Saturday, February 28, 2015

Good Company

You are the company you keep. Look around you, who do you spend time with? Listen carefully, what conversations are you hearing and having? Check out your heart, how do you feel before during and after time spent, or shared, with certain people? Tell tale signs for company gone bad: you can't wait to get away; you can't get what they said out of your head; what they said keeps coming out of YOUR mouth; you fault find, criticize and then feel guilty for it; you are on edge and the thought of seeing the person(s), talking to them, hearing their voice(s) grates on you and is a privalent thought; you wish you had said THIS, or maybe THAT, last time you were together and your fantasy life of missed opportunities grows larger by the day. Let's go in the opposite direction. After spending time with friends, you feel invigorated, alive and your time with them was far too short and when oh when do you get to be together again? There is a feeling of having been elevated, expanded, challenged and fertized for new growth. Oh, we have all been here, and there, haven't we? I always brag that I have excellent taste and with a smug grin, I think I am committed to believing this for the rest of my life. I know the difference, YOU know the difference between what is life sucking and slow death causing in relationships and what is life building, with fire and water and earth and air, lungs filling with oxygenated affirmations of what is good and pure, right and true. The risk we take when exposed to poison is inhaling it and then exhaling onto the next person we meet. Check for yourself, whatever comes out of your mouth usually comes from what you have most recently been exposed's worth the awareness, the only way change is possible. I get to enjoy my today, I choose my company and I feel great! Thanks for the fab company last night and today Korean & Jeff Whitney, xo

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