Saturday, October 12, 2024


Would you consider your body to be an alarm system, dear reader? Think with me: if there is smoke, there is fire, and if there is fire near a smoke detector that has a working battery installed in the device, then it makes sense, that a beeping alarm will sound to warn a body, or many somebodies, that danger ensues. 

I recall the first time I inhaled smoke on purpose. That initial hall on a cigarette made me cough. Determination and stupidity had me going back for more, because I wanted to be a smoker. Same thing with the deliciousness of alcohol. One sip burned, but out of sheer persistent desire to finish the job, I consumed, and each tip of the glass got a little easier with the liquid smoothly, almost unnoticed, passing my lips and tongue and eventually, warming my innards. Funny how we can anaesthetize ourselves, turn off warning signals, mute alarm bells and beeping. 

I don't smoke, or drink very much either, because both activities make me so sick, I can't even cope! This makes me very, very happy, dear reader. My body has always been a detector for what is harmful, but overriding the system was something I did out of rebellion, against God. Self-harm seems a common everyday event for the masses, and I am ever so grateful that each human has a built in conscience: mine shames me mercilessly when I sin, and it is my punisher when I deviate from God's will ... when people do what they ought not do, over and over and over again, they effectively take the batteries out of their internal smoke alarms, or cover their ears to block out the sounding off warnings. Do you, do this, dear reader?

Over time, a person can taint themselves to the point of living an endangered existence, where the voice of reason is no longer heard, and the soul cares not what is done to the body, and visa versa. The Bible describes this as a seared conscience. This verse is taken from 1 Timothy 4:2

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron

A person can lock in their own juices, and whatever marinates in the mind, in the heart, in the soul, will eventually, leak out and coat that very same person with whatever yuck was previously, perhaps privately, contained. Sin is insidious: 

● Do you know someone you recognize, but they are not at all the person you met and liked years ago? 

● Is it odd to you, that what comes out of their mouth, or how they behave, is foreign to you in its distastefulness, and yet you have to deal with them daily, as though you are trapped in a cage of your own making?

● Have you often thought, I wish I could just get away, or they would somehow leave? What if I told you, they are thinking the exact same things?!

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 

Divergence is that crossroads moment in time, when you go your way, and I go mine, because we cannot walk side-by-side in agreement. This can be a painful experience, a grievous experience, a change your life forever experience. 

● Perhaps you dismissed the warning, or withdrew those alarm batteries, ignoring the DON'T DO it messages you were getting, and now you have consequences to deal with. 

● Perhaps you were hoodwinked by a master manipulator, and innocently did what they recommended, and got burned. 

I don't know what your circumstances are, but I do know that integrity can and will, save your soul. Integrity is that honest and wholesome part of you that wants nothing more than for you to speak and live the truth. Truth makes us free, from our own wayward inclinations and ways, because the conscience is given full permission to speak godly wisdom to our very spirit, and when we listen and abide, God's will is done.

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3

We can walk together, dear reader, when we are agreed. Agreed on what, you ask? Everything God commands and lovingly dictates. He doesn't ask, he tells. He isn't looking for our casual commitment, he is looking for, Yes Father, obedience. We can't just go about our business and pretend we haven't been warned, when we have been told over and over again, to sin not, to repent, to turn from our wicked ways, and to believe in the One whom God hath sent! 

Come on now, walk with me, with Jesus leading The Way 💖

If you find yourself forced by circumstance (and we have all been there at one point or another), to walk with someone that has a completely different gait, start earnestly praying for God to change said circumstances, to match his will for you and the other person too. You will be astounded by the incremental changes that occur, over time. 

Here is the command that helps me immensely:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7)

Pray for God's will
Supplicate earnestly and humbly beg and ask
Be thankful for a God that loves and hears you, and generously provides
The peace of God, which is beyond understanding, shall keep your heart and mind through the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus 💖


  1. Good post again Linda. I do believe God uses our shortcomings as a teaching and witnessing tool. In my case He sure did. I was raised by parents who both smoked and drank alcohol. I was way to smart in my early teens to smoke but did so once I started working in construction. Only smoked for 12 years and quit just before my 30th birthday. It is still a testimony to show God can work in us as long as we let Him. As you know the same thing sort of happened with alcohol. It has been an awesome witness for me to share how God had to "hit me up the side of the head with a 2x4" before I smartened up. That was just shy of 5 years ago now. I can't blame anyone else for my actions but I have thanked God almost daily for allowing me to get cancer and survive and then with all the internal bleeds where I almost died a couple of times over the last year and a half. I'm convinced that had I not heeded God's warnings I would not be commenting here today. As I told nurses and doctors in my 7 hospital admissions I'm so thankful God didn't have to use a 6x6 up the side of my head. He is so gracious.

    1. Sorry, I didn't mean to post anonymously. Your friend BG.

    2. Oh my gosh Bob, I L💖VED reading your testimony! hahahha the 2x4 and 6x6 imagery had me grinning, cuz you funny! Yes praise God for his every morning, midday, evening and moment by moment mercies! He is our life line, life blood, our next breath, and I am so grateful you are here to comment cuz you heard and heeded too! God love you Bob and our Lynn too,

      Linda G
