If only I could take one big inhale, filling my lungs to capacity, to blooooooow and disperse the smoke that clouds vision ... If only.
If only I could take a massive sledge hammer, lifting it to shoulder height followed by a powerful swing to strike and smash to smithereens the warped and wonky mirror that distorts and contorts truth; the mirror that bends truth out of shape in order to deceive ... If only.
I would if I could, blow away the smoke that clouds vision, and smash to smithereens the deception glass, and I guess I try, and try again, because for some reason I just cannot help myself. I think of all the reading I have done that has convicted me when I wanted to be justified in my own clouded vision, my own warped and wonky distortions and contortions of truth; I have overwhelming gratitude for authors like Dr. Scott Peck, C.S Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, St. Thomas Aquinas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John Bunyan, Matthew Henry, and the greatest Author of all, God Almighty. I am hard pressed to recall all the authors that helped me course correct my thinking and recalibrate over and over again to Christ; there are so many, and I pray that you read from the offerings of the men of God mentioned, that are from the distant and not so distant past.
Thankfully, every generation has men and women that love God with all their mind, with all their heart, with all their soul, and we get to pick-up where they left off: we get to carry the torch they have passed along to us, to light a darkened world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am alright
I am alright, I don't need Jesus, is what we are seeing and hearing. My truth and your truth are different, so let us agree to disagree, is what we witness. No ... No ... not so. We aren't alright until we realize we need Jesus. We don't know that there is only one truth until we know The Truth, Jesus Christ. Once we comprehend and incorporate these essential concepts into our thinking, and have them on lock, the smoke clears, the mirror straightens itself out, we can start to see ourselves The Way God has designed us, as we are meant to be, images of the living God incarnate.
The smoke, the mirrors, they are fun-house everywhere, placed by ugly clowns that think it funny and entertaining, to trick the vulnerable, the hopeful, the gullible, the easily mislead and betrayed, out of their relationship with God. That is the point, dear one, they don't want you to have a relationship with the Author of life: the wicked ones prefer to haze you, and have you follow them deeper into the darkness of deception.
So, as a writer, I must insist, that you read ... not my writing silly adorable bunny, although I am deeply appreciative of your being here with me! Read the great writers that spoke boldly for the sake of truth, for the sake of souls, for Christ's sake. They break up and dispel deceptive smoke, and they straighten out those looking glass mirrors, and by God, they course correct deviants like you and me, and get us on track for recalibration to Christ.
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36)
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