Monday, May 15, 2017

Coles Notes

The Bible is one big book. It is called the Good Book and for good reason but alas, this Dear Reader is for you to discover solo. Might I suggest for this undertaking that you pray, prior to pouring over the wisdom to be found there? If you have never prayed, I offer you this quick lesson, the Coles Notes for prayer. It can sound (yes, out loud is best), something like this: Dear God, wherever you are, I have heard there is some good stuff in this Book of Yours. If you don't mind, could you open my eyes to see and my ears to hear? This is new to me so I would appreciate your help. Oh, and I heard that Your Son is a big deal...can He be my tour guide, pretty please? After this prayer, be prepared for the best adventure of your life. The supernatural will take over and you will be astounded and amazed with what you read and learn in the Bible. I recall someone saying that they asked God to have the stories in the Bible come alive for them while they read. I asked the same after hearing this and I have to tell you, it works! When I read, I can see in my minds eye all the characters coming alive. I can see meaningful glances, quick quips, playful nudges and shoves along with deep sorrow, despair and weeping. There is also laughter, singing, dancing and joyful,  awe filled wonder in shining eyes. The characters in the Bible are quite colourful and since nothing is new under the sun, Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." we can see in our modern times, characters filling our TV and other screens that resemble those that came before us. Not so pretty sometimes to watch and oh so elevating other times, we humans have our human ways and it shows. Now, this piece of writing was about the Good Book and I'm going to be very generous with you today! I have already given you a prayer for prior to reading the Bible and now, here are the Coles Notes. God loves YOU and wants YOU to know HIM. He already has your number, He made you and there is no escaping Him. He sees and knows all and you have no secrets from Him. The Book is about His love, His willingness to extend Himself to YOU, for YOUR sake. Can you believe this Dear Reader, a whole book written with YOU in mind? Amazing, right? Now go get yourself an autographed copy if you haven't one already. Gods hand print is all over it, all over YOU. All you need is His Love. Go get some of THAT today, in His Word. 

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