Sunday, May 14, 2023

Worst Canadian Stupid Store

Well I'll be damned. Not really, dear reader, not me, I won't be damned, but I suspect I know who will be.

Today my son and I almost went into what used-to-be a Real Canadian Superstore. I state used-to-be, because it is now anything but Real, not at all Canadian, and surely, there isn't a Super thing about it. 

Upon entry, the shopper is greeted by herd-the-cattle-metal-railing and at the exit, the same railing guides stupid customers, (clearly we now need defined points of entry and exit) out of the premises after they have spent their cash at the store; reminds me of the maze like queues that are used to keep people waiting before riding a popular roller coaster, except this railing has a sinister presence. 

Check points
The railings, just like the tables with the antiseptics and face masks before them, are check points, staged for the next big push on a populace that does not suspect their freedoms will be curtailed by wicked men and women, who will demand they behave a certain way prior to entering, and exiting the establishment. Show me your proof, your papers, your ID, regarding your medical status and social status too; in other words, follow the rules, stay in the parameters, and you will get to eat. The calf is being fatten for slaughter, and the wicked cackle their evil delight, as they watch the silly little mentally delayed and daft humans, buy their beer and chips for yet another backyard barbecue, completely oblivious to the reality they have given their keepers permission to steal their autonomy for a cart full of fake and bake dyed, processed, and insect infested "food". This makes me think of Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of red stew because he was about to "die" of hunger:

Esau Sells His Birthright

Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. And Esau said to Jacob, Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary. Therefore his name was called Edom. But Jacob said, Sell me your birthright as of this day. And Esau said, Look, I am about to die; so what is this birthright to me? Then Jacob said, Swear to me as of this day. So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright (Genesis 25:29-34)

Esau couldn't see past his stomach or his weariness, and gave up a firstborns inheritance in a moment of self-indulgence to satisfy his fleshly needs: seems like a whole lot of people did the same when they agreed to get injected for a paycheque, a plane ride, or sadly, entrance into restaurants and bars, rather than relying on their already established human rights to refuse, doesn't it dear reader? Impetuosity has a hefty price tag attached, and the plotters and planners knew that if they applied pressure with time constraints, many would comply with little to no resistance, and by God, this is exactly what happened. 

Back to food basics

My son and I left that store in favour of one where we have been treated decently for the past several years, despite all the lunacy: Food Basics

I will never, ever, shop at The Worst Canadian Stupid Store again, but I confess, it doesn't really matter which store you and I go to to spend money, since all will follow suit, bowing and bending to the will of those that whip them invisibly. The demonic forces display their sharpened fangs, frothing and foaming while humans remain clueless, utterly without foreknowledge, that things have changed drastically and the never agains are our current reality. Never again will we be free to come and go, speak truth boldly and confidently, without feeling as though heads will roll, and I mean our own heads, dear reader. 

What is the meaning, or should I say the demeaning, of this? Little flags of the rainbow variety at cashier counters, plexiglass-pretend-to-protect-the public barriers keeping servers and customers apart, and railings ~ replacing the directional arrows and stand on this spot floor stickers from yesteryear ~ that let a person know they simply cannot come and go as they please: oh no, we are made to follow the path carved out for us. Capitalism is now dead, and gone are the days when businesses compete to please and keep clientele. We are considered useless eaters, and our money means nothing to the owners, the keepers, the ones that want us dead. In fact, they want us to eat, eat, and eat some more, so that we are numb and dumb, slow of thought, and lax in body with flaccid muscles, deboned of our capacity to resist the onslaught. 

If you see this too, please join me in prayer, dear reader. We must rely on God because we are being inundated with definitive messages as the wicked ones shamelessly telegraph (not my word, one that I hear repeated often to describe the cockiness with which the satanic let simpletons know what they are doing) their plans. If it weren't for faith, and if it weren't for what I know about God and the history He gave us in His word, I know I would despair, but He tells us NOT TO, dear one, and so we must NOT! 

Fear not, despair not
Fear not, despair not, pray, trust in Him, and say NO every time someone suggests you have to go against your integrity to eat, to live, to work, to play. Choice is always ours, even if it means we would rather choose death over subjugation to evil and vile imposition. We are not to be dominated or controlled, but we are to submit to the will of the Father in all circumstances, up to and including, the point where we give way to life in Christ and death to this world. 

For to me, to live is Christ, 
and to die is gain 
(Philippians 1:21)

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