I think this is what God is saying to us, dear reader, in bold capital warning letters: PAY ATTENTION!
The Devil knows The Bible, and my question is, do you? I do not mean to sound aggressive and rude, I am asking out of genuine concern for your well-being. The fact of the matter is, we have a whole lot of news coming at us, being broadcast from many moving mouths, and there is a theme showing up repeatedly that we must all be aware of, and pay attention to. The talkers speak of ushering in the golden age, and by God in heaven, the golden age surely is upon us, but not in the ways the mouthpieces for Lucifer suggest. Satan counterfeits prophecy, and his demonically animated workers of iniquity speak the words he places like saccharin, in their mouths. The president of the United States of America is letting you know to whom he belongs when he proclaims, and I quote:
"The golden age of America begins right now. From this day forward our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation. We will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply, put America first."
While this part of Trump's speech may be music to the ears of many an American, to the Christian ear, there is an echo of emptiness. Put America first? Has God been conveniently displaced? In a pagan world, it makes perfect sense for men that represent their country, to speak of elevating their countries degraded status, and to profoundly ignore their Creator. Alas, Christ is King, and there is this:
... let the enemy of his kingdom tremble; for he will either bring them into obedience to his golden sceptre or crush them with his iron rod (an excerpt from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 703).
Hating Donald Trump
You may be wondering if this writer hates Donald Trump? I do not hate the man, but I do vehemently hate sin. I find pride and arrogance distasteful, and when men boast, I feel embarrassed for them. I see not the humble serving heart of a Christian in this man that plans to put his country first, before all other countries. There is this oddity too: he believes he can bring about peace amongst people that have been warring with one another since Ishmael and Issac's time on earth. Donald reads from a script and periodically inserts his personality into his speeches, and I see that he is playing his role well, with much applause from an adoring and deceived audience.
Some may think me a fool for perpetually beating this drum. Perhaps I am seen as someone that just does not know what I am on about, and maybe it would be better for me to sit back and watch the show, as America is made "great again". I am not too concerned for my reputation as naive or perhaps stubborn in my position. I am more concerned with people taking their eyes off of the mouthpieces with the microphones, and lifting them heavenward ... and perhaps, turning their eyes to the Word of God and soaking in some wisdom so that discernment leads, rather than deception.
The Golden Age is indeed upon us. Jesus Christ has authority, he reigns and rules, and his golden sceptre is extended to each of us. Obeying him is my delight, and I pray it becomes yours too, if you have yet to know him as your King, your Sovereign. There will come a time when every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus is Lord, and I would not want to be caught dead, standing behind any of the men and woman that believe the propaganda promoted by the Devil's spokesmen.
Read The Bible. Ask God for Truth to lead you. Listen to what trusted commentators on The Bible have to say and learn for yourself. The people that have the most air time, have the prince of the air as their producer ... meaning the Devil is their promotion manager and they do his bidding, whether they are aware of it or not. Performing monkeys work for treats, and that is exactly what we are seeing with all the showmanship from the presidents of this carnal world.
If you have yet to open a King James Bible, now is the time, dear one. If not now, then when? Soon is not soon enough if now never happens. That last sentence is a mind bender. Untwist yourself and get your hands on the Word of God for the salvation of your own soul.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)
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