Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Renewal. There is within us the ability to renew. Every seven to ten years, all body cells are made new. How is this possible? If I compare my body to my vehicle, there are nicks and scratches, little wounds and scars, evidence of use. This said, when I bang my shin against my bed before entering it at night, somehow the pain is sharply brief and depending on the contact intensity, I may or may not feel the hit the next day. Within a week or even days, the tenderness has faded, provided I haven't bashed that same spot again. My car on the other hand, it continues to display injury and since it is inanimate, it is incapable of self renewal. Encoded in our cells is this ability to replace what is old with new and life carries on, hopefully for a long time. Now let's look at the soul. In relationship, the essence of our being gets battered and bruised, knocked about and insulted. Misunderstood and wounded, the soul searches for renewal, for at the very least, a glimpse of hopeful restoration to what was once joyful. Searching for Light to illuminate, give answers to what the injuries are, how they happened and what can be done for the sake of healing and restoration, the soul is arduous in its efforts for renewal. Who cannot relate to this hurt, this ache of loss? Each time I think of friendship lost, it seems I am quickly reminded of a grave yard, of the many friendships that once were vibrant and than dulled over time, losing lustre. Time stamped somehow, relationship can have an expiry date. It is easy to be logical about relationship breaks, to say things like we grew apart, we see the world differently, they changed/I changed and yet, this does not dispel the feelings of hurt, disappoint, loss and a longing for what was or perhaps could have been. A reconciling of life without the beloved person of affection can be rather bitter to the taste buds when expressed by the mouth. Here is the finality of all this meandering, the how to of renewal. I know God loves the people in my life and the ones that fleetingly enter and leave again far more than I ever possibly can. When I feel the sting of loss or disappointment, I remember that they belong to Him, that they are His, not mine. So, what do I do, you ask? I give them back! There is a two fold benefit to this. Firstly, I see them as valuable and worthy of renewal, just as I am. Secondly, I separate myself from the stringy past, the memory rope of what was and could have been. In doing so, I free them and me from "leaning on a cobweb" that exists in my heart memory. This may or may not be helpful for you Dear Reader. I am but one person trying to make sense of what I see, hear and experience in this life. What I do know is this: we are inclined toward renewal, being made anew, and about every seven years or so, we physically manifest Gods encoded in our DNA ability to be born again.

One Life, One Love, ours to discover. 

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