Tuesday, April 19, 2016

House of Secret Rooms

I have a recurring nightmare that has been my haunting for more than 15 years. I find myself in a house that is vaguely familiar and dauntingly strange. Winding corridors with hidden secret rooms. In the dreams, I find whole rooms filled with toys, suddenly and abruptly left as though the people that had occupied the room had been forced to evacuate, never permitted return because new owners had moved in. I do not want to touch or disturb the items, they are not mine. Strangely, I am the only one in the house. The houses are often different in the dreams with a consistent feeling of horror that I am in this place, not of my choosing. Like the evacuated people being forced out, I am forced in. One house in particular has presented more frequently than others. It is my grandparents house and there is a room that my memory resurrects in the dream and a do not go there, never go in there warning flashes across my mind. Sometimes, in waking hours, I reassure myself that the home I am standing in is real, that the secret rooms do not exist and that I am safe. These dreams, they have been my nightmare for a very long time. I have tried on various occasions to understand them, to make sense of them and until today, they were unfathomable. A valued friend gave me a quick like lightning insight that blasted the darkness in the secret rooms, filling them with understanding light. Here is what she said to me "Its like a house of secrets where we hide our toys and our lives." I don't know about your upbringing Dear Reader, but I do know about mine. A parental mantra was don't talk about this outside of the family, it's no one else's business. Which meant good bad or otherwise, nothing was shared of a personal nature with outsiders, they were not to be trusted. Hidden pleasure and pain, left in a darkened dusty room undisturbed, untouchable. I am the least secretive person you will ever read about. I am a dust buster and cobweb swiper. I love truth in all its glorious forms. The house of secret rooms is not my house, it is not where I live. It is what I have always wanted escape from. The haunting house was built by someone else and I don't belong there. My house, the one I call home, is bright, open and welcoming. What about you Dear Reader? Are there any rooms in your house that need a clean purifying sweep?  What do you need to break free from so that you can choose for yourself? 

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