me thinking I am weak, not too smart, hard of learning, slow on the uptake: maybe you can relate? 

This internal messaging system is often on constant loud speaker, and it is only when I recognize the nonsensical abrasive monologue, that I start looking for the off switch. All the hype about consciousness and awareness, mental state, and being in charge of our thoughts, is not just hype. The power of thought is beyond the research phase, and is a proven phenomena. 

We become what we think, and not only this, our circumstances and relationships (or lack there of), are moulded and shaped by our thoughts. Which leads me to this dear one:

Who is the message coming from?
  • If your thoughts cause you pain, where are they from? 
  • If your thoughts can cause enough stress to weaken your heart, increase blood pressure and drive you to drink or over eat, where did they come from
  • Who placed them there? 
Master of delivery
Without chasing these thoughts down, pinning them to the ground, and forcing them to explain themselves, insisting that they tell you right now who sent them, you remain captive to their effects. If it sounds like I am personifying, and pointing a finger at a master of delivery, then I give you the affirming nod. 

Yes, yes, the messages are from somewhere, and while you allow their continuance, you are choosing to believe the messenger, and what they present as truth. 

Feel peace
Now onto another mode of thinking: 
  • If your thoughts give you peace, where do these come from? 
  • If your thoughts make you grin, lighten your step, and make you want to sing and dance, Who is filling your mind, and affecting your physical body? 
  • What about the thoughts you have toward yourself, toward circumstances, and others? 
  • If you feel peace in the face of turmoil, where oh where did THIS come from I ask you? 
While permitting thoughts free range in our minds, we are choosing to allow them to frolic freely there. Whether they be of pain or peace, make no mistake, we are always at choice in allowing them to permeate and prevail.

Demolish devilish arguments
Back to personification. I am going to get all brass tacks with you now. Your pain thoughts came from somewhere and honey, it ain't from your Daddy, it's from the devil. 

God will challenge His children, but He will never torture you, and make you physically ill with destructively cruel and abusive thoughts. He wants peace for you in all circumstances, and He is the only one that can give you these amazing mental, and resultant physical states, of wellbeing. We are not promised perfect health, but we are promised perfect peace in Christ:

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought o the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). 

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3)

Still have your doubts? Here, look here and compare the mental meanderings that your mind is demonically influenced to take, against Biblical instruction given by God:

Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). 

Think dear reader, think on these things, and you will experience peace, no matter the circumstances. 

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