Tuesday, February 16, 2016


The house is quiet~almost. I can hear gentle snoring and the furnace blowing. I am wide awake. Last night too, wide awake. I have heard and read that full moons and tides can interrupt sleep patterns. This morning, after an almost sleepless night, I asked Siri, was there a full moon last night? I was taken to the Internet answer, that yes indeed, a super moon had lit up the sky, appearing larger than ever. It has taken a full twenty years for us to see this planet so up close and personal. My question~am I supposed to be outside, howling at the moon? This thought entertains me, because I stay in bed wondering when I might get tired and drift off to lala land. How to use my time? I have to wonder about the rhythm of nature and our human ebb and flow with the tides of the oceans and more curiously, the ebb and flow of this mysterious life. I am organic and so are you. The moon and tides don't really care about me living inside and trying to keep them outside, apparently, I am awake because I am meant to be. I know I am not the only one. God, He has me alone with Him in the still. He wants me to hear Him. He hung the moon and stars, the earth that floats untethered in space and maybe He does want me to howl and acknowledge Him? I acknowledge Him now. God, You are my Everything. 

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