Rattlesnakes are
venomous pit vipers. You can tell a snake by its bite. Symptoms of a
rattlesnake bite include: one or two puncture marks; pain, tingling, burning or
swelling in the area of the bite; bruising and discoloration at site of
the bite; numbness; nausea, weakness and light-headedness; difficulty
breathing. Rattlesnakes feed on small prey, including rabbits. You can tell a
snake by what it feeds on. Rattlesnake babies are more dangerous and neurotoxic
than their rattle tailed adult counterparts. They are more aggressive too,
making them more dangerous. You can tell a snake by its family of origin. Hear
the sound of the ringed buttons at the tail end of a rattlesnake. This is your
warning of eminent strike. Unblinking staring eyes trained on prey is the
readying of the viper and the victim can be caught unaware. After all, who
willingly puts themselves in close quarters with a viper? You can tell a snake by
its ability to slither up close enough to bite. Numbness, nausea, weak
light-headedness with difficulty breathing. You can tell someone who has been
bitten by a snake. The snake is the hunter, the prey is the unwitting victim.
One is steely in its stance, the other quivers in fear and doom seconds before
the inescapable strike. Following the bite, the venom takes effect. Snakes live and slither
among us. Attacking words are their warning rattle, foreshadowing vicious
unforgiving venomous soul poisoning bites. Have you met a rattlesnake disguised
as human Dear Reader? Have you ever experienced the numbing sickness that
follows the penetrating bite? Would you run when next in its presence? Once
bitten, twice shy is the expression. Are you willing to extricate yourself from
the vipers holding gaze and predatory plans for you? Snakes live among us,
are you their would be prey? We know a person by their words and actions. Are
you a rabbit or a snake?
Venom is undeniably, snakey.