Monday, May 29, 2017

Blocking Grace

The countdown is on

Off you go

Have you heard the expression, get out of your own way? You have a goal in sight because you have immersed yourself in some planning. The excitement builds because you can see, hear, taste your burning desire. On paper, it all makes perfect sense. End goal is in place, intermediate steps are established and off you go! Off you go... Off you...

Sitting on your hands or you rump

I laugh here, because it is at this point in the established plan that many people find themselves sitting on their hands or alternatively, their rumps. We can do this in a number of ways. It can be physical, as in instead of taking off toward your destiny, you lie down, eat some extra calories or find some other leisurely way of casting off your dream. An alternative to this may be activity and a great amount of hustle and bustle, creating the illusion of accomplishment that really is just a displacement of that thing you said you wanted, you know, the end goal you spent hours crafting from the self help book that asked all of the life altering questions. You answered the questions alright, but you have yet to answer the call.

The call is to action

The call is to action dear reader and you, you have some work to do, don't you? Now, settle down and think for a moment. What was that end goal again? Bring it back to life. Give it arms, legs, movement, breath. Who are you as you live into the destiny you could see, hear and taste not so long ago in your imaginings? That is the real you, the one that longs to come on out and exist in time and space as reality. How to keep this real you alive is the question and the quandary.

What are you afraid of?

Are you blocking flow, the grace of movement that will woo you toward her/him? What keeps you rigidly held in place, unable to gravitate toward grandeur? Come on now, be honest with yourself, are you afraid? What are you afraid of dear reader? The Bible tells us three hundred times, three hundred times, to have no fear or worry. It also tells us to trust in God:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6).

I don't know what your "them" are, the people or things that you dread that block you in your steps toward your ultimate end goal. What I do know is that you block Gods grace when you fear and doubt and you release his might when you take steps toward being you:

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" ( 2 Timothy 1:7).

Dig into Gods strength, it will give you power. Live into his love, it will fortify you when you engage yourself in the challenges that life will throw your way. Have some self-control, disciplining yourself to stay the course for your own cause because God calls you forth and you must, you simply must, go.

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