It is popular to criticize and accuse God, to suggest that he is cruel, condemning, and ought to be ashamed of himself for all the horrendous occurrences he doesn't stop from happening. Cursing God is common too: and why not? he is not considered real, powerful, almighty ... God is impotent and has lost his zeal along the way, or so it seems, and so some think.
This is personal, dear reader. God is personal and relational. The sins of the fathers now visit the generations that have followed. Our parents not that long ago revered the living God, but we presently see that the masses have accustomed themselves to eliminating him from their thoughts, from their choices, and lastly from their lives entirely. The reversal and inversion is the great delusion that we see and suffer: God dethroned, debunked, deboned. The god of this world has managed to usurp the God of eternity in the minds, hearts, souls, and very beings that God handcrafted.
And does it not make perfect sense that Satan is taking his throne, here on earth? Isn't it fitting that his law, his judgment, his government ought to be firmly established, while his rules, his punishments, his imprisoning of the public, becomes a firmly entrenched organizational outfit? I say yes, yes indeed, all is right in the world. We were warned what would happen, just like the ancient Israelites were warned, but alas, humans are walking talking doing ignoramuses that like to belly ache when they are subject to consequences for wrong doing. Do whatever you want when you want for as long as you want with whomever you want now, but then accuse God of being a mean pie in the sky task master, when awful happens and the mess your life has become seems impossible to clean up or rectify.
It wasn't that long ago that as a professing Christian, I made some really idiotic decisions. I absolutely cringe when I think of them now: one of those magic erasers would be fabulous to eradicate the smudges I still see clearly marking my soul! Ha, I grin as I write because I know God, how much he loves me, and how needy I am of his hand at the small of my back, leading me in the right direction. I am not a fool, nor am I fooled as easily as I once was, by my own naughty inclinations, or anyone else's version of truth. The Bible says God is love, and I say, To know him is to love him. The Bible calls Satan God's enemy and the enemy of the saints ... Inversion suggests the exact opposite, and the reversal is what is known in my mind as insanity.
And that, dear one, is the goal. Make everyone believe the opposite of Truth so that lies prevail. Make God the bad guy and humans the ones that call the shots, literally call the shots, and voila, there we have it, numbers upon numbers of people have gone crazy, our society degenerates, falling in a heap, and our souls are left in shambles as we watch our fellow man become more and more deluded, deceived, and ultimately, damned.
In a nutshell, we are witnessing the timely demise of the human race as they go up in flames ... hell fire flames of disobedient and riotous craziness that seems contagious. As long as we are here, souls need a savin' and at the very same time, that ugly cup of iniquity keeps on a fillin'. Man alive, imagine all the bloody sin that has helped us along on the continuum to the end of times, dear reader. God truly is long suffering, and since he will leave the ninety-nine to go after that one lost sheep, I ask you this:
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