Thursday, February 25, 2016

Reality as Motivator

Reality is a great motivator. Look here, look over there, keep your eyes averted. Your eyes will take you in a direction and your body, it naturally follows. You WILL get somewhere by keeping your eyes averted, the question is, it that where you want to go? Take stock now, be brave. Look at what you have, compare it to what you want to have? How are you doing? Is there a vast, sucking gapping hole? Alternatively, you have no gaps and life looks and feels precisely as you want and you are loving every bit of your here and now. If this is the case, move along, stop reading this. Keep doing what you are doing and ride that joy train for all its worth. There is one more option here. Most items in your life are quite good and you are satisfied with perhaps a glaringly obvious exception. What is the exception to your otherwise happy existence? If you are still with me, I suspect that there were one or more immediate exceptions that popped up in front of you. These are now your eyes, you can see. Your attention is on your reality, the parts of who you are that have not yet been filled in. You are a drawing awaiting the colour to complete the picture. My Dear, you are the one with the paints, the crayons or if you prefer, the smooth texturized loveliness of pastels. Where are you right now? Where do you want to be? Getting from A to C requires the action plan of a B. Now that your eyes are on the prize, whatever will you do? How motivated are you to make your true calling, your divinely intended purpose a reality? One Life, One Love, your colours and texture to choose. 

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