Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Calling the Shots

If I put my aging, falling down, almost completely blind and deaf dog to death, am I putting him out of my misery, or his? 

It is difficult to witness his daily decline. He falls frequently, has trouble getting up, and yet his tail and tummy still work, wagging for attention and in his stomachs case, consistently wanting filling. By breed he is a puggle, and I refer to him as a piggle, an apropos nickname for a forever hungry hound. He walks into things, gets trapped with no where to go, and yet wherever I am, so is he, an affectionate companion and loyal furry friend. Three years ago I figured out that I could get his mandatory-money-grab-city license minus the injections that were imposed every two years. Imagine that, refusing to get my dog shot for something he would never catch, namely, rabies. He is a king amongst dogs he is, living in his own castle, without fear of wolverines, bears, tigers, or even racoons, since our well kept suburban neighbourhood is not wild animal inviting. 

I sometimes call Cesaer, that is his name, a wandering Jew. He does a passeggiata, as my mom calls it, walking back and forth aimlessly in the evenings, restless, uncertain. He used to run to the sound of voices, mind the fence, patrol the area, secure our safety, one howl or repeated barking spurt at a time, letting possible intruders know that being aware of his presence might save them a limb, in other words, Do not trespass or enter in! He lost his bark a while ago, and I can't believe I am writing this, but I miss it. I miss the run through the high snow eating as you go playful dog he used to be. I miss his head in my lap on the couch, and I miss what was, and all that came with him when we brought him home sixteen years ago. 

I miss a lot of things, don't you?

Dear reader, I speak of my dog, but God help us, it is people that I weep for, being treated like dogs. The wicked ones treat humans with horrifying distain, heart rending disregard, putting them down without hesitation, without a hint of conscience. I see the masked ones still, and my heart hurts ... it is as though they themselves love and embrace the miserable, the misery, the very evil that wants to smother them to death. I have heard I can call a veterinarian to come to my house and lethally inject my dog for a fee ... God Almighty, I can do the same for my mother ... I can pay for someone to kill my dog, and the government has offered with taxpayers dollars to do the same for the elderly, the sad, the sick, the despairing, the hopeless and helpless. My soul is rent, dear reader, incapable of comprehension. I have heard neighbours tell of surgeries they paid for their injured animals, up to $10 000, because the pet was considered part of the family, and yet the very same neighbours kept their distance from other humans when they were told to by the government: this is a case of having wealth without presence of mind, being rich with cash and poor in spirit. 

How could this be? How could people devalue each other and themselves so drastically and dramatically, without a hint of awareness?

I have an idea of how this all happened, dear one. With sadness I see that people have put their very lives into the wrong hands. There are hands that crafted each one of us, or at least in my limited imagination, that is how I can conceive of the weaving of God's Spirit, and yet many a human is self-possessed, believing they are in charge, able to choose who and what and when in all their life decisions. Yes indeed, they are correct, and yet death, even when lethally injected, does not necessarily happen immediately, and I praise God for this truth. Even when humans misplace their trust by believing they are in charge, God remains the one that calls the shots, and what the outcomes with be. 

In the second letter to the Thessalonians, we learn that God sends humans that prefer self-deception over a love of truth, strong delusion:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they might all be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: Wherefore he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2 Thessalonians 2:11-15)

💖 The truth is forever because Jesus is the Truth
💖 The truth is available because Jesus is ever present
💖 The truth is the purest form of love leaving no room or space between us and God

The truth will make us free, and death is a killer, dear one. The spirit of death is roaming obnoxiously, and people have invited it into their homes by denying the living God. Jesus rose FROM the DEAD, and if only, if only people would turn to Him, know Him, give their lives to Him, we wouldn't have sudden unexpected random and yet pre-planned death and destruction happening in all directions we turn. Denying deity is a death sentence, dear one, and I fear for the souls that hang in the balance, perilously poised on the precipice, dangling as it were, gripped at the ankle by one sharp nailed demon per person ...  

I am hoping my dog dies in his sleep after dreaming about a full bowl of food he inhaled, running in the snow and eating as much of it as he desired, and sniffing where other dogs have been. Maybe he will recall the soft laps onto which he rested his head, and will be doggy glad for the time he spent in his castle as the wannabe king. My prayer for the humans we have in and amongst us, is for them to know the love of God via the hands of humans, with soft caresses, gentle embraces, and help when they need it the most. 

Now, more than ever, we must be love, for the sake of souls.

Calling the Shots

If I put my aging, falling down, almost completely blind and deaf dog to death, am I putting him out of my misery, or his? 

It is difficult to witness his daily decline. He falls frequently, has trouble getting up, and yet his tail and tummy still work, wagging for attention and in his stomachs case, consistently wanting filling. By breed he is a puggle, and I refer to him as a piggle, an apropos nickname for a forever hungry hound. He walks into things, gets trapped with no where to go, and yet wherever I am, so is he, an affectionate companion and loyal furry friend. Three years ago I figured out that I could get his mandatory-money-grab city license minus the injections that were imposed every two years. Imagine that, refusing to get my dog shot for something he would never catch, namely, rabies. He is a king amongst dogs he is, living in his own castle, without fear of wolverines, bears, tigers, or even racoons, since our well kept suburban neighbourhood is not wild animal inviting. 

I sometimes call Cesaer, that is his name, a wandering Jew. He does a passeggiata, as my mom calls it, walking back and forth aimlessly in the evenings, restless, uncertain. He used to run to the sound of voices, mind the fence, patrol the area, secure our safety, one howl or repeated barking spurt at a time, letting possible intruders know that being aware of his presence might save them a limb, in other words, Do not trespass or enter in! He lost his bark a while ago, and I can't believe I am writing this, but I miss it. I miss the run through the high snow eating as you go playful dog he used to be. I miss his head in my lap on the couch, and I miss what was, and all that came with him when we brought him home sixteen years ago. 

I miss a lot of things, don't you?

Dear reader, I speak of my dog, but God help us, it is people that I weep for, being treated like dogs. The wicked ones treat humans with horrifying distain, heart rending disregard, putting them down without hesitation, without a hint of conscience. I see the masked ones still, and my heart hurts ... it is as though they themselves love and embrace the miserable, the misery, the very evil that wants to smother them to death. I have heard I can call a veterinarian to come to my house and lethally inject my dog for a fee ... God Almighty, I can do the same for my mother ... I can pay for someone to kill my dog, and the government has offered with taxpayers dollars to do the same for the elderly, the sad, the sick, the despairing, the hopeless and helpless.  My soul is rent, dear reader, incapable of comprehension. I have heard neighbours tell of surgeries they paid for their injured animals, up to $10 000, because the pet was considered part of the family, and yet the very same neighbours kept their distance from other humans when they were told to by the government: this is a case of having wealth without presence of mind, being rich with cash and poor in spirit. 

How could this be? How could people devalue each other and themselves so drastically and dramatically, without a hint of awareness?

I have an idea of how this all happened, dear one. With sadness I see that people have put their very lives into the wrong hands. There are hands that crafted each one of us, or at least in my limited imagination, that is how I can conceive of the weaving of God's Spirit, and yet many a human is self-possessed, believing they are in charge, able to choose who and what and when in all their life decisions. Yes indeed, they are correct, and yet death, even when lethally injected, does not necessarily happen immediately, and I praise God for this truth. Even when humans misplace their trust by believing they are in charge, God remains the one that calls the shots, and what the outcomes with be. 

In the second letter to the Thessalonians, we learn that God sends humans that prefer self-deception over a love of truth, strong delusion:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they might all be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: Wherefore he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2 Thessalonians 2:11-15)

💖 The truth is forever because Jesus is the Truth
💖 The truth is available because Jesus is ever present
💖 The truth is the purest form of love leaving no room or space between us and God

The truth will make us free, and death is a killer, dear one. The spirit of death is roaming obnoxiously, and people have invited it into their homes by denying the living God. Jesus rose FROM the DEAD, and if only, if only people would turn to Him, know Him, give their lives to Him, we wouldn't have sudden unexpected random and yet pre-planned death and destruction happening in all directions we turn. Denying deity is a death sentence, dear one, and I fear for the souls that hang in the balance, perilously poised on the precipice, dangling as it were, gripped at the ankle by one sharp nailed demon per person ...  

I am hoping my dog dies in his sleep after dreaming about a full bowl of food he inhaled, running in the snow and eating as much of it as he desired, and sniffing where other dogs have been. Maybe he will recall the soft laps onto which he rested his head, and will be doggy glad for the time he spent in his castle as the wannabe king. My prayer for the humans we have in and amongst us, is for them to know the love of God via the hands of humans, with soft caresses, gentle embraces, and help when they need it the most. 

Now, more than ever, we must be love, for the sake of souls.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Consequences Don't Have Feelings

Accountability is a rotten word for some: it suggests answerability to a person or persons outside of ourselves. When we are accountable, it is an admission that we do not have a solo existence, that we are part of a system of others, interconnected and tightly woven, so as to affect one another with the choices we make. 

Charitable toward sin
I have an extreme aversion to lying, which makes living with myself a challenge, since each of us, including little old me, have propensities toward misrepresentations ... that is my kind soft touch way of saying we are all capable of LYING. The trouble is, their is trouble each time we fib, dodge the truth, pretend things are one way, knowing they are another. My son coined a phrase to describe this: charitable to sin. My God, I hope I am never charitable toward sin, and yet I know that I have been, and if you think about this more, zooming in on your own inclinations to go soft on the misconduct of other and self, you too will see, that you may very well be seemingly kind rather than honest, when confronted by blatant disobedience to God's will and way. In our weakness we prefer to stay in relationship, rather than challenge the thinking, and being, of ourselves and others. 

Is it easier to live in a fugue state, 
replete with prettied emotional environments,
to save ourselves the anxiety and stress,
 of looking reality in the face? 

Consequences can hound
I know myself well, and have lived the sting of recognizing my own self-deception. Consequences don't have feelings, they dog the one that errs, and lying is a great way to invite short and long term aftershock: meaning consequences can hound us relentlessly, even for a life time. 

I think of what has occurred over the last three years as consequences of all the lies people were willing to tell, buy, sell. If accountability were a purchasable commodity, I have no doubt that few and far between would invest, and yet, now is the time to do so. Now is the time to go to the self-check out scanner and pay for all we have said and done to contribute to our current state of blatant iniquity. Scanning for iniquity is an examination of conscience, dear reader. Are you willing to do so, and pay the price for your sins in soul wrenching repentance?

I see a lot of finger pointing, with many a truth teller reporting on the evil doings and goings of wicked men and women that plot the demise of humanity. At this juncture, it is remarkable to me that as the diabolical forces gather and commune, they remain untouchable, despite accessibility. It is conceivable that they could be wiped out singularity or en masse, and yet this has not occurred: how come?

Senseless demise
I have a theory that complaining is easier than taking righteous action, and this makes perfect sense, since the righteous are few and far between, and the masses have contributed to their own senseless demise. This once again, points to self-deception, accountability, and consequences for lying. In tight and tiny Christian circles, God's judgment is discussed, and my suggestion is we are living Ichabod. The glory of God has been removed from our midst. He has withdrawn Himself from us, and the forlorn feeling of a wicked free for all is tangible, with abundant evidence in every direction we turn our gaze. I need not enumerate the many ways humans are now thumbing their noses at Almighty God: you and I both know what that looks and sounds like, since it is rampant in global society.

My intentions  
I will at this very moment be exceedingly obvious with you dear reader, regarding my intentions. We each must take responsibility in the relationships we have, to love others with honesty. Sometimes kindness seems cruel, because truth has a powerful punch, and yet that is want makes us free. It is unkind to lie to others by colluding with their misconceptions, their denial of accountability, their inclinations to bastardize truth and convolute wisdom. 

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? (Romans 2:4)

Do you despise the riches of God's goodness?
Do you despise the riches of God's forbearance?
Do you despise the riches of God's longsuffering?

Do you not know the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Character strength
Dear reader, if you love Truth, then you love God, since the two are each One of Three. Jesus is the Truth, the Life, the Way, and it is impossible to be a comfortable liar if you profess Him as your Saviour. Accountability is a sign of character strength, and it can lead one into the throne room of God Almighty. He teaches us how to trust in Him, speaking honestly, so that we are considerate of eternal souls and their destination.

So I beseech you to commit yourself to being a speaker and doer of truth. Let not your words condemn you or another with lies dripping from your tongue, spilled from a wayward heart. If you have sinned by being deceptively disobedient to God, know for sure He has seen all, and wills you to go to Him on your knees and beg forgiveness and pardon. If each of us does so, we can rest assured that He will do rightly by us, and that forlorn feeling will dissipate. 

Do a self-scan for iniquity. You are responsible for not only yourself, but the impact you have in all of your relationships, including with those of us you have never met. We are the human race, not singular rats in our own tiny minded domains. 

Now is the time for responsibility in relationship

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Worst Canadian Stupid Store

Well I'll be damned. Not really, dear reader, not me, I won't be damned, but I suspect I know who will be.

Today my son and I almost went into what used-to-be a Real Canadian Superstore. I state used-to-be, because it is now anything but Real, not at all Canadian, and surely, there isn't a Super thing about it. 

Upon entry, the shopper is greeted by herd-the-cattle-metal-railing and at the exit, the same railing guides stupid customers, (clearly we now need defined points of entry and exit) out of the premises after they have spent their cash at the store; reminds me of the maze like queues that are used to keep people waiting before riding a popular roller coaster, except this railing has a sinister presence. 

Check points
The railings, just like the tables with the antiseptics and face masks before them, are check points, staged for the next big push on a populace that does not suspect their freedoms will be curtailed by wicked men and women, who will demand they behave a certain way prior to entering, and exiting the establishment. Show me your proof, your papers, your ID, regarding your medical status and social status too; in other words, follow the rules, stay in the parameters, and you will get to eat. The calf is being fatten for slaughter, and the wicked cackle their evil delight, as they watch the silly little mentally delayed and daft humans, buy their beer and chips for yet another backyard barbecue, completely oblivious to the reality they have given their keepers permission to steal their autonomy for a cart full of fake and bake dyed, processed, and insect infested "food". This makes me think of Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of red stew because he was about to "die" of hunger:

Esau Sells His Birthright

Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. And Esau said to Jacob, Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary. Therefore his name was called Edom. But Jacob said, Sell me your birthright as of this day. And Esau said, Look, I am about to die; so what is this birthright to me? Then Jacob said, Swear to me as of this day. So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright (Genesis 25:29-34)

Esau couldn't see past his stomach or his weariness, and gave up a firstborns inheritance in a moment of self-indulgence to satisfy his fleshly needs: seems like a whole lot of people did the same when they agreed to get injected for a paycheque, a plane ride, or sadly, entrance into restaurants and bars, rather than relying on their already established human rights to refuse, doesn't it dear reader? Impetuosity has a hefty price tag attached, and the plotters and planners knew that if they applied pressure with time constraints, many would comply with little to no resistance, and by God, this is exactly what happened. 

Back to food basics

My son and I left that store in favour of one where we have been treated decently for the past several years, despite all the lunacy: Food Basics

I will never, ever, shop at The Worst Canadian Stupid Store again, but I confess, it doesn't really matter which store you and I go to to spend money, since all will follow suit, bowing and bending to the will of those that whip them invisibly. The demonic forces display their sharpened fangs, frothing and foaming while humans remain clueless, utterly without foreknowledge, that things have changed drastically and the never agains are our current reality. Never again will we be free to come and go, speak truth boldly and confidently, without feeling as though heads will roll, and I mean our own heads, dear reader. 

What is the meaning, or should I say the demeaning, of this? Little flags of the rainbow variety at cashier counters, plexiglass-pretend-to-protect-the public barriers keeping servers and customers apart, and railings ~ replacing the directional arrows and stand on this spot floor stickers from yesteryear ~ that let a person know they simply cannot come and go as they please: oh no, we are made to follow the path carved out for us. Capitalism is now dead, and gone are the days when businesses compete to please and keep clientele. We are considered useless eaters, and our money means nothing to the owners, the keepers, the ones that want us dead. In fact, they want us to eat, eat, and eat some more, so that we are numb and dumb, slow of thought, and lax in body with flaccid muscles, deboned of our capacity to resist the onslaught. 

If you see this too, please join me in prayer, dear reader. We must rely on God because we are being inundated with definitive messages as the wicked ones shamelessly telegraph (not my word, one that I hear repeated often to describe the cockiness with which the satanic let simpletons know what they are doing) their plans. If it weren't for faith, and if it weren't for what I know about God and the history He gave us in His word, I know I would despair, but He tells us NOT TO, dear one, and so we must NOT! 

Fear not, despair not
Fear not, despair not, pray, trust in Him, and say NO every time someone suggests you have to go against your integrity to eat, to live, to work, to play. Choice is always ours, even if it means we would rather choose death over subjugation to evil and vile imposition. We are not to be dominated or controlled, but we are to submit to the will of the Father in all circumstances, up to and including, the point where we give way to life in Christ and death to this world. 

For to me, to live is Christ, 
and to die is gain 
(Philippians 1:21)

Friday, May 12, 2023

Loving Death

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: and all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

Today I saw a man with a mask plastered across his nose with his mouth as a breathing hole. I saw a woman in long sleeves, long pants, a hat, sunglasses, and a sheet hanging over her nose down below her chin, riding her bike on one of the heaviest traffic filled streets in London. Seeing a person solo in their car, driving with a mask; a person letting me into the fitting room after counting my items in a mask; or someone waiting for a bus in the heat in a mask, has me thinking people have lost their minds while somehow still functioning, doing what is most mediocre, while strangely, dare I say, living? THAT IS NOT LIVING!

I admit, my patience is wearing thin. I have alternated between disgust, compassion, irritation, sadness, and downright outrage, over the ridiculousness of having to communicate, navigate, and tolerate idiocy, minus screaming WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Today, when I saw the woman with the black mask waiting for the bus, it shocked me... it looked like a torture device, but dear God in heaven, the woman placed it on herself, without anyone forcing her or making her decide she had to do it... she is torturing herself for badness sakes! 

The sadness kicks in when I realize that the mask represents what I know these people have chosen. The likelihood of them having been willfully (against God's will) injected, believing that by doing so they are preserving life, theirs and the lives of others, is high. The mask represents what they believe... what do they believe, dear reader? What do you, pray tell, believe?

I believe in God the Father
I believe in God the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in One

It pains me greatly that people do not know God and that He is the author of life. It pains me that people think they have the power of life and death when that belongs to God alone. It pains me when people choose to self enslave, and by doing so, they enslave us all...

Think with me dear reader, think until it hurts and maybe your soul sheds a drop or two of oxygen rich blood. We are intricately connected. What hurts you hurts me too. 

I am not a slave
I do not bow down
I do not mask my face, my feelings
I speak truth
I protect the innocent and fight for the vulnerable

But God help me, I cannot save anyone who willingly takes their own breath away, kneels to the one that wants to kill them, covers their own mouth making them speechless, lies to them self and others, or falls prone to the ground to be stomped by the enemy of their soul.

I am useless, helpless, speechless, and can do nothing while I witness the travesty of self-sacrifice. These are the most wicked days I have ever witnessed and I have never felt so hopeless for humanity. I know God is in charge, but dear one, humans deny Him and in so doing, they devastate their own existence: this is what I see, and it grieves my soul. 

I feel like I am living in an ugly bizarre with the wares being used and second hand. Everything is rusting and old when I am in and amongst the fray, the people that occupy every day, living as though this is their good enough, this is their dream come true, this is the existence for me, and for you. It is ugly, and I cannot call this my home.

Today I grieve humanity. Today I see them as sad, as sick, and I am forlorn and repelled. Today I admit, sin has a face and hides itself behind a mask... but I see it, and it is hideous. Today I wish for the end, for Jesus to come quickly, and for the pain of watching people giving themselves over to the dark side to stop: I wish to see it no more. 

Today I wish for earth to be rolled up like a scroll and for heaven to be my new and permanent home... today I long, knowing the worst and the best, is yet to be.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023



The king of England is a free loading-sponge-off-the-people fraud, looking disdainfully down his long nose at the peasants that grovel at his feet. The elaborate coronation activities of a few days ago. were grotesquely incongruent with what is happening all over the world. I find it radically strange that a wicked man be elevated to heights of human grandeur for having accomplished the great feat of taking over a fake and feigned throne, from his finally dead mummy. What, pray tell, has the man done, to garner the kind of adoration he has received, and will continue receiving?

Humans are pretty adept at being pathetically effusive toward people they perceive as better than them. What ever happened to self-possession and a sense of confident pride?, a desire to be esteemed by others. Brokenness abounds. They do not realize, or haven't been told, or simply do not believe or accept, that they were created in the image of God, and that they must bow only to Him, and Him alone. 

When I contrast and compare what I hear people say about God, about Jesus, to what is said about men without valour, men that haven't earned their keep and yet are considered royal, I get a little miffed, and a lot mystified. What the heck? Plus... the man they call king has some plans for the human race that he hasn't been shy in expressing: he wants a whole lot of us gone, despicable vermin that we are. 

So, this guy gets the glory and men use Jesus's name in vain, profaning Him, despising Him. Charles isn't really the person I take issue with though, it is the people that are subservient, submissive, deferential, accommodating, obsequious, servile, ingratiating, unctuous, sycophantic, fawning; I will stop at this number of descriptors. 

People pay and pave the way for others to be elevated to pedestal status, and it is almost laughable that they do not realize they foot the bill to be looked down upon and mocked openly, by those that feed off their blood sweat and kiss butt tears of adoration. Whether it be Charlie or one of the rich fellas that have plotted the demise of the peasantry, these guys really think they are the cat's meow, and like taking all the cream they can get at the expense of the idiotic masses.

As I suggested above, I don't take exception with the soaker named Charles, since he was born and bred to expect servitude from people that work to pay for his foie gras and twenty-four hour butler service while being a know adulterer, self-indulgent man child, and useless eater, to steal a phrase from those of the same ilk, since he doesn't work or pay for the grub he puts in his gub. Imagine that, being served hand and foot while cursing those that quite literally, feed you... hmmm, who has it all backwards?

The newly minted king has used Jesus's name in pledge, and this makes me nervous for him. I recently watched a video that gave an insiders view of hell, a glimpse of what can be anticipated if one chooses to reject and curse the Living God. The name Jesus is attached to the Man/God creator, and is not to be trifled with; in fact, I would be feeling a little anxiously edgy if I were Chucky. He is putting himself in a terrible position and at his ripe old age, he doesn't have long to go before he meets his Maker. The sands of time rush through the hour glass rapidly, don't they dear reader?

Feathered creatures
Speaking of time. It is the most glorious time of the year, with the cracking of robins eggs, pecked from the inside with miniature feathered creatures appearing mystically, awaiting the filling of their hungry tummies, beaks opening wide to be filled by attentive parents. A lot happens in one tiny nest, and I have the benefit of witnessing nature at her finest, just outside my front room window. When I think of the choices we make and distill them to two, and only two modes or ways of being, they can be labelled cruelty or kindness. With cruelty, we serve ourselves at the expense of other. In kindness, we love other as though they were us, as though we are kindred, our souls intricately, intimately, inextricably woven together, forever. 

In kindness, I am not better than you, you are not higher, more elevated than me. We are each invaluable... imagine that, being treated as invaluable? What would life be like for each of us, if that was how we felt about our fellow man and showed them, in kind, what we thought and felt in our minds and hearts? Being subservient is not having a servants heart, it is obsequiousness that demeans. There is a better, more honest way, that doesn't compromise the integrity of either parties involved in an exchange. I read yesterday morning in 1 Samuel 18:1-4, these glorious words:

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father's house. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle (KJB)

Another version of the same verse:

After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return to his father's house. And Jonathan then made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off his robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt (NIV)

Jonathan was the son of king Saul, the very first king of Israel. Charles too, is the son of royalty, and people want human kings and queens ruling over them, isn't that so? Isn't that how we all got into this mess, dear reader, with self-serving antichrist human beings having a little too much power, control, and say, over more people than just themselves? Jonathan knew that David was a man of God and he gave up his princely garments, including his protective weaponry, to make a statement of commitment to a God anointed and appointed king that archetypically, represents Jesus, the Saviour of the world.

Which brings me to this very point: we are either cruel or kind, depending on WH🥸, or Who, our king/King is. The evidence of our belonging is in how we treat fellow human beings. Love is generous and protective, it never seeks to impose or injure, and people like Chuck need to be watched closely and heard well: he does not care a whit for those he wickedly governs, and while they bow low before him, all he can think about is how he would like to stomp on heads and make them dead. 

I am going to skip ahead in 1 Samuel and share a passage. You, dear reader, must take up your Bible and educate yourself solo, but for today, here is a quick preview of what goes on in the minds of murderous, jealous, self-obbessed, and demonically driven pseudo humans:

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Saul's hand. And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice (1 Samuel 18:10-11 KJB)

And the NIV translation:

The next day an evil spirit from God came forcefully upon Saul. He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the harp, as he usually did. Saul had a spear in his hand and he hurled it, saying to himself, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David eluded him twice (1 Samuel 18:10-11 NIV)

Bizarre concept
I really don't know what possesses people (this is an expression, dear one, I actually DO have an idea what takes possession of them). Imagine your entire life being occupied with the destruction of other human beings because you simply can't stand their love of God. It is a bizarre concept, and yet this is precisely what many currently in stolen misappropriated positions of power are working towards. They haven't a clue that it is their demise they are securing, for all of eternity. Right now, we each have the offering of choice, but not so for the permanently damned. Confusion and delusion have sucked the thinking capabilities right out of minds, leaving them disabled from understanding consequences: and there are always, always, I mean always, consequences. Long term pain for short term pleasure is a real life consequence, and I am more than confident you can recall making some decisions that seemed worth while in the moment that ultimately, created whirlwind wreckage just a little ways down the road. We all have such memories.

Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matthew 12:33-37)

England has a new king that worships the king of this world. Charles speaks the language of universalism and dares to use the Lord's name in the same breath. The Bible is clear that the three in One God is a jealous God that does not tolerate idolatry. Chuckie knows this, but persists in working his way in the direction of damning himself and the people that fawn over him as an earthly king representing a demonic kingdom. Reread Matthew 12, verses 33-37 highlighted above, then judge and measure for yourself, if this applies to people like Chuck. The Biblical warnings are not subtle, but alas, it is only those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, that care to seek and find the Truth.

Are you one who sees and hears the Voice of Truth, dear reader?

In the little nest just outside my window, a parental bird attends to the needs of her young without considering that perhaps she can simply ignore them, and feed herself. As she nestles atop the babies God gave her to warm, we must think about the babies God gave us to care for too. 

Selfishness is ugly, dear reader, and we can see it on the faces of the wicked. Let us be like the Saviour, willing to exchange His Princely Garments for an earthly tent, for a time, for our sakes... Philippians 2:7-12:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.