Are you missing in action?
Send out a search party, souls have gone MIA. Can you feel it, this strange thing that is happening all around you? The atmosphere is changing, and with it the air quality. The heavy air, laden with greyness is a marker, a symptom of what is to come, and what is already happening throughout the world.
Send out a search party, souls have gone MIA. Can you feel it, this strange thing that is happening all around you? The atmosphere is changing, and with it the air quality. The heavy air, laden with greyness is a marker, a symptom of what is to come, and what is already happening throughout the world.
Up and down no longer make sense, and our existence is turning into a nightmarish version of a Dr. Seuss book. Quite literally, furniture is being rearranged by wind. Rain washes cars, trucks, buses and trains, along its coursing path as though they were abandoned toys. I speak of things, but it is the people that cannot recognize their lives, who they are or will be once the wreckage ceases, because dear reader, it is not letting up. It does not appear to be abating, let alone ceasing.
We are either making a difference or...
I say this not as a pessimist, or a doomsday speaker: I am observing and wondering just as you may be, what is really happening, and do I dare pretend that it is business as usual, that this too shall pass?
We are either making a difference or...
I say this not as a pessimist, or a doomsday speaker: I am observing and wondering just as you may be, what is really happening, and do I dare pretend that it is business as usual, that this too shall pass?
It feels as though someone has upped the anti, challenging us to make a bet on our beliefs. There is a cosmic message that is declaring, try me, see if you can win against my Royal Flush and the stacked deck I am dealing from.
Life must count
This is serious, life is getting serious. While I look for ways to celebrate, to appreciate the gifts I have been blessed with, I see suffering, and the ravaging of souls, not only from nature giving us all a beating, but from the confusion of people not knowing that they are finite; that time is precious and short; and that each moment of life must count for something.
The cost of the bet
We are either making a difference, or we are somehow going all in, without looking first at the hand we have been dealt, and measuring the cost of our bet.
It is time to stop and think, consider the alarm that is sounding all around us, the warning to pay attention, to heed, and awaken to our current reality. And what is the current reality?
The current reality is this:

Unexpected surprise visits
Something is definitely different. The changes are dramatic and devastating: recovery seems a pipe dream, when one catastrophe piles rubble upon the last. While I want to have fun, and look on the bright side, I have to say I notice, I see what is happening, and I want all souls to be counted, not lost, when death makes unexpected surprise visits.
Lastly, I ask you to consider Christ. I ask you to give your life to Him because it is, after all, in His hands:
I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death (Revelation 1:18)
Consider the keys of life that He alone holds in His hand: there may be one with your name on it