Monday, May 22, 2023

Consequences Don't Have Feelings

Accountability is a rotten word for some: it suggests answerability to a person or persons outside of ourselves. When we are accountable, it is an admission that we do not have a solo existence, that we are part of a system of others, interconnected and tightly woven, so as to affect one another with the choices we make. 

Charitable toward sin
I have an extreme aversion to lying, which makes living with myself a challenge, since each of us, including little old me, have propensities toward misrepresentations ... that is my kind soft touch way of saying we are all capable of LYING. The trouble is, their is trouble each time we fib, dodge the truth, pretend things are one way, knowing they are another. My son coined a phrase to describe this: charitable to sin. My God, I hope I am never charitable toward sin, and yet I know that I have been, and if you think about this more, zooming in on your own inclinations to go soft on the misconduct of other and self, you too will see, that you may very well be seemingly kind rather than honest, when confronted by blatant disobedience to God's will and way. In our weakness we prefer to stay in relationship, rather than challenge the thinking, and being, of ourselves and others. 

Is it easier to live in a fugue state, 
replete with prettied emotional environments,
to save ourselves the anxiety and stress,
 of looking reality in the face? 

Consequences can hound
I know myself well, and have lived the sting of recognizing my own self-deception. Consequences don't have feelings, they dog the one that errs, and lying is a great way to invite short and long term aftershock: meaning consequences can hound us relentlessly, even for a life time. 

I think of what has occurred over the last three years as consequences of all the lies people were willing to tell, buy, sell. If accountability were a purchasable commodity, I have no doubt that few and far between would invest, and yet, now is the time to do so. Now is the time to go to the self-check out scanner and pay for all we have said and done to contribute to our current state of blatant iniquity. Scanning for iniquity is an examination of conscience, dear reader. Are you willing to do so, and pay the price for your sins in soul wrenching repentance?

I see a lot of finger pointing, with many a truth teller reporting on the evil doings and goings of wicked men and women that plot the demise of humanity. At this juncture, it is remarkable to me that as the diabolical forces gather and commune, they remain untouchable, despite accessibility. It is conceivable that they could be wiped out singularity or en masse, and yet this has not occurred: how come?

Senseless demise
I have a theory that complaining is easier than taking righteous action, and this makes perfect sense, since the righteous are few and far between, and the masses have contributed to their own senseless demise. This once again, points to self-deception, accountability, and consequences for lying. In tight and tiny Christian circles, God's judgment is discussed, and my suggestion is we are living Ichabod. The glory of God has been removed from our midst. He has withdrawn Himself from us, and the forlorn feeling of a wicked free for all is tangible, with abundant evidence in every direction we turn our gaze. I need not enumerate the many ways humans are now thumbing their noses at Almighty God: you and I both know what that looks and sounds like, since it is rampant in global society.

My intentions  
I will at this very moment be exceedingly obvious with you dear reader, regarding my intentions. We each must take responsibility in the relationships we have, to love others with honesty. Sometimes kindness seems cruel, because truth has a powerful punch, and yet that is want makes us free. It is unkind to lie to others by colluding with their misconceptions, their denial of accountability, their inclinations to bastardize truth and convolute wisdom. 

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? (Romans 2:4)

Do you despise the riches of God's goodness?
Do you despise the riches of God's forbearance?
Do you despise the riches of God's longsuffering?

Do you not know the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Character strength
Dear reader, if you love Truth, then you love God, since the two are each One of Three. Jesus is the Truth, the Life, the Way, and it is impossible to be a comfortable liar if you profess Him as your Saviour. Accountability is a sign of character strength, and it can lead one into the throne room of God Almighty. He teaches us how to trust in Him, speaking honestly, so that we are considerate of eternal souls and their destination.

So I beseech you to commit yourself to being a speaker and doer of truth. Let not your words condemn you or another with lies dripping from your tongue, spilled from a wayward heart. If you have sinned by being deceptively disobedient to God, know for sure He has seen all, and wills you to go to Him on your knees and beg forgiveness and pardon. If each of us does so, we can rest assured that He will do rightly by us, and that forlorn feeling will dissipate. 

Do a self-scan for iniquity. You are responsible for not only yourself, but the impact you have in all of your relationships, including with those of us you have never met. We are the human race, not singular rats in our own tiny minded domains. 

Now is the time for responsibility in relationship

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