Monday, May 29, 2017

Transversing Thought to Thing

How do you get from here to over there? I took my son and mother out for breakfast. I looked out of the window from the booth we were seated in and happened to notice a crane boom and jib (I looked up crane parts for this writing piece so I could sound well informed!) gliding smoothly through the air. This caught my imagination. Someone somewhere conceived of building something big. This someone had a vision and had to come up with a way to make it so. In their imagination, they had a thought and had to transverse dreaming airways to make the thing. In other words, think it and believe it is possible and make it into a real, tangible, touchable, seeable existing object. This is known as faith. Faith is defined as: complete trust or confidence in someone or something; a strongly held belief. Look around you Dear Reader. What is in your hands, under your feet or behind, in front of your eyes? What can you touch, feel, taste, experience that was made by YOU? I am typing on an Apple-not the eating kind. This apple has taken a huge bite in the technological and marketing worlds and it all started with ideas, thoughts that wanted to become things in the hearts and minds of the imaginator's (this IS a word, I looked it up). I am sitting in and out of nature as I type. All around me is the man-made. I am on a cushioned chair in a gazebo with gardens and pressed concrete around and in front of me. I feel gusts of pleasant wind moving my hair, hear the sound of chimes as they connect and ring clear, notice the sounds of birds calling and cooing, the buzz of an industrious bee. It is here that I am reminded of our wonderful God installed creativity. God thought it, spoke it and made it so...thats how you and me came to be Dear Reader. Imagine imagining humans? Wind, birds, bees and the synchronicity of all of the elements to bring it all into being? This is eyebrow raising stuff-kindof on the unbelievable side and yet this is what we experience and forget to remember! It is the wonder of what can be and all that is required is faith plus this...a willingness to transverse the space between what we think and making the thing come to life. Do you have ideas that haven't made themselves into realities yet? Is there something you conceived that you call, inconceivable, a pipe dream, a wannabe thing that will never see daylight? How come? What is holding you back? Look around you again Dear Reader, if you think it than you can be it. Walking past you is your opportunity! Grab hold of it, make it into the stuff of real life. Do it now. You CAN, do it now.

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