Friday, February 12, 2016

No Where

I am walking my dog and he happily wags his tail and leads me in the direction of a man in a garage. The driveway is neatly plowed and so are the sidewalks in front of the house. We approach the man and he proceeds to speak to and pet Caesar. He seems to be a pleasant man, and we have dogs in common. We banter back and forth and then out of the blue, I get very specific instructions on the supplements I should be getting for my dog. Knowing myself, I reply, "well thats not going to happen" to which I heard a judgemental "why not, just ask your vet about them and he can get them for you." I am grinning as I write this because our conversation continued and I learned his profession and while I will keep that part to myself, I have to tell you that I feel sorry for the people he works with, has power and influence over. He is a person that hears himself, values his own opinions, has decided what is and isn't. He is an authority on many a subject and perhaps, all subjects? In a very short span of time, I learned a lot about his opinions and points of view and I couldn't wait to get the heck out of there. Upon reflection, I realize that he couldn't see me or hear me. How do I mean this or know this, you ask? Well I know his eyes and ears work so I am not suggesting a physical impediment to seeing and hearing. What I mean is that we did not have a meeting of our minds and hearts because when I spoke, he did not respond to me, he appeared to be responding to thoughts and perhaps more specifically, arguments in his head? As I write, I realize that he is a prover, someone who has come to conclusions based on internal arguments with himself and that his resolve is to stay there, having found himself to be, right. Luckily for me, another dog and owner came along and broke up this strange encounter, just as I was wondering how I would be delivered! What I realize, a day later, is that we, he and I, got no where. He stayed the same after meeting me. I want to stay away after meeting him. How sad, for both of us? Caesar, he loved this guy, and peed a whole lot on his snow covered property. Maybe he knows something I haven't learned yet?

One Life, One God, your dogs love to choose. 

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